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Latest Questions (Page 49)

Can hydroxychloroquine be taken if you have psoriasis?

Hydroxychloroquine 200mg bid was prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis which was diagnosed six months ago together with osteoarthritis. I also have psoriatic arthritis for many years without manifestations of other skin issues. Recently wore a girdle for several hours and upon removal that evening,...

Can I take sertraline with evening primose oil?

Cabergoline - Painful pins and needles in my feet.

I just had a nerve conduction study showing normal nerve conduction in my feet. Has anyone had this problem using Cabergoline? My doctor prescribed gabapentin. Trying to understand if surgery to remove prolactinoma may be better option

Grapefruit juice interaction with my medications?

Where can I find if medications I'm taking shouldn't be taken with Grapefruit juice? Thank you, russ

How long does prednisone stay in your body?

How far apart should I take Vitamin D3 from other meds?

I take Vitamin D3 that interacts with Dovato. How many hours apart do I need to take them?

Is it possibile that venlafaxine ruined my health?

My psychiatrist decided that I should get off it. So I did. It was horrible I was in so much pain I don't even remember it well. It was too quick for me.. almost cold turkey. Then I started to have stomach problems and chronic pain. My anxiety got so bad I still have problems leaving my home....

Accidentally took my husbands meds?

I accidentally took my husbands meds instead of mine. Two 50 mg trazodone. I normally take 1 Lexapro, Singulair and Allegra at night. Should I hold off on taking my meds?

How far apart can you space medicine?

how far apart do you need too space gabapentin before you can take a Percocet?

This is about my medicine?

I received lortabs and I don't think they are right because it's made me feeling fun and sleepy and I was told that they was discontinued a while back ago so why did I receive them.

What are medicinal recommendations for chest pain?

Auvelity - How do I break this up into twice a day does it cause insomnia?

Hi what time of day do I take this and does it cause insomnia do I take it in the morning two pills or at night

Victoza - Need financial assistance or coupons to defer high cost of drug?

Is anyone aware of cost deferring programs other then the drug company itself to offset the cost of the medication?