Results for 'Herpes Simplex - Suppression Herpes Zoster Acyclovir Herpes Vaccine'
Hi, I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. I am a little upset. I found some pills in?
... an old coat tucked in our closet. The pills turned out to be Acyclovir. I found on here it is used to treat Herpes... read more
Can the shingles vaccine cause a genital herpes outbreak?
I got my vaccine on a Friday, felt headachy and rundown all weekend. By Tuesday I was getting an outbreak. I hadn't had one in a pretty... read more
Herpes Simplex - are sore testicals are side effect of acyclovir or a symptom of herpes or stress?
I am waiting for a "specific" blood test for genital herpes, and am taking acyclovir 800mg every four hours. My... read more
How to cope living with herpes?
I contracted herpes from my girlfriend and have been dealing with it for the past year and a half. I have occasional breakouts... read more
Ocular Herpes Simplex - I am a Nurse Practitioner and got HSV at work?
I was infected in my eye while culturing a patient. The virus was mutated and had Type 1 & 2 in it. It caused Keratitis, then spread to my brain... read more
When taking acyclovir should you have vaginal discharge ?
I have genital herpes and I recently started a prescription of N900 200mg and noticed thick discharge or is that normal when... read more
Acyclovir - what can I use for relief from painful... sores on gential area?? Is there a topical?
..from Herpes,,, is there a topical cream to help with pain from sores,, makes it really difficult to sit,, walk,, urinate.. any... read more
I found a prescription for Valtrex in my boyfriend's name. We've been together for several months &?
... I've never noticed any warts or genital sores, & He "Claims" his dermatologist prescribed it for his face! He doesn't get... read more
Shingrix - Shingles/Shingrex Vaccine?
I'm reading all the comments on the Shingrex vaccine. Trying to decide what to do. I've never had any reaction to a vaccine... read more
Interactions with drugs. 3 different?
I took ibuprofen at 5pm today. Acyclovir at 7pm and now I want to take NyQuil because I have a fever and weak. Should I tuff it out tonight?... read more