I went for a colonoscopy yesterday. All I can remember is screaming because of the horrific pain at the Propofol insertion site. The Dr. Told me there would be " a little burning"! Had I not fallen asleep I would have pulled the line out. I am not a baby with no pain tolerance, but this was unbelievable!!! I need to go for more surgery and almost want to cancel because of only ?30-40 seconds of barbaric pain. Actually I am embarrassed for screaming like that but I couldn't help it. Anyone experience this, or know why it would have been so bad?? Thank you
Why does Propofol burn SO bad when injected?
Question posted by Rixiesmom on 7 Aug 2013
Last updated on 23 August 2024 by Strumin210
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
65 Answers
Never,ever have I had this kind of pain and burning when injected this morning before carotid artery surgery. I've had anesthesia before and when he pushed that this morning I came unglued screaming stop... Absolutely will not go that route again. I wish I had a magic
I just had a colonoscopy a month ago and wanted to drive 10 hours right after it. I asked if I could not be sedated so I could make my trip and they said sure. There was some discomfort as the scope pushed around, no pain at all, and I was able to help the scope round the corners - over 5 feet! I was able to watch the big screen which was an amazing experience, including the capture of the biopsies.
My question is, "Why is the sedation necessary, as it sounds rather unpleasant and, in my case at least, completely superfluous?"
I’ve had many endoscopies and colonoscopy and never experienced burning, but I had surgery last November and opted to use propranolol and a block. For the first time ever I experienced horrid burning when it was going in. I only remember asking why my arm was burning so badly. I’m mystified too!
WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I've had multiple Surgeries, most with Propofol and I have never felt burning, never. My wife has cried during injection; I thought she was just allergic. I enjoy it, so much I joke with the anesthesiologist, asking them to push slowly and ask me questions while its going in. I love how my speech becomes thick, slow, jaw mechanics becomes uncontrollable. I'm just a weirdo.
Request versed, tell them you had an adverse reaction to propofol. I posted this info on this site under another heading some time back.
Propofol is used [ especially with shorter procedures, ie: scopes] because the drug wears off quicker, thus freeing up space and staff in recovery.
I imagine the surgeon likes to see you waking up quicker as well.
I never had an issue with versed, The anesthesiologist for a major surgery I had gave me versed first, and everything else I got after that didn't matter, including a spinal for pain.
I’m so glad to see I’m not the only one. I’m prepping for my second colonoscopy and remembering the extreme and real fear I had for the first one - that my veins were literally going to melt and I would die right there. I have not talked to anyone else who had that extreme pain except for my mother, so I’m concluding that the genetic makeup of our vascular system is different from those who don’t feel that intensity of terror that we do. I don’t think the doctors really understand what we’re feeling!
This just happened to me last month. I have had 13 surgeries / procedures in 5 years that required anesthesia and this is the first time it happened. I also have high pain tolerance. I yelled out 3 times about the pain.. No one in the operating room responded to me.. It was a rather terrorizing experience. A anesthesia nurse forma different hospital system told me the anesthesia infiltrated the tissues of my hand form a bad IV stick.
I too couldn't believe it.
You know that scene in The Matrix after he takes the red pill.. that metallic special effect starts covering his arm before moving further?
The agony, it felt like my arm was on fire and not a normal fire, intense plasma was burning through my veins.
I didn't even get any warning. Maybe certain kinds of toothache are worse and problems with bone marrow but it remains to this day, the most pain i have ever felt.
I was only in there to get a mole removed.
(furthermore they allowed students to shove a pipe down my throat without realising i'd had my adenoids removed.. meaning the procedure requires me to lie on my front.. when i woke up it felt like my throat had been shredded into 3 pieces i actually cried when i got home)
UK, this was Manchester.
Yes I experienced the pain you did. I almost cried. I kept telling them it burns and the nurse said the dr will go slower and she kept rubbing me. They did say it burns, but never answered why it does. I even told my back Dr for pain about it and he told me Propofol does burn. The nurse was rubbing my hand and the dr stands there so cold with no feeling. Smh
It burns because it cannot be buffered (it is a weak organic acid). If it really wigs you out, you can always ask the anesthetist or anesthesiologist if you can have some pre-medication that will reduce your anxiety level (Valium, Xanax, etc). It won’t stop the Propofol from burning, but you won’t care quite so much.
I just had colonoscopy 7/15/2022, it burned so bad that the dr was trying to talk with me and all I could do it scream about the pain in my hand.
Worst pain ever, has to be a better way… that was pure modern day torture
There is a better way. When I first started this chat about Propofol about 6 years ago I made it my business to find out what had happened. I have had loads of surgeries over the years and this has never happened. I did find out. I spoke to an anesthetist and a few GP's. U must absolutely INSIST they inject lignocaine first! It's sheer laziness on the part of the Anesthetist if they don't give you that. After that bad one and armed with my newfound information, I ensured that I spoke to the Anesthetist beforehand and insisted on the lignocaine. It's never happened to me since.
Rixiesmom, I know you posted 8 years ago I just an HORRIFIC experience, bad enough I actually pulled the IV out. And to Mackaing1027.. i respectfully disagree with your low pain tolerance point. I am 49 years old. Been a boxer and athlete most of my life. I routinely have dental work without novocaine, not because I enjoy pain but because I hate having a droopy face for the rest of the day. 18 broken bones.
Very HIGH PAIN TOLERANCE, my Propofol pain was so severe without exaggeration in felt like Hot Lava was being injected. Perhaps some of us do have a higher sensitivity to the particular drug. But I do not think Tolerance was the issue.
I can not believe the experience I had.
To everyone who wants to complain about their "horrific" experience with propofol burning- I'll let you know that it still burns pretty bad even with lidocaine.
It's much more likely you have a low pain tolerance rather than the anesthetist just decided not to give standard drugs for the procedure. Keep in mind these procedures are documented very closely and If the anesthetist does not give lidocaine someone WILL find out and want to know why. My point is they don't "forget" or "not care" to give lidocaine.
With colonoscopy they inject Propofol and it burns and I don’t have a low pain tolerance. I really dread getting a colonoscopy.
I just had a Colonoscopy today and I experienced the same pain. They told me the same thing that it might burn, but that was an understatement, the pain was un-bearable. Yes I felt the burning feeling, but I also felt like someone was trying to electrocute me at the same time. I have had a Colonoscopy before where I was put to sleep and never have I felt such pain before. Why would a drug hurt so much when it is being administered?
I am so sorry to hear about your experience. It sounds like mine was identical to yours and some other people. It felt like someone had taken a blow torch to my arm - no exaggeration! I had no warning ahead of time from the anesthesiologist or doctor and was thinking of suing the hospital afterwards. That’s how painful it was. Like you said, barbaric!
In my entire 60 years on this planet, I have never felt such pain. Luckily the nurse told me (as i was probably screening), it would all be done in about 10 seconds and it was. I too was ready to rip the needle out. Now I know about the lidocaine trick. How insensitive to say the least about these doctors!
Related topics
anesthesia, pain, propofol, colonoscopy, burning
Further information
- Propofol uses and safety info
- Propofol prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Propofol (detailed)
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