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Results for 'Doxylamine Sleep'

Why am I unable to sleep after taking Ambien?

Having chest pain during sleep and after sleep?

then when I get up and stretch my arms I hear a clicking sound coming from my chest. I feel like someone punched me in the chest. I had really bad... read more

I need an over the counter sleep mediation that can replace Trazodone HCI 50 mg for sleep. Please?

... can anyone help me. I have a problem with sleep. But I think I may need to switch. I have been on it for a long time. It does work for... read more

I cannot sleep well sometime on seroquel xr. What can I take along with seroquel xr to sleep?

I was taken off haloperidol and benztropine because of too many side effects I could not deal with. He put me on seroquel xr. 50mg. This medication I... read more

I take .25 mg Xanax at night to sleep...if I don't take it, I don't sleep?

Currently I am in a lot of pain from wisdom teeth extraction. Oral surgeon gave me Percocet but I am nervous to take it at night when I have had the... read more

How Does Zoloft cause sleep problems as dose is decreased? What can help sleep?

No previous antidepressant have been taking 50mg of Generic Zoloft for 15 months 4 days ago reduced to 37.5 mg Zoloft Sleep now very... read more

Olanzapine - how well does Zyprexa work for sleep?

Can taking .25mg zanax a night to help sleep have any bad sideffects?

I was on Ambien and quit, so side effects, started the zanax about a month ago and feel pretty god and getting a good nights sleep.

What is safe intake of melatonin for sleep?

Trazodone for sleep while on Buspar?

Is it safe to take 10 my of Buspar (5 mg twice a day) with trazodone at night to sleep?

Does propranolol effec night. time sleep?

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