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Latest Questions (Page 19)

My daughter has epilepsy and has been on 750 mg Keppra and is weaning off Lamotrigine @100 mg from a

... high of 800 mg/day. She was also on 10 mg/day Lexapro for the last year. She began having involuntary movements in the eyes, mouth, neck but the Drs said it's not a movement disorder. EEG confirmed it's not seizure activity, but we have no diagnosis and no treatment after six weeks of...

Does Tepezza cause hearing loss?

Does Seroquel cause weight gain?

Hydroxyzine - Can HYDROXYZINE cause a false-positive in drug screenings?

Research study from the University of Illinois Chicago and stated that hydroxyzine has been recorded to cause false-positive on drug tests. Is this true? And/or what if I'm taking more than one prescription, can the combination of all prescriptions cause a false-positive?

8 weeks Sertraline - experience?

Hi, 9 weeks ago I had sudden anxiety that led to depression when I had a doubt about my 9 year relationship. This got progressively worse to the point I was having dark thoughts, panick attacks and intrusive thoughts. Prior to this in a happy relationship and no significant worries. I started...

Can you use hydrocortisone cream for vulvar itching?

Does Strattera cause weight loss?

Fentanyl Patch - Can putting my fentanyl patch on an area that is sunburned cause an adverse...

... reaction? Like the patch running out early and withdrawals from that or other side effects?

What are 5 key Tezspire side effects to watch out for?

Can buspirone and Prozac be taken together?

Can buspirone and Prozac be taken together? I’ve been on Prozac for about 3 weeks. My anxiety is awful. The Dr won’t give me benzo’s because I’m 69. I’m really needing something for my nerves. My nerves have been bad my whole life and I’ve been on something my...

Can you just stop taking Rybelsus?

Sertraline: I've stopped taking but experiencing water retention?

Does anyone know if this is a common side effect of coming off of sertraline? I've been weaning myself off over the past 2-3 months and finally got down to zero at the beginning of last week, but am now experiencing a lot of water retention, being particularly uncomfortable in my ankles! Many...

How to treat secondary infertility?

Drugs used to treat secondary infertility?

What are side effects of atenolol?