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Cymbalta Questions (Page 9)

Displaying 307 questions associated with Cymbalta.

Has anyone else experienced excessive night sweats on Cymbalta? (non menopause related)?

I have been on Cymbalta 60mg for a few months now after having negative experiences on sertraline and Lexapro. Cymbalta has helped stabilize my mood and control my anxiety however after a few weeks untouched a problem. I would wake up and night and my back would be slightly sweaty, this was in an... read more

Lexapro makes me feel spaced out?

Hello. I have never asked a question on here and I have been going through a pretty rough time. So I was originally on Cymbalta and buspar for about 6 months and I had night sweats and a foggy mind so my psych switched to lexapro. I started out on 5 mg and I was okay until about the second week... read more

Should I come off duloxetine/Cymbalta after 3 months after continued side effects? I am in the UK.

My doctor knows nothing about anti-depressants, the mental health service have refused help, and I cannot afford private help. I am trying to work this out myself, which is far from ideal, but I don't have a choice. I was on citalopram for 13 years (10 of which unnecessary as I had... read more

I’m tapering off 20mg Cymbalta. Horrible drug. I been told to take 20mg every other nite for 2 wks?

And then 20 mg. Every third day for a week or two then stop. I wake up in mornings sad, cry, dizzy but I do take my 1 mg Xanax and that helps. But will i ever get this drug out of my system? Will I get myself back again? How long would my dizziness go on for since im tapering this way and wasnt on... read more

What is making me so tired taking Cymbalta 60 mg?

I’ve been taking Cymbalta 60 mg for a little over 8 months now & some days I’m okay but most days I have no energy at all I’m constantly sleeping. If I fight it I feel so drowsy & just blah. It has got to the point I can’t even tell if I’m fighting the... read more

If you are having problems w/ orgasms while taking Cymbalta, is this temporary, or permanent?

I've been on Cymbalta 8 mths now, started out on 20 mg, was increased to 30mg, and then a couple of weeks ago my DR increased it to 60mg. I have one side affect that is very frustrating, and it started when I began taking the 60 mg dose. I am having a VERY hard time having an orgasm(which was... read more

I have lost my sense of taste since taking cymbalta. Is this common ?

I take cymbalta for GAD (generelized anxiety disorder) It has helped a lot for my anxiety but I have a terrible time focusing on anything for an extended period of time.

Which drugs should I take before breakfast and how long before eating?

Benecar htz, synthroid, limectal, lyrica, Glucafage,cymbalta,zocor,nuvigil,aromisin, vit D , vit B, Multiple vit,Biotin,vit E is morning Ok or should some be taken in the eve, with supper or bedtime?

Will Cymbalta affect my driving? Will it make me drowsy?

My doctor prescribed me Cymbalta 30mg for nerve pain in my knees. I also have lumbar spinal stenosis and I suffer from chronic pain in my lower back. I am also currently taking percocet 5/325mg 6 x day for pain. What other side affects will Cymbalta have?

Can Cymbalta start working at first and then no longer be effective?

My daughter was on 30 mg of Cymbalta for 7 to 8 weeks and was doing ok until about a week or two ago, when she started to be more irritable, angry, frustarted and depressed. She is struggling with why is she suddenly moody again. We saw her thereapist and psychaitrist who increased her dose to 60mg... read more

Can I take Cymbalta at night? It makes me too tired when I take it in the morning?

I just started 30 mg, and am very happy with some relief of my depression and anxiety, but am too tired to function. I don't want to give up the drug. How long do the effects last? If I take it at night before I go to bed, will I still feel the positive effects the next day?

Whats causing dizziness & high blood pressure?

Hi everyone , InnerSpirit here . I'm under a pain management doctors care. I've been on cymbalta for the past 8 months for fibromyalgia, lorezepam .5mg nightly for sleep and norco 7.5mg 3x for pain due to multi-joint avascular necrosis. Last week I discontinued nucynta because I told my... read more

What decongestant can I take with 30mg Cymbalta a day?

I am getting a cold and I know most if not all decongestants can cause major problems while taking Cymbalta. What can I take? Anything to clear my head and thin mucus is what I'm looking for, please help.

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