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Nuvigil vs Provigil: How do they compare?

How does Truvada work to prevent HIV?

Tapering Cymbalta (dulexitine) and taking Ashwangadha?

I am currently tapering off Cymbalta and have now reduced my dose to 15 mg. Tapering down to 30 mg went smoothly with minimal issues, but at 15 mg, I am experiencing nausea, weakness, and random bouts of dizziness throughout the day. I've read mixed advice about taking Ashwagandha with...

What is the mechanism of action for Cimzia?

Can Imitrex (sumatriptan) cause rebound headaches?

Doex Percocet contain codeine?

Does Percocet contain codeine or something else?

Do liothyronine sodium 25 mcg tablets taste like a sugar pill?

I noticed my liothyronine tablet tasted like sugar when I held it under my tongue while getting water. Out of curiosity I chewed it up; it definitely tastes like sugar, no bitter taste like most Rx meds. Is this normal? Or have I been given fake medication?

What time of day should I take each of my meds?

I am trying to figure out which meds are making me tired during the day. I take all 6 in the am. Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg,bupropion 300mg, aripiprazole 5mg,sertraline 100mg,losartan 50mg, pantopraze 40mg. Which should I be taking in the am and pm?

Took 3 200mg ibuprofen PM’s?

I accidentally took three 200mg ibuprofen PM’s. Should I be worried?

How long does it take for Truvada to work?

Mirena - High Blood Pressure and edema? I have edema on my lower legs and feet, dizziness and...

... high blood pressure about the rate of 150+ which never goes down. I dont use any drugs, I am 45 year old and have had my Mirena on february 2024. Its been 4 months. I am desperate and sad. I had my Mirena to control the growth of my fibroids (the biggest being 7x8 cm) and heavy bleeding. My...

Psych doctors in my area or a doctor who can see me in my area of Millersburg, PA or Harrisburg, PA?

I need some help with finding a really good psych doctor in my area of Millersburg, PA. Or around the Millersburg area, about 30 or 40 miles. I could possibly travel to see a doctor but I'm just tired of going to all these doctors and nothing ever comes of it. I'm just really sick of it....

Can a person who has to take drug tests take Viagra?

Need substitute for Dakin's half solution?

I am being treated for a really bad dog bite. On bottom of my leg near my ankle. I need to pack it after it's been cleaned with Dakin's half solution strength I ran out of solution.What can I use till Monday