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Can I take Cialis after 48hrs?

3 Answers

frantom 9 July 2022

If for BPH, and you are having side effects, you can break a pill in half and still take it daily so you can get some BPH benefit. Hang in there and gradually up the dosage to 5mg. The side effects go away over time: 1 month better, 3 months much better, 1 year the effects of back ache and stomach upset finally disappeared for me.

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masso 4 July 2022

Cialis can be taken once every 24 hours.

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ahmedalmozayen 4 July 2022

As for me, I take a pill of Cialis 5 mg every 48 hours, and the reason for that is that when I take it every 24 hours I have back pain symptoms, but with every 48 hours I have no problems with my back at all.

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