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Results for 'Bacterial Vaginitis Metronidazole Discharge Pill Vagina Discomfort'

When does metronidazole for bacterial vaginosis start working?

I have been taking it for five days now and am still experiencing vaginal discomfort. I appear to have a difficult case. My gyno also added... read more

Metronidazole - is there anyother way?

I was given this pill yesterday (i cannot take pills for nothing in his world) i tried different solutions on taking it:\; pudding, apple... read more

Has Metronidazole been making me bleed for 17 days? Bright red blood & now thick blood clots this AM

I went to the Dr because I was experiencing some pain during intercourse for about 2 min (just during insertion) my dr did some tests and sent them... read more

Should I start another round of Monistat if I still see discharge on day 4 on Monistat 1?

So on Monday night I started Monistat 1 ovule for a yeast infection I got from treating bacterial vaginosis. It’s Friday night and most... read more

Metronidazole and bleeding? Is this normal?

I took metronidazole gel for 5 consecutive days to treat vaginosis. Two days after I am noticing thick clots of discharge which seem to... read more

Thick white discharge after using metronidazole gel?

I went to that doc Nov 12 (this past Monday) because my vagina was really itchy. The Doctor said I have bacteria (not an std) they checked my... read more

Can I use Cipro to treat a bacterial vaginitis infection?

Can amoxicillin be used to treat a bacterial vaginitis infection?

Bacterial Vaginitis - Help. I'm suffering from chronic bv for almost a year?

... Has anyone beat this? I just finished my fourth round of antibiotics for 2013. I've tried everything. I've just about fallen into a... read more

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