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Ambien Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 111 questions associated with Ambien.

I have very bad insomnia, ambien doesnt work, can anyone help me?

My doctor recentally perscribed me to 10mg ambien to go with my .5mg klonopins and 20mg celexa. Originally he said the klonopins would knock me out. They dont. Called him, he called the pharm and gave me 10mg ambien, doesnt work either. I took tylenol pm and benedryl for a long time up to 5 tablets... read more

Can Ambien withdrawal cause nightmares?

I've been taking 10mg zolpidem (generic Ambien) for a couple of weeks. Last night I didn't take it and I had horrible, vivid nightmares. We're talking stuff from horror movies, really disturbing. Was I just having a bad night or can Ambien withdrawal cause this?

Wellbutrin for depression and anxiety, how long till I feel better, what are your stories?

I have a back injury that will not get better, it has now caused depression and anxiety, I'm taking wellbutrin xl 150mg in the a.m. On my 3rd day. I also take between 50-100 mg trazodone at night along with 15-20mg ambien. What should I look forward to on this wellbutrin, how long until my... read more

What to do when Ambien stops working?

I have chronic insomnia. Ambien has stopped working because I've taken it for years. It gradually lost its effectiveness and i had to double up on doses to get a few hours sleep. Then I'd run out of pills whuch was a problem. So I'd substitute with lorazapam. But that stopped working... read more

How long does it take Ambien to work? I don't "knock" out when I take it, like what happens to all?

... my other friends who do take Ambien. I wake up several times throughout the night. I've only started taking it a couple nights ago, but want to know if it takes awhile for your body to adjust to it for it to work

Doctor no longer willing to prescribe ambien?

Before 9/11 I was on ambien. Back then, I got a new doctor who convinced me to get off of it because “drugs are bad”. Two months later, sleep deprived, I lost my job, lost my insurance, and couldn't go back to that lousy doctor who took me off the drug without any real supervision.... read more

Can you take trazodone and ambien together?

I have had severe insomnia for years and years, and nothing seems to help except for benzodiazapines,which I already take alprazolam for panic attacks, and my doctor doesnt want to increase.Temazopam and dalmane helped me in the past, but my dr wont prescribe, so I am tryng to find an alternative... read more

Is anyone having trouble getting off Ambien? Any advice for getting back natural sleep cycle?

I have been on ambien for 7 months now and am trying to stop using it. I am seeing a sleep/addiction doctor and its just been hard. Ambien makes me feel sick to my stomach even when I think of it. It used to make me feel great, now I feel anxious all the time and sleep is constantly on my mind - or... read more

What is best for sleep, Ambien or Trazadone or both?

I am prescribed ambien and trazadone for insomnia I only sleep for short periods of time? Now when I got the ambien I was told that it was the strongest sleep aid available - it was also a controlled substance. Now my trazadone isn't but i feel like ambien doesn't even come close to... read more

Will Ambien show up on a drug screen?

I have heard yes and I’ve heard no. I know its not a benzo. It’s a non-benzo hypnotic. I do drug screens for work and was prescribed this for sleep but I haven’t taken it yet because I cant get an honest answer. Is there someone out there who can answer this with 100% certainty?... read more

Has anyone experienced sleepless nights while taking the Generic brand of Ambein?

I have been on Ambien for close to 8 years now, once in awhile the pharmacist will give me the Generic brand (Zolphidem Tartrate). I've used it before and didn't have any problems but this last supply... I may get one night a week that I really slept. Again tonight, 3rd night this week,... read more

Sleep Disorders-Is there a one-time "knock-out" drug to guarantee sleep the night before wedding?

I've wrestled with insomnia on and off since high school. It's almost always anxiety-related and I've tried everything from Tylenol PM and Benadryl to Lunesta and Ambien . Even with the Lunesta and Ambien, sometimes they work, but sometimes they don't and my mind is able to... read more

Ambien or trazodone causing twitching?

I've been on ambien for insomnia for 4 years now. I was up to 15mg nightly along with 100mg of trazodone and 20mg of Zoloft. One day I suddenly started to get muscle twitching in my left arm and since it has spread to other parts of my body. This has been going on for 3 months now. I have cut... read more

Taking Xanax and ambien at the same time for bed?

How long does Ambien/zolpidem stay in your system?

Hello, I'm 18 and I have some severe anxiety issues that make it where its really difficult for me to sleep sometimes... my mom sometimes gives me some of her Ambien to help me sleep, but since I've been taking it for a while it sometimes takes two pills to help me get some rest... I know... read more

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