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Chronic Questions (Page 4)

Displaying 220 questions associated with Chronic.

Tri-Sprintec - could this be causing my chronic hives, anyone else had chronic hives?

Im a 28 year old female and for about two years I have been battling with chronic hives. I am allergic to some stuff that my allergist and I found out through blood work and keeping a food diary. Im still experiencing hives on my face. This is the only medication I take daily. Has anyone had the... read more

What is the difference between tylenol 3 and vicodin and which is safer?

I currently take vicodin on a daily basis because I have chronic daily migraines due to hypoglycemia... I am only 24 and we've reached a stand still in medical testing to find another way to stop the headaches. I heard there is a medication called tylenol 3 but when I look at the make up of it... read more

Chronic Pain - I am prescribed the Fentanyl Patch 50mcg, and Hydrocodone 10/325mg. It isn't working?

... in that combination anymore. I have been on Oxycontins and dont want that again. Can anyone suggest a different pain pill, I will still be on the patches, I just need a new break through medicine and don't know what I should talk to my doc about. Thanks

Should I Feel Worrisome Taking Fluoxetine "Generic For Prozac" 20mg Once A Day?

When my doctor prescribed this to me it was because of my anxiety which is chronic"Everyday All Day I've Got Anxiety" For about 5 years now but the past year maybe longer its getting so bad! I constantly suffer from chest pains all day long, panic attacks on a regular, worried about... read more

For those on Methadone for chronic pain: What medications work for you for breakthrough pain?

I understand that Methadone is a large molecule and covers the opiate receptors really well, so not much else will work. I've been using Fentora for breakthrough pain, but my doctor doesn't want to prescribe that anymore. One idea is oxycodone - are there other medications that might... read more

Can Suboxone cause severe and chronic pain?

I have been on Suboxone for 8 months now for an opiate addiction. Around 8 months ago I started having occasional back pain and told my doctor about it. I asked if it was from the Suboxone and he told me it wasn't (although it is a side effect). 4 months ago I started having constant and... read more

Why isn't Nuvigil all of a sudden not working for me?

My MD gave me a 2 week's worth supply of Nuvigil to try. For two weeks, it helped me greatly. It is the first drug to help me with extreme chronic fatigue. I was excited to think I might be able to live a "normal" life for a change. I just filled the prescription for Nuvigil. I took... read more

I take 1200 mg Gabapentin tid. Lately I have tried 1800mg tid. Is that too much?

My pain dr has told me that dosages are very individualized. How much is safe? I have an appt next wk so I can ask him then I guess. Just curious

Is Oxycodone 10 mg hci comparable to Norco 10/3.25 mg?

I was given Oxycodone 10 mg hci for foot surgery because my Norco 10/3.25 did not kill the pain! Would Oxy 10's be good replacement for Norco 10/3.25 for chronic pain (severe pain) in the future?

Do you suffer from chronic boredom syndrome, or do you think this is just a symptom of depression?

As far as I can remember, I had been a... non-excitable person. I don't get excited much. And I'm constantly bored. And restless. Based on my background, this can be due to decreased level of dopamine where reward based circuit is dysfunctional. Or do you guys think this is simply just... read more

Can Tramadol make you hypersensitive with the pain you were originally prescribed the tramadol for?

I have chronic Osteoarthritis of my cervical / lumbar spine with multilevel stenosis and neural compromise, I now have the Osteoarthritis in my hands mainly my thumb joints are badly worn causing crepitus and a extreme toothache type pain 24/7 . All my main joints ache/are painful and are stiff. My... read more

Is it OK to drink coffee immediately after taking Linzess?

I have chronic constipation due to extra twists and turns in my bowels. I was prescribed this med 3 weeks ago but it hasn't worked. I know I'm not supposed to eat for an hour but I've been drinking coffee with it in the morning. Is that preventing it from working?

For chronic pain is it better to use tramadol or Tylenol #4?

For treating back pain and upper leg pain, General all over body pain due to fibromyalgia including chronic headaches

I am facing a total hip replacement due to bone on bone with no cartridge left in one of my hips.

I have been in chronic pain and severe arthritis pain for 25 years and I’m not getting treatment for it until now, I recently got an orthopedic surgeon appointment at the first meeting my X-rays showed my fears my left hip has degenerated to bone on bone extremely painful and also rheumatoid... read more

What is Usual Dosage & Maximum Dose of Effexor XR?

bc/bs won't approve effexor XR 300 mg each day for major depression in a chronic schizophrenia patient because they say this exceeds the maximum dosage.

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