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Salsalate (Monograph)

Drug class: Salicylates
VA class: CN103
CAS number: 552-94-3

Medically reviewed by on Nov 20, 2023. Written by ASHP.


    Cardiovascular Risk
  • Possible increased risk of serious (sometimes fatal) cardiovascular thrombotic events (e.g., MI, stroke).b Risk may increase with duration of use.b Individuals with cardiovascular disease or risk factors for cardiovascular disease may be at increased risk.b (See Cardiovascular Effects under Cautions.)

  • Contraindicated for the treatment of pain in the setting of CABG surgery.b

    GI Risk
  • Increased risk of serious (sometimes fatal) GI events (e.g., bleeding, ulceration, perforation of the stomach or intestine).b Serious GI events can occur at any time and may not be preceded by warning signs and symptoms.b Geriatric individuals are at greater risk for serious GI events.b (See GI Effects under Cautions.)


Prototypical NSAIA; salicylate ester of salicylic acid.a b

Uses for Salsalate

Consider potential benefits and risks of salsalate therapy as well as alternative therapies before initiating therapy with the drug.b Use lowest effective dosage and shortest duration of therapy consistent with the patient's treatment goals.b

Inflammatory Diseases

Symptomatic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and related inflammatory conditions.a b

Salsalate Dosage and Administration



Oral Administration

Administer orally.b Administration with food or a full glass of water or milk (240 mL) may minimize adverse GI effects.a c


To minimize the potential risk of adverse cardiovascular and/or GI events, use lowest effective dosage and shortest duration of therapy consistent with the patient's treatment goals.b Adjust dosage based on individual requirements and response; attempt to titrate to the lowest effective dosage.b


Inflammatory Diseases
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, or Other Inflammatory Conditions

1.5 g twice daily or 1 g 3 times daily.b

Special Populations

Geriatric Patients

Dosage reduction may be needed.b

Cautions for Salsalate




Reye's Syndrome

Risk of Reye's syndrome in individuals with varicella (chickenpox), influenza, or flu symptoms. b c (See Pediatric Use under Cautions.)

Cardiovascular Effects

Selective COX-2 inhibitors have been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events (e.g., MI, stroke) in certain situations.d Several prototypical NSAIAs also have been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events.e f g Current data insufficient to assess risk associated with salsalate.e f g

Use NSAIAs with caution and careful monitoring (e.g., monitor for development of cardiovascular events), and at the lowest effective dosage for the shortest duration necessary.b

Short-term use to relieve acute pain, especially at low dosages, does not appear to be associated with increased risk of serious cardiovascular events (except immediately following CABG surgery).d

No consistent evidence that concomitant use of low-dose aspirin mitigates the increased risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events associated with NSAIAs.b d (See Specific Drugs and Laboratory Tests under Interactions.)

Hypertension and worsening of preexisting hypertension reported; either event may contribute to the increased incidence of cardiovascular events.b Use with caution in patients with hypertension; monitor BP.b Impaired response to certain diuretics may occur.b (See Specific Drugs and Laboratory Tests under Interactions.)

Fluid retention and edema reported.b Caution in patients with fluid retention or heart failure.b

GI Effects

Serious GI toxicity (e.g., bleeding, ulceration, perforation) can occur with or without warning symptoms; increased risk in those with a history of GI bleeding or ulceration, geriatric patients, smokers, those with alcohol dependence, and those in poor general health.b c

For patients at high risk for complications from NSAIA-induced GI ulcerations (e.g., bleeding, perforation), consider concomitant use of misoprostol;i j k z alternatively, consider concomitant use of a proton-pump inhibitor (e.g., lansoprazole, omeprazole)i j k or use of an NSAIA that is a selective inhibitor of COX-2 (e.g., celecoxib).k

Renal Effects

Direct renal injury, including renal papillary necrosis, reported in patients receiving long-term NSAIA therapy.b

Potential for overt renal decompensation.b Increased risk of renal toxicity in patients with renal or hepatic impairment or heart failure, in geriatric patients, in patients with volume depletion, and in those receiving a diuretic, ACE inhibitor, or angiotensin II receptor antagonist.b h (See Renal Impairment under Cautions.)

Sensitivity Reactions

Hypersensitivity Reactions

Anaphylactoid reactions reported.b Immediate medical intervention and discontinuance for anaphylaxis.b

Avoid in patients with aspirin triad (aspirin sensitivity, asthma, nasal polyps); caution in patients with asthma.b

Potentially fatal or life-threatening syndrome of multi-organ hypersensitivity (i.e., drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms [DRESS]) reported in patients receiving NSAIAs.1202 Clinical presentation is variable, but typically includes eosinophilia, fever, rash, lymphadenopathy, and/or facial swelling, possibly associated with other organ system involvement (e.g., hepatitis, nephritis, hematologic abnormalities, myocarditis, myositis).1202 Symptoms may resemble those of acute viral infection.1202 Early manifestations of hypersensitivity (e.g., fever, lymphadenopathy) may be present in the absence of rash.1202 If signs or symptoms of DRESS develop, discontinue the NSAIA and immediately evaluate the patient.1202

Dermatologic Reactions

Serious skin reactions (e.g., exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis) can occur without warning.b Discontinue at first appearance of rash or any other sign of hypersensitivity (e.g., blisters, fever, pruritus).b

Major Toxicities

Otic Effects

Dose-related tinnitus and hearing loss reported.c

General Precautions

Hepatic Effects

Severe reactions including jaundice, fatal fulminant hepatitis, liver necrosis, and hepatic failure (sometimes fatal) reported rarely with NSAIAs.b

Elevations of serum ALT or AST reported.b

Monitor for symptoms and/or signs suggesting liver dysfunction; monitor abnormal liver function test results.b Discontinue if signs or symptoms of liver disease or systemic manifestations (e.g., eosinophilia, rash) occur.b

Hematologic Effects

Anemia reported rarely.b Determine hemoglobin concentration or hematocrit in patients receiving long-term therapy if signs or symptoms of anemia occur.b

Other Precautions

Not a substitute for corticosteroid therapy; not effective in the management of adrenal insufficiency.b

May mask certain signs of infection.b

Obtain CBC and chemistry profile periodically during long-term use.b

Monitor plasma salicylate concentrations during long-term use.b

Specific Populations


Use of NSAIAs during pregnancy at about ≥30 weeks’ gestation can cause premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus; use at about ≥20 weeks’ gestation associated with fetal renal dysfunction resulting in oligohydramnios and, in some cases, neonatal renal impairment.1200 1202

Effects of NSAIAs on the human fetus during third trimester of pregnancy include prenatal constriction of the ductus arteriosus, tricuspid incompetence, and pulmonary hypertension; nonclosure of the ductus arteriosus during the postnatal period (which may be resistant to medical management); and myocardial degenerative changes, platelet dysfunction with resultant bleeding, intracranial bleeding, renal dysfunction or renal failure, renal injury or dysgenesis potentially resulting in prolonged or permanent renal failure, oligohydramnios, GI bleeding or perforation, and increased risk of necrotizing enterocolitis.1202

Avoid use of NSAIAs in pregnant women at about ≥30 weeks’ gestation; if use required between about 20 and 30 weeks’ gestation, use lowest effective dosage and shortest possible duration of treatment, and consider monitoring amniotic fluid volume via ultrasound examination if treatment duration >48 hours; if oligohydramnios occurs, discontinue drug and follow up according to clinical practice.1200 1202 (See Advice to Patients.)

Fetal renal dysfunction resulting in oligohydramnios and, in some cases, neonatal renal impairment observed, on average, following days to weeks of maternal NSAIA use; infrequently, oligohydramnios observed as early as 48 hours after initiation of NSAIAs.1200 1202 Oligohydramnios is often, but not always, reversible (generally within 3–6 days) following NSAIA discontinuance.1200 1202 Complications of prolonged oligohydramnios may include limb contracture and delayed lung maturation.1200 1202 In limited number of cases, neonatal renal dysfunction (sometimes irreversible) occurred without oligohydramnios.1200 1202 Some neonates have required invasive procedures (e.g., exchange transfusion, dialysis).1200 1202 Deaths associated with neonatal renal failure also reported.1200 Limitations of available data (lack of control group; limited information regarding dosage, duration, and timing of drug exposure; concomitant use of other drugs) preclude a reliable estimate of the risk of adverse fetal and neonatal outcomes with maternal NSAIA use.1202 Available data on neonatal outcomes generally involved preterm infants; extent to which risks can be generalized to full-term infants is uncertain.1202

Animal data indicate important roles for prostaglandins in kidney development and endometrial vascular permeability, blastocyst implantation, and decidualization.1202 In animal studies, inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis increased pre- and post-implantation losses; also impaired kidney development at clinically relevant doses.1202

No adequate and well-controlled studies of salsalate in pregnant women.1201 No evidence of developmental abnormalities in animal studies.1201

Effects of salsalate on labor and delivery not known.1201 In animal studies, NSAIAs increased incidence of dystocia, delayed parturition, and decreased pup survival.1201 Other salicylates associated with prolonged gestation and labor, maternal and neonatal bleeding sequelae, potentiation of opiate and barbiturate effects (respiratory or cardiac arrest in the mother), delivery problems, and stillbirth.1201


Salicylate is distributed into human milk in concentrations approximating maternal blood level.b Caution advised.b


NSAIAs may be associated with reversible infertility in some women.1203 Reversible delays in ovulation observed in limited studies in women receiving NSAIAs; animal studies indicate that inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis can disrupt prostaglandin-mediated follicular rupture required for ovulation.1203

Consider withdrawal of NSAIAs in women experiencing difficulty conceiving or undergoing evaluation of infertility.1203

Pediatric Use

Safety and efficacy not established.b

Salicylates should not be used in children and teenagers with varicella or influenza, unless directed by a clinician.l m n o q r s t u v w x y Generally avoid salicylates in children and teenagers with suspected varicella or influenza and during presumed outbreaks of influenza, since accurate diagnosis of these diseases may be impossible during the prodromal period;l do not use salicylates in the management of viral infections in children or adolescents, since the infection may be one associated with an increased risk of Reye’s syndrome.p

Geriatric Use

Caution.b Fatal adverse GI effects reported more frequently in geriatric patients than younger patients.b

Lower dosage may be needed.b

Renal Impairment

Use not recommended in patients with advanced renal disease; close monitoring of renal function advised if used.b

Common Adverse Effects

Tinnitus, nausea, hearing impairment, rash, vertigo.b

Drug Interactions

Protein-bound Drugs

Potential for salicylate to be displaced from binding sites by, or to displace from binding sites, other protein-bound drugs.b c

Specific Drugs and Laboratory Tests




ACE inhibitors

Reduced BP response to ACE inhibitorb

Monitor BPb

Acidifying agents

Drugs that decrease urine pH may decrease salicylate excretionc

Monitor urinary pHb


Increased risk of bleedingb c

Alkalinizing agents

Drugs that increase urine pH may increase salicylate excretionc

Monitor urinary pHb

Angiotensin II receptor antagonists

Reduced BP response to angiotensin II receptor antagonisth

Monitor BPh


Increased risk of salicylate toxicityb

Increased risk of GI ulceration and other complicationsb

No consistent evidence that low-dose aspirin mitigates the increased risk of serious cardiovascular events associated with NSAIAsb

Manufacturer states that concomitant use not recommendedb

Antidiabetic drugs (sulfonylureas)

Potential for increased hypoglycemic effectb

Monitor closelyb

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide)

Increased risk of salicylate toxicityc


Decreased plasma salicylate concentrationsc

Diuretics (furosemide, thiazides)

Reduced natriuretic effectsb

Monitor for diuretic efficacy and renal failureb


Increased plasma lithium concentrationsb

Monitor for lithium toxicityb


Potential toxicity associated with increased plasma concentrations of methotrexateb

Caution advisedb

Test for thyroid function

Possible decreased thyroxine (T4) valueb c


Reports of bleeding complicationsb

Caution advisedb

Uricosuric agents (probenecid, sulfinpyrazone)

Reduced uricosuric effect of uricosuric agentsb

Salsalate Pharmacokinetics



Salsalate is insoluble in gastric acid fluids, but readily soluble in small intestine.a b Salsalate is absorbed from the small intestine.a


Food delays absorption of salsalate and decreases peak plasma salicylate concentrations.a b

Plasma Concentrations

Plasma salicylate concentrations of 30–100 mcg/mL produce analgesia and antipyresis; the concentration required for anti-inflammatory effect is 150–300 mcg/mL; toxicity noted at 300–350 mcg/mL.c



Rapidly and widely distributed into most body tissues and fluids, including synovial fluid.a c

Not known whether salsalate is distributed into milk.b Salicylate distributes into human milk in concentrations approximating the maternal blood level.b

Plasma Protein Binding

Salicylate: 90–95% bound at plasma salicylate concentrations <100 mcg/mL; 70–85% bound at concentrations of 100–400 mcg/mL; 25–60% bound at concentrations >400 mcg/mL.c



Partially hydrolyzed to 2 molecules of salicylate by esterases in GI mucosa, liver, plasma, blood, and other tissues and fluids.a b

Salicylate is metabolized in the liver by the microsomal enzyme system.c

Elimination Route

Excreted in urine (7–13% as salsalate glucuronide, < 1% as unchanged salsalate, the remainder as salicylate and its metabolites). a b Urinary excretion of salicylate is pH dependent; as urine pH increases from 5 to 8, urinary excretion of salicylate is greatly increased.c


Salsalate: 1 hour.a b

Half-life of salicylate increases with increasing plasma salicylate concentrations; range reported is 3.5 to ≥16 hours.b

Special Populations

Salicylate and its metabolites are readily removed by hemodialysis and, to a lesser extent, by peritoneal dialysis.c







Advice to Patients


Excipients in commercially available drug preparations may have clinically important effects in some individuals; consult specific product labeling for details.

Please refer to the ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center for information on shortages of one or more of these preparations.

* available from one or more manufacturer, distributor, and/or repackager by generic (nonproprietary) name



Dosage Forms


Brand Names



Tablets, film-coated

500 mg*

Salsalate Tablets

750 mg*

Salsalate Tablets

AHFS DI Essentials™. © Copyright 2024, Selected Revisions November 29, 2021. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.


1200. US Food and Drug Administration. FDA drug safety communication: FDA recommends avoiding use of NSAIDs in pregnancy at 20 weeks or later because they can result in low amniotic fluid. 2020 Oct 15. From the FDA website.

1201. Amneal Pharmaceuticals. Salsalate tablets prescribing information. Bridgewater, NJ; 2020 Jun.

1202. Actavis Pharma. Sulindac tablets prescribing information. Parsippany, NJ; 2020 Oct.

1203. Jubilant Cadista Pharmaceuticals. Indomethacin extended-release capsules prescribing information. Salisbury, MD; 2020 Nov.

a. AHFS drug information 2007. McEvoy GK, ed. Salsalate. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2007: 2041-2.

b. Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories. Salsalate tablets prescribing information. Detroit, MI; 2005 Sep.

c. AHFS drug information 2007. McEvoy GK, ed. Salicylates General Statement. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2007: 2011-23.

d. Food and Drug Administration. Analysis and recommendations for agency action regarding non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cardiovascular risk. 2005 Apr 6.

e. McGettigan P, Henry D. Cardiovascular risk and inhibition of cyclooxygenase: a systematic review of observational studies of selective and nonselective inhibitors of cyclooxygenase 2. JAMA. 2006; 296: 1633-44.

f. Kearney PM, Baigent C, Godwin J et al. Do selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors and traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increase the risk of atherothrombosis? Meta-analysis of randomised trials. BMJ. 2006; 332: 1302-5.

g. Graham DJ. COX-2 inhibitors, other NSAIDs, and cardiovascular risk; the seduction of common sense. JAMA. 2006; 296:1653-6.

h. Merck & Co. Clinoril (sulindac) tablets prescribing information. Whitehouse Station, NJ; 2006 Feb.

i. Anon. Drugs for rheumatoid arthritis. Med Lett Drugs Ther. 2000; 42:57-64.

j. Wolfe MM, Lichtenstein DR, Singh G. Gastrointestinal toxicity of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. N Engl J Med. 1999; 340:1888-99.

k. American College of Rheumatology Subcommittee on Rheumatoid Arthritis Guidelines. Guidelines for the management of rheumatoid arthritis: 2002 update. Arthritis Rheum. 2002; 46:328-46.

l. Committee on Infectious Diseases, American Academy of Pediatrics. Aspirin and Reye syndrome. Pediatrics. 1982; 69:810-2.

m. Centers for Disease Control. Surgeon General’s advisory on the use of salicylates and Reye syndrome. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1982; 31:289-90.

n. Glen-Bott AM. Aspirin and Reye’s syndrome: a reappraisal. Med Toxicol Adverse Drug Exp. 1987; 2:161-5.

o. American Academy of Pediatrics. Red Book: 2009 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 28th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2009.

p. Food and Drug Administration. Internal analgesic, antipyretic, and antirheumatic drug products for over-the-counter human use; final rule for professional labeling of aspirin, buffered aspirin, and aspirin in combination with antacid drug products. 21 CFR Part 343. Final rule. [Docket No. 77N-094A] Fed Regist. 1998; 63:56802-19.

q. Insight. Anacin Extra Strength Pain Relieve tablets product information. From Anacin website. Assessed 2005 Dec 20.

r. Heritage. Aspergum Aspirin Rain Reliever, Orange Flavor Gum Tablets product information. From website. Assessed 2005 Nov. 8.

s. Bayer. Alka-Seltzer Lemon Lime product information. From Bayer website. Accessed Nov. 9.

t. Bayer. Aspirin Regimen Bayer 81 mg, Aspirin Regimen Bayer 325 mg, Delayed Release Enteric Aspirin, Adult Low Strength 81 mg Tablets, Regular Strength 325 mg Caplets product information. From PDR Electronic Library. Assessed 2005 Nov. 8.

u. Bayer. Genuine Bayer Aspirin product information. 2005. From Bayer website. Accessed Nov. 9.

v. Bayer. Children’s Chewable Aspirin-Cherry product information. 2005. From Bayer website. Accessed Nov. 9.

w. Bayer. Womens’ Aspirin Plus Calcium product information. 2005. From Bayer website. Accessed Nov. 9.

x. Bayer. Alka-Seltzer Original product information. undated. From Bayer website. Accessed Nov. 9.

y. Bayer. Alka-Seltzer Extra Strength product information. From Bayer website. Accessed Nov. 9.

z. Lanza Fl, and the members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Practice Parameters of the American College of Gastroenterology. A guideline for the treatment and prevention of NSAID-induced ulcers. Am J Gastroenterol. 1998; 93:2037-46.