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Relief duration for methylprednisolone tablets, 4mg pack?

How long can I expect knee osteoarthritis pain relief to continue after completing a methylprednisolone, 4mg 6-day pack? Can I expect it to last longer than an 80mg injection of triamcinolone?

I want to delete a drug from my list of drugs?

How do I delete a drug?

What are 8 key Kesimpta side effects to watch out for?

Experience of Increase dosage?

I started on sertraline 7 weeks ago, i noticed an improvement in my anxiety but felt little lift in my my mood and depression. The doctor suggested increasing from 5mg to 100mg. I have been on 100mg for 5 days and am feeling much more anxious, have ruminating thoughts all day and just feel...

Should doxycycline be taken with food?

What are 4 key Namenda side effects to watch out for?

Does duloxetine cause drop in blood pressure?

If you usually take 150 mg of Venlafaxine is it safe/effective to instead take two 75mg pills?

I ran out of my 150mg extended release tablets but I have some old (but not expired) 75mg extended release tablets, would it be safe/effective to just take two of those until I can refill my prescription?

Am I safe taking lorazepam & Buspar together 2 times per day?

My doctor prescribed them together to help until Cymbalta starts to work.

Is Syfovre covered by Medicare?

How long does Imitrex (sumatriptan) take to work?

Just started 50 mg sertraline after 6 weeks up from 25mg.

Now having side effects: nausea. anxiety, diarrhea etc Is this due to dosage increase Wasn’t as bad when I took 25 Is it worth just taking the 37.5 as it may not help anxiety at that low dose

What are 7 key Aricept side effects to watch out for?