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What is pharmacological different between meloxicam and diclofenac?

What is pharmacological different between meloxicam and diclofenac

Repatha - I take a 140 mg sure click injection every two weeks. I accidentally placed the sure click

with the yellow needle cover on top and pressed it with my index finger for an instant but some of the medication went into my index finger. When should I take the next shot today or wait 2 weeks? Also I am scheduled to get a shot of cortisone in the joint of that index finger with my hand. should...

What's the disease? here are the symptoms__?

20yr old female had a sudden pain in the right chest close to esophagus this pain happens only when she swallows something

IBD Ulcerative Colitis and Type 2 Diabetic?

I have been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I was recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes and I am wondering what preferred drug I should take for the pre-diabetes that will not exacerbate my ulcerative colitis?

What is the difference between amphetamine and methamphetamine?

I had thought that they were the same thing?

Omeprazole dizziness side effect?

Does the side effects lessen the longer you take it?

Can I take celecoxib for hemorrhoids?

Hydrocodone - I am on day 10 of a self detox from hydrocodone 7.5/325 that I have taken over 25...

... years due to 70+ surgeries and issues. Enough was enough. The withdrawals are not much better today than day 1 and cannot sleep. I’m never the “normal “ one. Any suggestions?

Does Medicare cover Eylea injections?

Who takes Ativan everyday, multiple times?

Just wondering how many people here take Ativan everyday, and not just when needed. For almost past year I have been taken multiple doses daily. 2 mgs per dose, between 2-3 doses a day, so between 4-6 mgs per day, everyday. Going thru horrible breakup and my life has fallen apart. I have always...

Can you use expired Seroquel?

Should I take Qelbree morning or night?