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Has anyone ever used valerian root for anxiety or pain? does it work or a waste of money?

20 Answers Page 2

samsungtb2 16 May 2015

I have suffered from performance anxiety for years. So embarrassing. I would sweat, trimble, etc. Valerian root is my secret weapon. My brain sees certain situations as dangerous when it is not. As a result, I get an adrenaline dump and my fight or flight response kicks in. I make a small cup of camomile tea and add around 600 to 700 mg of valerian root (liquid form) before I enter an environment that I know triggers my problem. Works for hours. There is a sort of calmness that takes over and I feel totally at peace. I remember my first time using it. I purposely entered into an environment that normally triggers my attacks. I was so amazed and enjoyed myself so much. I spent years avoiding certain social situations that I now can enjoy. FYI I only take Valerian when I need it. It's not an everyday routine for me. I'm not sure if everyday use is safe or if the user will develop an immunity after long term use. Hope this helps.

Votes: +1
lawrence12 8 Sep 2015

Could you tell me what brand you used? I pretty much suffer the type of anxiety you described, something that is hard to deal with during-especially when speaking in front of a class comes around. I've tried L-Theanine but am contemplating a switch. The only thing I'm worried about is taking it before going out and end up being mostly drowsy rather than simply calm.

Beckypa 21 Oct 2015

What brand did you use? I need something for my anxiety really bad :(

kristi55057 18 Aug 2016

Where do you buy the liquid for and what is brand name, please?

laurelintarald 2 March 2015

I use Valerian to help with my Meralgia Parasthetica. I've had this for over a decade after a partial dislocation of my hip joint, which was never treated (I have only recently been diagnosed).
Having taken the Valerian I no longer suffer from the burning pain, and although it is not entirely gone, I have far more sensation in my leg than I've had for a decade.

Votes: +1
Bangerdog 5 Sep 2017

I have Sensory Axonal Peripheral Neuropathy .. the sensory nerves in my hands, arms, feet and legs have died, although they are not totally numb feels as if I am wearing socks or gloves. I have the most horrendous burning pain in my legs and hands at night and sleep is nigh impossible.
I have tried Valerian tablets .. just one each night stops my pain in its tracks! I still kind of feel the heat (best as I can describe) but I can now sleep through it.
But I do worry about the effects on my kidneys (stage 3 kidney disease) and my liver.
But they really do work for me.

BeYondRepair 14 Oct 2013

Hi, I am new to this site and when I saw this question I just had to chime in. I have found Valerian root helpful with sleep aids already on board. Slept like a baby!! However, used alone, it frankly did nothing for me.

Votes: +1
wrink 14 Oct 2013

Thank you I wanted to know if anyone used it and if it worked. I know what it is and used for I looked that up but was wondering if it really worked. Didn't want to waste my money if it wasn't going to do nothing.

BeYondRepair 14 Oct 2013

wrink - Sorry to disappoint, but, for pain and anxiety alone, I wouldn't waste my money. It does have a calming effect, but, that does not relieve my anxiety and certainly not my pain. But, as is said many times, different things work for different people. If your question was does it help with sleep, I think the responses would be more positive. But thats NOT your question, but it is your money. I don't know how expensive it is. If not bad, maybe you could try it along with your meds, if that is acceptable. Good luck!!

wrink 15 Oct 2013

Thank you for your honestly. Good luck to you.

pickles503 14 Oct 2013

Hi wrink!

Valerian is most commonly used for sleep disorders, especially the inability to sleep (insomnia). It is frequently combined with hops, lemon balm, or other herbs that also cause drowsiness. Some people who are trying to withdraw from the use of “sleeping pills” use valerian to help them sleep after they have tapered the dose of the sleeping pill. There is some scientific evidence that valerian works for sleep disorders, although not all studies are positive.

Valerian is also used for conditions connected to anxiety and psychological stress including nervous asthma, hysterical states, excitability, fear of illness (hypochondria), headaches, migraine, and stomach upset.

Some people use valerian for depression, mild tremors, epilepsy, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).


Valerian is used for muscle and joint pain. Some women use valerian for menstrual cramps and symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes and anxiety.

Sometimes, valerian is added to bath water to help with restlessness and sleep disorders.

In manufacturing, the extracts and oil made from valerian are used as flavoring in foods and beverages.

Valerian seems to act like a sedative on the brain and nervous system.

The cost at Walgreens is between four and ten dollars(if you buy two, you can get them for $10.99.) Check on prices from other places, also. They seem to all cost the same, but I didn't do a complete search.

Peace, hope and love, Anna

Votes: +2
kaismama 12 Oct 2013

It can be calming. I've used it to calm my mind at bedtime.

Votes: +3
pickles503 14 Oct 2013

That's so cool, Kai. I'm gonna look that up and see if it will help build my pharmacy. I doubt it. I'm gonna have to get another upboard to hold all my meds. L, Anna

Sammysgrl 9 March 2017

I have suffered from migraines for years. Additionally, I have asthma. Both are aggravated by muscle tension usually after working excessive amounts of overtime at work. I took valerian for the first time at work because my doctor suddenly thinks everyone is a drug seeker and now refuses to write scripts for the pain meds I have previously used (maybe 3 times a year), and wanted me to oay hundreds of dollars for physical therapy that... I'm sorry... I just don't need. After just this one dose I have noticed enough relief that now I think my body can at least do the rest on its own. I was hesitant to take a full dose the first time (2 capsules) because I wanted to see how it would effect me. I think if I had taken the whole amount I'd see a complete relief of the pain. For now, at least, I think I am a believer. free discount card

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