I am just wondering what combination medications you are on and what helps. I've read many people take Wellbutrin with Zoloft or Effexor. I have really high anxiety. I also have major depression and Wellbutrin XL is helping a lot (just not the anxiety that comes with it).
What drug combination is best for Wellbutrin XL?
Question posted by beepboop on 4 Jan 2016
Last updated on 24 April 2017
4 Answers
Hello there!
Short answer.- it will take your doctor and you to find a combination that works best for you, and if really lucky it will last a long time for you, and it won't take long or be too disruptive to get to the combination.
Short version of my long answer.
I have been on the neurotransmitter roller coaster for about 16 years now, with no combinations until recently, except for Xanax 1-3 mg per day.
Currently on Wellbutrin XL 450mg and 10mg lexapro.
Ever since the addition of Wellbutrin about 2 years ago my mood stabilized nicely over lexapro alone or cymbalta alone or any I have taken in the past 6 years. This past 2 years has been the 1st time doubled up on two anti-depressants.
Encouraging but this is the second time burning out lexapro. & doc and I are testing swap out candidates. Brintellix was a no go so far, so just back on lexapro until come back from vacation, then will try another pairing with the Wellbutrin.
I suffer from Major Depressive disorder and Generalized anxiety disorder with panic disorder (chicken or the egg).
Beepboop, I have tried many different combinations. Wellbutrin with Buspar works the best for me at this point. My doctor gave me Buspar to alleviate the anxiety part of what I have to deal with. My doctor doesn't like to prescribe benzos, so buspar is a winner for me. But the downside of taking it, is that it takes a few weeks to kick in. So they might want to give you a bento for a couple of weeks to get started.
*bento = benzo. Spell check strikes again.
Wellbutrin and Buspar is a miracle combo for me.. 11 years now. No side effects for me, except i cannot drink caffeinated beverages anymore, gets me too energized. Neither of those meds increase my appetite. In fact, I am slimmer than before I was prescribed those. I have an awesome psychiatrist for 11 years now. I go to him once every four months just to renew my meds. I was tried on many different medications in the beginning.. I was ready to give up when they finally found the right drug for my brain chemistry. I thank God for this.
beep; Yes Just as Laurie has said and there is no one drug the works better there are several but it also depends on us and how we react to the medications once you have been on the Wellbutrin long enough talk with your doctor about adding something to it and see how it works for you.But if you're having trouble with the Wellbutrin you could get the doctor to try and add something now. Best of luck
Nice thing about Wellbutrin is it can be taken with many of the other antidperessants such as Zoloft or Lexapro which would help address the anxiety and depression. I've taken Wellbutrin XL with another antidepressant for years with great results.
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effexor, wellbutrin, wellbutrin xl, zoloft, depression, anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, medication, drug
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