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How long does it take for oxybutynin to start working?

3 Answers

Donotpee 8 April 2022

I wish to know please

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rere55 15 Oct 2015

I have pressure down in my abdominal area and pressure like I needed to pee all the time not sure if this is over active bladder I never pee on myself but after I go for the day I seem to have had a leakage and my panties are pretty wet just in the middle not all over the back like I wet myself just leakage but I have abdominal pressure please let me know your thoughts also I started oxybutynin and I feel nothing but also this is my first day please let me know I need your help thanks :)

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masso 22 Sep 2013

You may notice some improvement in your symptoms within the first 2 weeks of your treatment. However, it may take 6–8 weeks to experience the full benefit of oxybutynin. Talk to your doctor if your symptoms do not improve at all within 8 weeks.

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Amanda Reichert 24 May 2015

I have been prescribed this medcine for 4 days and I can't tell a doffrence yet should I stop taking it

Amanda Reichert 29 May 2015

Should I stop taking this medcine been over a week still no improvement ?

Amanda Reichert 29 May 2015

Should I stop this medicine no improvement in a week

Ammo72 8 April 2022

Reading the questions here... with oxybutynin it does take a while to feel the full effects of this drug... Plus you have to play around with dosage depending how bad your oab is.. I say in 4 weeks you'll pretty much know dosage.. Me myself I'm on max 4 tabs a day because my day is 19 hours on feet!!! free discount card

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