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Latest Questions (Page 6)

If I stay the same weight while using Adipex, will it be renewed next month?

I had a hard month. I was sick a full week and didn't go to the gym and another week I went to the gym but couldn't push myself as much as I normally do because my knee was really hurting. My eating choices were not as good/healthy as I have previously been eating. My weight this month...

Bipolar disorder - lamotrigine and certain death?

I was scheduled an appt. with a psychiatrist sometime back. Upon my first visit, and as it progressed, I was already beginning to see where we were going. Bi-Polar Disorder II. I mean, everyone is Bi-Polar. As such, I was scheduled another appt. which kept taking us back around to the BPD topic....

Amlodipine 10mg - can it be cut in half?

Can amlodipine be cut for a half dose?

How long does it take for firdapse to start working?

Does Medicare cover Restasis?

Possibly switching ssri for anxiety and panic?

I would like to hear feedback from anyone taking Celexa and Lexapro What side effects did you have to start Was it effective for anxiety and panic Trying to decide what I may try next Been on Sertraline 3 months Not much different

What is the outcome when taking Vistaril with Xanax?

I accidentally took my prescribed Vistaril and a Xanax a half hour a part from each other. I've never done such a thing and I'm extremely concerned of the after effects.

Does Emgality raise blood pressure?

Is Auvi-Q the same as EpiPen?

I am confused about buprenorphine?

I have chronic back pain, I also have cancer. I have been on hydrocodone 10 mgs for ever now. My cancer treatment caused lymphedema in my right leg and the pain is incredible. The hydrocodone is not completely covering the pain so my cancer team is putting me on buprenorphine. Is my cancer team...

What is this in English ? Oxicalman?

Went out of the country. Broke my leg and was seen by a doctor. He prescribed me Oxicalman. I have no idea what this is. It is a round pill, peach color and has a triangle logo on it. I was in pain but was nervous to take it, so I ended up taking Tylenol instead. Didn’t really help. Does...

White creamy discharge after taking Fluconazole 150 mg?

I had a yeast infection and BV and was prescribed Fluconazole 150 mg and Metronidazole for them. After taking both, I noticed I have a white creamy discharge. I got scared and went to the doctor and they took STD tests and got me started on Doxycycline, since the STD results will take a couple...

Anxiety blood pressure spikes?

Does anyone have BP spikes when you have panic attacks or anxiety attacks How do you get it to come down I do deep breathing but sometimes it helps and sometimes not Any recommendations

I’m 73 yo and have been switched to Silodosin from Flomax. I’ve been taking silodosin for 4...

... weeks now and my flow has increased significantly! I am also experiencing an unexpected positive side effect. In the last week I have woken at night more than once (not to pee) but with an erection lasting over an hour, unlike I have experienced in the last 25 years. As I mentioned before my...