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Erectile Dysfunction - can u take two 20mg cialis at 1 time? or take 1 and cut the other in half?

3 Answers

m42orion 24 April 2011

I asked my urologist about this once, and was advised that it is not only a bad idea, but, would not increase the desired effect at all. Also, as I recall, Cialis can affect blood pressure (it lowers it) so that might not be good.

Votes: +1
caringsonbj 23 April 2011

I have you listed as a friend, you are welcome to write me in that way if you wish anyway that is best for you.

Votes: +1
Rajive Goel 23 April 2011

Would not recommend you to do such a thing without consulting your doc/pharmacist, please.

Votes: +1
caringsonbj 23 April 2011

I agree

Rajive Goel 23 April 2011

Thanks for endorsing my statement..

caringsonbj 23 April 2011

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cialis, erectile dysfunction

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