then when I get up and stretch my arms I hear a clicking sound coming from my chest. I feel like someone punched me in the chest. I had really bad chest pain about two months ago but it was different because it would hurt every time I tiook a breath. I went to the hospital the told me I was having panic attacks, which I felt like I never did.
Having chest pain during sleep and after sleep?
Question posted by Art486772 on 27 Feb 2015
Last updated on 1 March 2015
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
6 Answers
About 10 years ago my rheumatologist diagnosed me with costochondritis. It sounds like you may have this too. Exact same symptoms as you've described. Do a quick online search for this and see what you think.
I can understand your pain. One thing you can try is to sit on the side of your bed. Just be still for a few seconds. Does it hurt if you don't move? If it does, try just adjusting your position. Keep adjusting your position until you don't feel the pain anymore. If you can get into a position where it doesn't hurt, you can be pretty well sure that it's not your heart. I have gotten pain like this when I've lifted something like opening a window that was heavy. You don't feel it at first, it takes a day or two before it sets in. It's a muscle or tendon in your chest that gets stretched or pulled in a way that causes it to suffer a trauma. If you can think back a day or two where you did something physical that could have cause a trauma to a muscle or tendon, bingo.
Hi, fluid on the lung/s can feel like this and the condition could feel worse when laying flat. Other than that i get chest pains from my asthma flaring up at times. Best speak with your doctor and get a check up...
Don't you love when they shove panic attack on everything. Have you had any trauma to your chest? Those pops usually aren't anything more then a tendon popping across a bone. Did they ever do a chest xray when you told a dr about it? Have you seen a dr other then an er dr.
No chest trauma, it starter ramdomly and I would get the pain once everyday when I would take deep breaths. So one day at work the pain came back it was really bad and I started to sweet and shake. I immediately went to the ER and the checks my blod and chest X-ray and found noting they told me I was having panic attacks. I never understood wath they ment by that because I never panicked at work or stressed out. The pain randomly went away and recently came back but this time it would mostly happen at night when I'm sleeping. I would wake up in the middle of the night with this heavy feeling on my chest and when I would stretch my arms out my chest would crack. This continues every other day.
I did go to a Dr for a follow up and he also stated I was having panic attacks and tried to prescribed me Xanax and pain killers. I told the Dr to go F himself and walked out. I've been addicted to drugs once in my life so never again.
I suffer from panic attacks since 12yrs old mine feels like a heart attack so I know I get chest pains
See a Dr who will take the time to properly diagnose what this is.
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pain, sleep disorders, sleep, chest pain, sleep disorder, chest
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