Drug Interactions between Aurovela 1/20 and oxacillin
This report displays the potential drug interactions for the following 2 drugs:
- Aurovela 1/20 (ethinyl estradiol/norethindrone)
- oxacillin
Interactions between your drugs
oxacillin ethinyl estradiol
Applies to: oxacillin and Aurovela 1 / 20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)
MONITOR: The effectiveness of estrogen-containing medications may be impaired by concomitant treatment with antimicrobial agents. During metabolism, the estrogen component is conjugated, resulting in sulfation or glucuronidation of the original estrogenic steroid. The conjugates reach the intestine by way of the bile duct where hydrolytic enzymes of intestinal bacteria break down the conjugates into free, active estrogenic hormone. The active hormone is then available for enterohepatic cycling, which helps to maintain estrogen levels. It is important to note that the progestin component of a combined hormonal product does not undergo this process. It has been suggested that broad-spectrum antibiotics may reduce the effectiveness of estrogen-containing contraceptives because of their potential to reduce the number of intestinal bacteria and thus interfere with enterohepatic cycling of estrogen. Most of the research regarding this possible interaction has been done with oral contraceptives, but all estrogens appear to undergo enterohepatic recirculation so theoretically this interaction is a possibility with estrogen containing medications that are being used for alternative purposes. However, the risk appears to be small, and supportive data are primarily limited to anecdotal evidence from case reports and findings from uncontrolled or poorly controlled studies. Most antimicrobials, with the exception of enzyme inducing medications like the rifamycins and possibly griseofulvin, have not been shown to significantly increase the clearance of oral contraceptive estrogens. It is possible that a small number of women may be more sensitive to the effects of antimicrobials on estrogen disposition in vivo, but risk factors or genetic predispositions have yet to be identified.
MANAGEMENT: If a person is using estrogen for a purpose other than contraception, it is important to note that there is a theoretical possibility of lower levels of systemic estrogen available during treatment with an antibiotic due to interference with enterohepatic cycling. These patients should be counseled to report any changes in efficacy of the hormonal product to their healthcare provider. In the case of contraception specifically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do not consider most broad-spectrum antibiotics to significantly interfere with the effectiveness of combined hormonal contraception. However, the manufacturers of certain combined hormonal contraceptives and/or certain antibiotics do recommend using a back-up method of birth control for varying amounts of time; therefore, consulting the product labeling of each medication involved is advised. Some illnesses, as well as some antibiotics, may cause nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. If the patient vomits within a few hours of taking an oral contraceptive pill, consult the product labeling for instructions on what to do in the event of a missed pill. Some authorities recommend a back-up method of birth control if an individual has persistent vomiting or diarrhea.
References (45)
- Friedman CI, Huneke AL, Kim MH, Powell J (1980) "The effect of ampicillin on oral contraceptive effectiveness." Obstet Gynecol, 55, p. 33-7
- Back DJ, Breckenridge AM, MacIver M, et al. (1982) "The effects of ampicillin on oral contraceptive steroids in women." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 14, p. 43-8
- Neely JL, Abate M, Swinker M, D'Angio R (1991) "The effect of doxycycline on serum levels of ethinyl estradiol, norethindrone, and endogenous progesterone." Obstet Gynecol, 77, p. 416-20
- Joshi JV, Joshi UM, Sankholi GM, et al. (1980) "A study of interaction of low-dose combination oral contraceptive with ampicillin and metronidazole." Contraception, 22, p. 643-52
- Baciewicz AM (1985) "Oral contraceptive drug interactions." Ther Drug Monit, 7, p. 26-35
- Bint AJ, Burtt I (1980) "Adverse antibiotic drug interactions." Drugs, 20, p. 57-68
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- Szoka PR, Edgren RA (1988) "Drug interactions with oral contraceptives: compilation and analysis of an adverse experience report database." Fertil Steril, 49(5 Suppl), s31-8
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- Bacon JF, Shenfield GM (1980) "Pregnancy attributable to interaction between tetracycline and oral contraceptives." Br Med J, 280, p. 293
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- Wermeling DP, Chandler MH, Sides GD, Collins D, Muse KN (1995) "Dirithromycin increases ethinyl estradiol clearance without allowing ovulation." Obstet Gynecol, 86, p. 78-84
- Silber TJ (1983) "Apparent oral contraceptive failure associated with antibiotic administration." J Adolesc Health Care, 4, p. 287-9
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- Back DJ, Breckenridge AM, Crawford FE, MacIver M, Orne ML, Rowe PH (1981) "Interindividual variation and drug interactions with hormonal steroid contraceptives." Drugs, 21, p. 46-61
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- Curtis KM, Tepper NK, Jatlaoui TC, et al. (2023) U.S. medical eligibility criteria (US MEC) for contraceptive use. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/contraception/mmwr/mec/index.html
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- Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare (2023) FSRH CEU guidance: drug interactions with hormonal contraception (may 2022) https://www.fsrh.org/standards-and-guidance/documents/ceu-clinical-guidance-drug-interactions-with-hormonal/
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- Allen K (2012) "Contraception - common issues and practical suggestions." Aust Fam Physician, 41, p. 770-2
Drug and food interactions
oxacillin food
Applies to: oxacillin
ADJUST DOSING INTERVAL: Certain penicillins may exhibit reduced gastrointestinal absorption in the presence of food. The therapeutic effect of the antimicrobial may be reduced.
MANAGEMENT: The interacting penicillin should be administered one hour before or two hours after meals. Penicillin V and amoxicillin are not affected by food and may be given without regard to meals.
References (6)
- Neu HC (1974) "Antimicrobial activity and human pharmacology of amoxicillin." J Infect Dis, 129, s123-31
- Welling PG, Huang H, Koch PA, Madsen PO (1977) "Bioavailability of ampicillin and amoxicillin in fasted and nonfasted subjects." J Pharm Sci, 66, p. 549-52
- McCarthy CG, Finland M (1960) "Absorption and excretion of four penicillins." N Engl J Med, 263, p. 315-26
- Cronk GA, Wheatley WB, Fellers GF, Albright H (1960) "The relationship of food intake to the absorption of potassium alpha-phenoxyethyl penicillin and potassium phenoxymethyl penicillin from the gastrointestinal tract." Am J Med Sci, 240, p. 219-25
- Klein JO, Sabath LD, Finland M (1963) "Laboratory studies on oxacillin. I: in vitro activity against staphylococci and some other bacterial pathogens. II: absorption and urinary excretion in normal young." Am J Med Sci, 245, p. 399-411
- Neuvonen PJ, Elonen E, Pentikainen PJ (1977) "Comparative effect of food on absorption of ampicillin and pivampicillin." J Int Med Res, 5, p. 71-6
norethindrone food
Applies to: Aurovela 1 / 20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)
MONITOR: Grapefruit juice may increase the plasma concentrations of orally administered drugs that are substrates of the CYP450 3A4 isoenzyme. The proposed mechanism is inhibition of CYP450 3A4-mediated first-pass metabolism in the gut wall by certain compounds present in grapefruit. Because grapefruit juice inhibits primarily intestinal rather than hepatic CYP450 3A4, the magnitude of interaction is greatest for those drugs that undergo significant presystemic metabolism by CYP450 3A4 (i.e., drugs with low oral bioavailability). In general, the effect of grapefruit juice is concentration-, dose- and preparation-dependent, and can vary widely among brands. Certain preparations of grapefruit juice (e.g., high dose, double strength) have sometimes demonstrated potent inhibition of CYP450 3A4, while other preparations (e.g., low dose, single strength) have typically demonstrated moderate inhibition. Pharmacokinetic interactions involving grapefruit juice are also subject to a high degree of interpatient variability, thus the extent to which a given patient may be affected is difficult to predict.
MANAGEMENT: Patients who regularly consume grapefruit or grapefruit juice should be monitored for adverse effects and altered plasma concentrations of drugs that undergo significant presystemic metabolism by CYP450 3A4. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice should be avoided if an interaction is suspected. Orange juice is not expected to interact with these drugs.
References (32)
- Edgar B, Bailey D, Bergstrand R, et al. (1992) "Acute effects of drinking grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics and dynamics on felodipine and its potential clinical relevance." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 42, p. 313-7
- Jonkman JH, Sollie FA, Sauter R, Steinijans VW (1991) "The influence of caffeine on the steady-state pharmacokinetics of theophylline." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 49, p. 248-55
- Bailey DG, Arnold JM, Munoz C, Spence JD (1993) "Grapefruit juice--felodipine interaction: mechanism, predictability, and effect of naringin." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 53, p. 637-42
- Bailey DG, Arnold JMO, Spence JD (1994) "Grapefruit juice and drugs - how significant is the interaction." Clin Pharmacokinet, 26, p. 91-8
- Sigusch H, Hippius M, Henschel L, Kaufmann K, Hoffmann A (1994) "Influence of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics of a slow release nifedipine formulation." Pharmazie, 49, p. 522-4
- Bailey DG, Arnold JM, Strong HA, Munoz C, Spence JD (1993) "Effect of grapefruit juice and naringin on nisoldipine pharmacokinetics." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 54, p. 589-94
- Yamreudeewong W, Henann NE, Fazio A, Lower DL, Cassidy TG (1995) "Drug-food interactions in clinical practice." J Fam Pract, 40, p. 376-84
- (1995) "Grapefruit juice interactions with drugs." Med Lett Drugs Ther, 37, p. 73-4
- Hukkinen SK, Varhe A, Olkkola KT, Neuvonen PJ (1995) "Plasma concentrations of triazolam are increased by concomitant ingestion of grapefruit juice." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 58, p. 127-31
- Min DI, Ku YM, Geraets DR, Lee HC (1996) "Effect of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of quinidine in healthy volunteers." J Clin Pharmacol, 36, p. 469-76
- Majeed A, Kareem A (1996) "Effect of grapefruit juice on cyclosporine pharmacokinetics." Pediatr Nephrol, 10, p. 395
- Clifford CP, Adams DA, Murray S, Taylor GW, Wilkins MR, Boobis AR, Davies DS (1996) "Pharmacokinetic and cardiac effects of terfenadine after inhibition of its metabolism by grapefruit juice." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 42, p662
- Josefsson M, Zackrisson AL, Ahlner J (1996) "Effect of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics of amlodipine in healthy volunteers." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 51, p. 189-93
- Kantola T, Kivisto KT, Neuvonen PJ (1998) "Grapefruit juice greatly increases serum concentrations of lovastatin and lovastatin acid." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 63, p. 397-402
- Ozdemir M, Aktan Y, Boydag BS, Cingi MI, Musmul A (1998) "Interaction between grapefruit juice and diazepam in humans." Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, 23, p. 55-9
- Bailey DG, Malcolm J, Arnold O, Spence JD (1998) "Grapefruit juice-drug interactions." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 46, p. 101-10
- Bailey DG, Kreeft JH, Munoz C, Freeman DJ, Bend JR (1998) "Grapefruit juice felodipine interaction: Effect of naringin and 6',7'-dihydroxybergamottin in humans." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 64, p. 248-56
- Garg SK, Kumar N, Bhargava VK, Prabhakar SK (1998) "Effect of grapefruit juice on carbamazepine bioavailability in patients with epilepsy." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 64, p. 286-8
- Lilja JJ, Kivisto KT, Neuvonen PJ (1998) "Grapefruit juice-simvastatin interaction: Effect on serum concentrations of simvastatin, simvastatin acid, and HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 64, p. 477-83
- Fuhr U, Maier-Bruggemann A, Blume H, et al. (1998) "Grapefruit juice increases oral nimodipine bioavailability." Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther, 36, p. 126-32
- Lilja JJ, Kivisto KT, Neuvonen PJ (1999) "Grapefruit juice increases serum concentrations of atorvastatin and has no effect on pravastatin." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 66, p. 118-27
- Eagling VA, Profit L, Back DJ (1999) "Inhibition of the CYP3A4-mediated metabolism and P-glycoprotein-mediated transport of the HIV-I protease inhibitor saquinavir by grapefruit juice components." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 48, p. 543-52
- Damkier P, Hansen LL, Brosen K (1999) "Effect of diclofenac, disulfiram, itraconazole, grapefruit juice and erythromycin on the pharmacokinetics of quinidine." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 48, p. 829-38
- Lee AJ, Chan WK, Harralson AF, Buffum J, Bui BCC (1999) "The effects of grapefruit juice on sertraline metabolism: An in vitro and in vivo study." Clin Ther, 21, p. 1890-9
- Dresser GK, Spence JD, Bailey DG (2000) "Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic consequences and clinical relevance of cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition." Clin Pharmacokinet, 38, p. 41-57
- Gunston GD, Mehta U (2000) "Potentially serious drug interactions with grapefruit juice." S Afr Med J, 90, p. 41
- Takanaga H, Ohnishi A, Maatsuo H, et al. (2000) "Pharmacokinetic analysis of felodipine-grapefruit juice interaction based on an irreversible enzyme inhibition model." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 49, p. 49-58
- Libersa CC, Brique SA, Motte KB, et al. (2000) "Dramatic inhibition of amiodarone metabolism induced by grapefruit juice." Br J Clin Pharmacol, 49, p. 373-8
- Bailey DG, Dresser GR, Kreeft JH, Munoz C, Freeman DJ, Bend JR (2000) "Grapefruit-felodipine interaction: Effect of unprocessed fruit and probable active ingredients." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 68, p. 468-77
- Zaidenstein R, Soback S, Gips M, Avni B, Dishi V, Weissgarten Y, Golik A, Scapa E (2001) "Effect of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics of losartan and its active metabolite E3174 in healthy volunteers." Ther Drug Monit, 23, p. 369-73
- Sato J, Nakata H, Owada E, Kikuta T, Umetsu M, Ito K (1993) "Influence of usual intake of dietary caffeine on single-dose kinetics of theophylline in healthy human subjects." Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 44, p. 295-8
- Flanagan D (2005) "Understanding the grapefruit-drug interaction." Gen Dent, 53, 282-5; quiz 286
ethinyl estradiol food
Applies to: Aurovela 1 / 20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)
Coadministration with grapefruit juice may increase the bioavailability of oral estrogens. The proposed mechanism is inhibition of CYP450 3A4-mediated first-pass metabolism in the gut wall induced by certain compounds present in grapefruits. In a small, randomized, crossover study, the administration of ethinyl estradiol with grapefruit juice (compared to herbal tea) increased peak plasma drug concentration (Cmax) by 37% and area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) by 28%. Based on these findings, grapefruit juice is unlikely to affect the overall safety profile of ethinyl estradiol. However, as with other drug interactions involving grapefruit juice, the pharmacokinetic alterations are subject to a high degree of interpatient variability. Also, the effect on other estrogens has not been studied.
References (2)
- Weber A, Jager R, Borner A, et al. (1996) "Can grapefruit juice influence ethinyl estradiol bioavailability?" Contraception, 53, p. 41-7
- Schubert W, Eriksson U, Edgar B, Cullberg G, Hedner T (1995) "Flavonoids in grapefruit juice inhibit the in vitro hepatic metabolism of 17B-estradiol." Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, 20, p. 219-24
ethinyl estradiol food
Applies to: Aurovela 1 / 20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)
The central nervous system effects and blood levels of ethanol may be increased in patients taking oral contraceptives, although data are lacking and reports are contradictory. The mechanism may be due to enzyme inhibition. Consider counseling women about this interaction which is unpredictable.
References (1)
- Hobbes J, Boutagy J, Shenfield GM (1985) "Interactions between ethanol and oral contraceptive steroids." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 38, p. 371-80
norethindrone food
Applies to: Aurovela 1 / 20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)
The central nervous system effects and blood levels of ethanol may be increased in patients taking oral contraceptives, although data are lacking and reports are contradictory. The mechanism may be due to enzyme inhibition. Consider counseling women about this interaction which is unpredictable.
References (1)
- Hobbes J, Boutagy J, Shenfield GM (1985) "Interactions between ethanol and oral contraceptive steroids." Clin Pharmacol Ther, 38, p. 371-80
Therapeutic duplication warnings
No warnings were found for your selected drugs.
Therapeutic duplication warnings are only returned when drugs within the same group exceed the recommended therapeutic duplication maximum.
See also
Drug Interaction Classification
Highly clinically significant. Avoid combinations; the risk of the interaction outweighs the benefit. | |
Moderately clinically significant. Usually avoid combinations; use it only under special circumstances. | |
Minimally clinically significant. Minimize risk; assess risk and consider an alternative drug, take steps to circumvent the interaction risk and/or institute a monitoring plan. | |
No interaction information available. |
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