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Cold sores Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 27 questions associated with Cold sores.

Can I take acyclovir 400mg 6times a day for a cold sore?

I haven't used my Acyclovir 400 MG in a very long time since my first break out about 4 years ago My Acyclovir 400 mg expired 8 months ago. I started getting a cold sore last Wednesday. By Sunday the cold sore was getting worse so I started taking my acyclovir pills 3times a day. Since they... read more

L-Lysine dosage recommendation?

I just bought 1000mg L-lysine to take for my cold sore out breaks, the bottle says do not ‘exceed recommended intake’ which is 1 tablet per day. Across the internet it says can take up to 3000mg, and is best for cold sores, can I go with that advise or stick to the bottle?

Interactions with drugs. 3 different?

I took ibuprofen at 5pm today. Acyclovir at 7pm and now I want to take NyQuil because I have a fever and weak. Should I tuff it out tonight? And not take NyQuil? Thanks.

Cold sores - will fluocinonide treat a cold sore?

Yellow discharge after protected sex. NO odor?

[First and foremost I would like to openly say I do have gential herpes simplex 1, I obtained this STD through receiving oral sex from an individual who claimed to not know he got cold sores, I was diagnosed in 2014 and I haven't had an outbreak since the initial one.] Yesterday I had... read more

Mavyret - Cold sore side effect or shingles?

Has anyone else had issues with fever blisters ??? I’ve had them consistently since week two of taking the medication and haven’t had one in 20 years prior to that now I can’t get rid of it and I’

Can I use Abreva on my eyelid?

Started to get a cold sore on my lip - Abreva stopped it - it showed up on my eyelid instead. I know I can't get Abreva in my eye but, can I use it on the eyelid?

Bactroban- Can bactroban be used on cold sores?

Valacyclovir - WHY will my Dr only give me 4 pills at a time???

Is there a reason that my Dr insists on seeing me each time I have a cold sore? The pharmacist said it was a good way for the drs office to get money from the visit. Im 100% sure what a cold sore is and when its coming. Its more beneficial for me to have them on hand for when I know one is coming... read more

My acyclovir is 2 years old is it ok to take?

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Herpes Simplex

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acyclovir, Valtrex, valacyclovir

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