If you've gained weight, do you think it is due to any medications you may take? If you have lost weight as a result of BMS, are you receiving any treatment at all for the oral burning pain - so that you can eat? I have found weight gain to be an issue but never before in my life. Eight years ago before I got BMS, I was fit, very physically active and 20 lbs "lighter" than now. My diet is basically ICE water all day for the burning tongue and then my home prepared dinner of very lean protein and steamed fresh veggies. Occasional fresh fruit like a few cherries or a small piece of watermelon. Other than deleting dinner, there is not any other food to take out of my diet. I do not eat sugar, desserts, candy, fast food, sweets, snacks, chips, etc for 8+ years now but the weight gain has continued. Due to several surgeries, progressive nerve entrapment, arthritis, I'm not able to do many of the physical activities I once did. Some BMS people say they've gained weight, but others say they have lost weight. Maybe medication is a factor/side effect as well. I was 58 when I first developed BMS. I've tried to lose 10 lbs but no luck so far. :( K2Z
Has Primary Burning Mouth syndrome caused you to gain, lose weight or neither?
Question posted by K2Z on 29 July 2022
Last updated on 18 August 2022
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
K2Z, I have noticed I weigh 10 lbs less this year than last year.
Hi Mypurrogative! Is there anything you are specifically to lose weight? Or do you take any medications that weight loss is side effect? I am taking 2 different medications for BMS and one does list "Weight Gain" as a side effect. I've tried reducing the dose but the BMS pain is so intense, it's debilitating. I'm not eating breakfast or lunch, no fast food, no sugar, no sweets. I just assume it is medication related. ??? I've been slender and fit my entire life but not since BMS set in. It is depressing. Thank you for taking time to answer my question. I just realized someone had. If I could pick between wt gain or wt loss, I'd be a go for weight loss, LOL. Lucky you!!! Take care, K2Z
K2Z, Most of the meds cause weight gain. I don't know why I lost 10 lbs since last year. I have toast and jelly for breakfast, a sandwich or a salad for lunch, and chicken, baked potato, and a green vegetable for dinner. I'm not a big red meat eater, so it's usually chicken or fish.
Honestly, I'm stumped Mypurrogative. I have 1 skinny coffee in morning, ice water all day long, NO breakfast, NO lunch, NO snack(s), chew sugarless gum and eat only for dinner the lean meal of veggies and a protein. I'm not big on 'meat' but force myself to eat some tuna, chicken breast twice a week. Since 2017 up to now, 5 years on two BMS medication Low doses, my weight has risen by 20 pounds!
I can't believe it. NONE of my clothes fit. I only take 100 mg. capsule of Gabapentin (Neurontin) every 24 hours. Any more than that and I get dizzy. I take a low dose benzo every 12 hours but never did before getting BMS. I would like to stop both medications but am pretty sure I couldn't live in the degree of pain that would generate. Without medication my lips burn and feel like they're being pricked with needles. My tongue & roof of mouth burn all day and night, hence the ICE water everywhere I go.
The medication does not cure the pain but it reduces the severity from an 8-10 down to a 4-5. I've been so disturbed by this wt gain I went to see an Endocrinologist because in years past I did have Hypothryoidism and was on medication for it. But all my labs and thyroid ultrasound came back normal. I was told since I had a surgical menopause 24 years ago, plus the BMS medication, that was why the weight gain. Frankly, I don't know if I believe him but guess it's true. When I read what all you eat daily, I was stunned (Jealous is probably the correct word, lol). Wow, I wish I could eat breakfast or lunch. That said, the 10 lb. weight 'loss' is concerning. I hope you consider letting your physician or medical provider know. Do you take any medication at all for your BMS? Does your mouth and lips burn all day and night? Any 'Pins and Needles' stabbing your lips?
Before BMS happened, I loved granola bars but stopped eating them because the texture made the tongue pain worse. They were too rough. When you said you ate Toast at breakfast, I winced at the thought of the pain. I try to eat the nonfat Greek yogurt because it is soft, cold and has calcium. I am happy to send you the 10 pounds you've lost, LOL. My best to you... K2Z
K2Z, maybe you're not eating enough food. I know of a lot of people that eat practically nothing all day and they are overweight. My doctor told me to eat small portions 3 x a day, which I do. Also, I used to take Gabapentin but now take Carbamazepine 4 x a day. I also chew sugarless bubble gum. I don't know what I would do without it. My best of luck to you, buy some gum, it's a lifesaver.
Hi Mypurrogative... Yes, I always have sugarless, watermelon chewing gum stashed around my home and always in my purse. I do get pain relief while chewing gum but after a few hours my jaws get tired and sore. Once I stop chewing, the pain kicks back in. My dentist told me not to chew for as long as I was doing. He said that it wasn't good dentally. The first abnormal taste experience I had with BMS was my mouth tasted full of salt. It was awful. I totally quit using any salt and only buy salt free can goods. Spices, seasonings, acidic foods, citrus or OJ, any sauces are out of the question for me. They trigger Severe oral burning on lips, tongue, roof of mouth. I only eat very Bland food due to BMS. Before this, I cooked and loved spicey foods but that ship sailed years ago. I think the medication I take helped stop the constant salt taste, plus I stopped salt entirely. Health food stores do sell Aloe Vera Juice and I keep some in the frig so its cold.
When burning is really bad, I swish some of it around and find it very soothing. Aloe is good for 'burns' anyway. I also keep organic, solid coconut oil in my frig. When BMS is severe, I take a cold, big spoonful and pop it in mouth. It feels good when it melts, soothing. Once it's melted, I spit it out. Maybe one of these might help with that salty taste. Hope you feel better... K2Z
I hear you about "eating 3 meals a day" to lose weight. I've had probably 7 different people tell me the same. However, I took their advice and made sure I ate small, lean/healthy meals 3 x a day. The only thing that happened for me (maybe no one else) was the weight gain became rapidly, significantly worse - despite eating healthy, low fat or fat free, poached egg or some tuna on lettuce for lunch. I was stunned. The Endocrinologist told me he felt the wt gain was due to surgical menopause over 20 years ago, slower metabolism due to older age, plus the medication for BMS has wt gain listed as side effect. He felt is was a combo if different things going on. Frankly, I don't think there's any winning when it comes to BMS. There seems to be so many meds for every other medical condition under the sun watching pharmaceutical ads on tv but BMS appears totally ignored. Most docs and even dentists claim they've never heard of it (at least in FLA). Frustrating... K2Z
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