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Cream Questions (Page 5)

Displaying 205 questions associated with Cream.

Can I use mupirocin cream or nystatin to treat my butt rash?

I crapped myself in my sleep and woke up with a rash help me

How to cure fungus around anus area?

Rash-like things developed around the anus area causing irritation. Doctor said it's a kind of fungus and prescribed Clotrimazole cream, apply twice a day for 2 weeks. It's been 5 days and see no sign of improvement. Should I continue with this cream or need something different?

Estrace Vaginal Cream - How long after application is the cream going to transfer estrogen? So if I?

... applied it last night, can I have sex tonight and not transfer estrogen to my husband?

Can ketoconazole cream 2% be used for possible poison ivy or poison oak?

can this cream be used to dry up poison ivy or poison oak? How many times a day can this be used?

Can you take Meloxicam with Tylenol?

Severe back pain was given Meloxicam for it by doctor its not helping so i want to try something to take with it maybe some tropical treatment cream such as Capsaicin,or Eucalypitus oil,or something .

Estrace Vaginal Cream - Estrace cream doesn't alway absorb... sometimes comes out in lumps. Is this?

... normal? Sometimes it seems if the tube is 2-3 weeks old, it doesn't absorb as well. Any thoughts?

Monistat 7 - My cream keeps leakeing what do I do?

Ive had yeast infection for 4 months now and am pregnant almost 7 months i cant get any better used the vaginal cream for 3 days but it keeps leaking any sugestions

Estrace Vaginal Cream - How long does it take for Estrace to fully build the vaginal wall?

I use estrace 1 Gm twice weekly. I have a second degree rectocele and want to know how long does it take to rebuild the vaginal wall.

Can you use triamcinolone acetonide cream for burns?

Fluconazole - How long does diflucan take to dissolve in your body?

i went to the doc on Thursday she said i had a yeast infection this is the first time I've had one she gave me one diflucan pill and a cream called crotimazole to insert inside for 7 days I haven't used it because my period was going to happen soon and it actually came today she said to... read more

Terconazole - Am I supposed to whipe off the cream when it starts to leak? I'm new to this?

I'm 7 months pregnant and got my first yeast infection.. I was prescribed terconazole .4 and I inserted the cream at night around 11pm and i woke up around 4am to use the restroom and the cream has been leaking since then. Am I supposed to be whipping it off as it comes out or leaving it the... read more

After using Monistat, I had to poop and the cream came out, will I need to start over?

It was the first night using Monistat 3-day cream for yeast infection. I was laying down for 2 hours but then I had to go to the bathroom and the force of pooping made it all come out. I'm guessing it's supposed to stay inside the whole night. Should I need to purchase another one and... read more

I Inserted The Monistat 7 Cream About An Hour Ago But Now I Have To Pee...Can I Use The Bathroom?

I Put The Cream Inside Of Me About An Hour Ago(I Didn't Need To Use The Bathroom) Now I Have To Pee Can I Use The Bathroom Or I Have To Wait Alil Longer

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