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Latest Questions (Page 22)

Brand versus generic. Vyvanse or lisdexamfetamine?

This month when started today, she said she does not feel any relief. She said she has no energy, no focus no relief from shaky leg pain. I checked with the pharmacy to make sure it's the correct med.It is. Do other people feel the difference between the brand name to the generic?

Cymbalta - Can I drink alcohol while taking Cymbalta?

I have suffered from anxiety and depression for over 20 years, and have tried many medications. Recently went on Cymbalta, and it seems to be working well. The information online, is take no alcohol with Cymbalta due to possible liver damage. Honestly, I like to drink a couple beers at night. Is...

Zoloft - Sixth week on Sertraline Still having anxiety Only on 37.5 and starting 50 mg How long do?

... you continue to see if is going to work

Are these the medications I should be taking?

I'm a 34 year old female with PAH I dont think my doctors are treating it properly. I have 20 different doctors and none of them communicate about this together it has me worried I'm not getting the right treatment.

What are the side effects of azithromycin?

How to taper off sertraline?

How do you taper off sertraline?

Best medicine for anxiety and depression disorders?

What medicine is the best for depression and anxiety I have Paxil,Effexor and lexapro

Sertraline withdrawal itching?

I was on this forum over two years ago as a newbie on sertraline. It helped me enormously over the last 2 1/2 years with the worst period of emotional stress I have ever gone through my whole life. I’ve also now been diagnosed with diabetes (which they think could be linked) and I’m...

What schedule class does tramadol fall into?

Potential Interaction: Wellbutrin and antidepressants – Seeking clarification?

I've heard that Wellbutrin (bupropion) does increase the effect of Trintellix (vortioxetine), requiring a lower dose of Trintellix when combined. I'm curious if the same applies to Lexapro (escitalopram). Can anyone confirm whether Wellbutrin enhances the effects of Lexapro?

Can I take Ambien with Percocet and tizanidine?

Can I take Ambien with Percocet and tizanidine?

Why is there blood in my urine?