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Latest Questions (Page 50)

I'm new to this forum. Hi everyone! I'm a 64 year old that was prescribed Cymbalta for pain due to

... osteoarthritis. I had no earthly idea what I was getting myself into. I was up to 3 30mg pills a day. Now, I'm sguirrelly as a fish out of water... I have awful nightmares, my skin is itchy, I hear sandpaper behind my eyes, I can't concentrate on anything for more than a second, there...

How do I safely withdraw from Klonopin?

Can I cut amitriptyline pills in half?

I have been on varying doses of Xanax for about 33 years and I am losing my memory?

Has anyone else ( long term Xanax use) for anxiety and panic attacks . Noticed a lose in memory, especially short term ?

Can I take more hydroxyzine if the one dose doesn't work for me?

I take 1 hydroxyzine 50mg for my anxiety could it hurt me to take two 50mg if my anxiety is worse in any giving day

Does citalopram cause vivid dreams and daytime fatigue?

I've been on 25mg of citalopram since beginning of July. Occasionally, I'm getting more dreams than usual and also feeling very tired in the day. Any advice would be appreciated.

Doctor increased dosage of bupropion from 150 mg to 300 mg.

How long before I notice the effects of the new dosage? It has only been 3 days but I still have bouts of crying

Insomnia due to anxiety about not getting to sleep?

I have had issues with trying to control sleep for many years. Taking 1.5 milligrams of Ativan before bedtime helps me sleep for about 5 hours. I am also on Paxil now waiting for the 30 milligrams to kick in. How long can I take this Ativan for help with my sleep . Not knowing causes more anxiety...

My son had a prescription for one month's supply of oxycodone pain med after his feet were crushed..

... in an auto accident. He picked it up at the drive through window and when he got back to my house I thought the bottle looked too small for 100 "caplet" pills. We counted them and there were 80 pills, but the bottle was filled to the brim. It was checked off twice and initialed by the...

Accidental stop taking levothyroxine, okay to restart without prior consultation?

I have stop taking levothyroxine without asking my doctor, can I just take again still without prior consultation? I took it when I started IVF, I thought I only need to take the medicine due to my IVF procedure, so when I stopped IVF, I also stopped it. Now that I want to start IVF again, only...

Plan B One-Step - Took Plan B 2x in a span of a month. No period in this cycle yet?

My girlfriend took plan B on August 18 and had her period on that cycle. No intercourse happened because it was painful for her. She took the pill to give her peace of mind and prevent anxiety from getting pregnant. And then on September 8, intimate things happened, but this time I put a condom on,...

What makes sildenafil more potent?

What dose of mirtazapine is best for depression and a improvement in appetite?

Hi I’m currently on 15 mg of mirtazapine my appetite has been much improved so far ( 6 weeks) but my mood although some days very good is generally a little bit of dark cloud with some days not wanting to turn in for work and not enjoying it like in many years gone bye would upping the dose...

Carvedilol can cause a major reaction with Epipen. Should I change my medication?

Carvedilol can cause a major reaction with an epi pen. Quetiapine and glimepiride can cause a moderate reaction. Should I discuss medication changes with my doctors?