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Anyone experienced neck, shoulder and arm pain (muscle or spasm) while on Lexapro?


WildcatVet 20 July 2021

Hi, vik!
Common (1% to 10% of users): Arthralgia, back pain, myalgia, neck/shoulder pain"
Arthralgia is joint pain and myalgia is muscle pain.
How long have you been taking the Lexapro? These side effects usually start when you first begin taking the medication and subside over a week or two. If it's been longer than that or has been persistent you should report it to your doctor for professional advice.

Votes: +1
vik10 20 July 2021

Thank you. I have started it a month ago, but 2 weeks ago I increased the dose from 2.5 to 5 and this is when I started to have this pain. My doctor said it is probably pinched nerve and does not think this medication has these kind of side effects. I was taking Paxil and she said it is a similar drug.
The pain in the neck, shoulder together with burning and in the left arm so extreme that I even went to my chiropractor yesterday and today stopping this medication. Hoping since I took it for only one month, will not have withdrawal effects.

vik10 20 July 2021

Not sure what happened to my reply that I did like 15 min ago. Do not see it so will type again.
Thank you very much for your answer! I have been on Lexapro for a month. 2 weeks on 2.5mg and other 2 weeks on 5mg. At the same time going down on Paxel. Was planning to switch from Paxel to Lexapro but got all these extreme side effects. Had stomach issues, then burning and now extreme pain in the neck, back, left shoulder and left arm. Stopping Lexapro today.

WildcatVet 20 July 2021

Even though you were on very low doses for a relatively short period of time you might have some discontinuation symptoms if you stop abruptly. It's never a good idea... you might need to taper down slowly preferably with your doctor's supervision.

kevinb1953 20 July 2021
vik10 20 July 2021

interesting. I asked her about it and she told me just to stop.

kevinb1953 20 July 2021

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lexapro, muscle spasm, pain, muscle, shoulder, neck

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