I was given this pill yesterday (i cannot take pills for nothing in his world) i tried different solutions on taking it:\; pudding, apple sauce, and oatmeal (BTW the apple sauce only brings out more of the metal tatse) nothing is working for me, so i went back to the doctor today and she told me there is no other solution, i just have to suck it up and take it. but then she came back and proscribed me with a a gel, but she says i also have to take the pills. I have no there sources to look at. the pain is unbearable and when i urinate it feels like a grease fire. i don't know what else to do. i wasn't taught how to swallow pills so i'm in a deep hole at the moment.
Metronidazole - is there anyother way?
Question posted by TishaG on 25 Oct 2014
Last updated on 11 January 2019
3 Answers
Actually there are issues out there that can prevent people from taking pills and require you to liquify foods in order to swallow them. I have one of the issues as well called eosinophilic esophagitis which causes me to choke on pills. Water, butter, apple sauce etc doesn't work. The pill will literally get caught in my throat and I have to go to the E.R. to get it resolved.
I chewed the pills up into tiny little fragments, was told from my Dr. that is fine.
ok i found a solution, i crush it and drink it with cranberry juice... it's not all that bad. it's better then pudding, apple sauce, and oatmeal:)
You better work on swallowing pills because some medications can't be crushed and don't come in liquid. There is no physical reason you can't swallow pills.
Some meds are time released and you can not crush them.
Thanks ! I am having the same problem the pill dissolves to fast
Was this method effective for anyone? I am having hard time swallowing the pills
Can you swallow a piece of steak? Of course you can, so why not pills? You put them in your mouth, take 1-2 swallows of water and down it goes. Float it down on the water. You do realize its in your head that you can't swallow them. They don't teach any of us how to do it growing up. They figure if we can swallow food we can swallow pills. You're going to have get it down. This isn't the only time in your life you're going to face this.
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