I’ve been on Zoloft since May 11th starting with 25mg. At first I felt the shakes and more anxious than usual, this lasted for a week or two and then started to feel myself again. 2 months later my doc suggested increasing my way to 75mg. Starting with 50mg for 2 weeks then 75mg with hopes of achieving therapeutic effect which I don’t think I have felt quite yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. So I have been taking 75mg now since July 24th (7days) and last night I couldn’t sleep due to a burning lump in my throat. I actually thought maybe I had swallowed a bug in my sleep as that’s something you hear about. I felt nauseaous but never vomitted. Totally perplexed wondering if it was something I ate or maybe I caught a flu or something. But no other symptoms aside from this persistent burning lump in my throat. Doing a little research online I feel that it must be acid reflux which I have never had in my life. Is this a side effect of Zoloft? Anyone else taking Zoloft experience this? If so, will it go away or does it stay with you... I don’t want to end up on an acid reflux drug too, and I don’t want Zoloft to permanently damage my throat on top of whatever else it might be doing to the brain... any insights welcome!