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Topical anesthetics

What are Topical anesthetics?

Topical anesthetics are medicines that numb and reduce the sensation of pain in the area to which they are applied. They are available as creams, ointments, solutions, eye drops, gels or sprays and may be applied to areas such as the skin, inside the mouth or throat, in the nose, or in the eyes.

Topical anesthetics may be applied to the skin to relieve pain caused by sunburn or other minor burns, insect bites, minor cuts, or before dressing changes when wounds are extensive. They may also be used prior to vaccination or any other procedure that requires insertion of a needle.

List of Topical anesthetics

View by  Generic | Brand
Drug Name Avg. Rating Reviews
lidocaine topical (Pro)
Brand names: AneCream, Anestacon, Astero, Bactine, Bruselix Cream, Bruselix Gel, CidalEaze, DermacinRx Lido V Pak, DermacinRx Lidotral, Eha Lotion, Gen7T Lotion, Gen7T Patch, Glydo, LidaMantle, Lido-Sorb, Lidocaine Viscous, Lidocan III, Lidocan IV, Lidocan Patch, Lidocan V, Lidocan VI, Lidocan VII, Lidoderm, Lidogel, LidoLite, Lidopac, Lidorex, LidoRx, Lidosol, Lidotral, Lidotran, Lidotrans 5 Pak, Lidozion, LMX 4, LMX 5, LTA II Kit, Lydexa, Medi-Quik Spray, Moxicaine, RadiaGuard, RectiCare, Regenecare HA Spray, Topicaine, Tranzarel, Tridacaine II, Tridacaine III, Tridacaine XL, Xylocaine Jelly, Xylocaine Topical, Zionodil, ZTlido
248 reviews
pramoxine topical (Pro)
Brand names: Gold Bond Anti-Itch, Pramox, Prax, Sarna Sensitive
67 reviews
phenol topical
Brand names: Assure Sore Throat, Castellani Paint, Cepastat Extra Strength, Cheracol Sore Throat, Chloraseptic Sore Throat Spray, Mycinette Sore Throat Spray, Ora Relief Throat, Pain-A-Lay Gargle, Phenaseptic Cherry, Unguentine, Unguentine Original Formula
43 reviews
benzocaine topical (Pro)
Brand names: Anacaine, Anbesol, BeeGentle, Benz-O-Sthetic, Benzo-Jel, Benzodent, Cepacol Dual Relief Sore Throat, Cepacol Fizzlers, Chiggerex, Denti-Care Denti-Freeze, Dermoplast, Detane, Hurricaine, Kank-a, Lanacane, Laryngesic, Medicone, Ora film, Orabase, Orajel, OraMagic Plus, Precaine B, Solarcaine First Aid Medicated Spray, Topex, Topical Anesthetic Dental Gel, Zilactin-B
43 reviews
lidocaine / prilocaine topical (Pro)
Brand names: AgonEaze, Anodyne LPT, DermacinRx Empricaine, DermacinRx Prikaan, DermacinRx Prizopak, Dolotranz, Emla, EmReal, Leva Set, Lidopril, Lidopril XR, Lidotor, Livixil Pak, Nuvakaan II, Oraqix, Prikaan, Priloheal Plus 30, Prilolid, Prilovix Lite, Prilovix Lite Plus, Prilovix Plus, Prilovix Ultralite, Prilovix Ultralite Plus, Realheal-I, SkyaDerm-LP, VallaDerm-90, Venipuncture CPI
30 reviews
dibucaine topical (Pro)
Brand name: Nupercainal
9 reviews
lidocaine / menthol topical
Brand names: Elemar Patch, Gen7T Plus Patch, LenzaPatch, LidoStream, Lidothol, Provenza, Synvexia, Veltrix
7 reviews
benzalkonium chloride / lidocaine topical
Brand name: First Aid Antiseptic
6 reviews
dyclonine topical (Pro)
Brand name: Dyclopro
3 reviews
cocaine topical (Pro)
Brand name: C-Topical Solution
3 reviews
tetracaine topical
Brand name: Pontocaine
2 reviews
pramoxine/zinc acetate topical
Brand names: Calaclear, Caladryl Clear, Caldyphen Clear, Callergy Clear, Clear Calamine
2 reviews
lidocaine / tetracaine topical (Pro)
Brand names: Pliaglis, S-Caine Peel, Synera
2 reviews
hydrocortisone / lidocaine topical (Pro)
Brand names: Ana-Lex, AnaMantle HC, Radiaura Skin Recovery
2 reviews
capsaicin / lidocaine / menthol / methyl salicylate topical
Brand names: LidoPro, Transderm-iQ
2 reviews
pentafluoropropane / tetrafluoroethane topical
Brand name: Gebauer's Spray and Stretch
No reviews
ethyl chloride topical (Pro)
No reviews
cocaine nasal (Pro)
Brand names: Goprelto, Numbrino
No reviews
camphor / lidocaine / methyl salicylate topical
Brand name: Viva
No reviews
For ratings, users were asked how effective they found the medicine while considering positive/adverse effects and ease of use (1 = not effective, 10 = most effective).

Further information

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.