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Flexbumin Dosage

Generic name: ALBUMIN HUMAN 0.20g in 1mL
Dosage form: injection
Drug class: Plasma expanders

Medically reviewed by Last updated on Dec 18, 2024.

For intravenous use only.


The dose required depends on the patient's body weight, severity of injury/illness and on continuing fluid and protein losses. Adjust the concentration, dosage and infusion rate to the patient's individual requirements. Use adequacy of circulating blood volume, not plasma albumin levels, to determine the dose required. Refer to Table 1 for recommended doses.

Do not exceed 2 g of albumin per kg of body weight for the daily dose. Do not exceed 1 mL/min for patients with normal blood volume. More rapid administration can cause circulatory overload and pulmonary edema11.

Table 1: Recommended Dose
Indication Dose
Hypovolemic Shock Infants and young children: 3 to 6 mL per kg body weight.
Older children and adults: initial dose 150 to 250 mL.
Repeat after 15 to 30 minutes if response is not adequate.
Hypoalbuminemia Calculate the body albumin compartment to be 80 to 100 mL per kg body weight. Do not exceed a daily dose of 2 g of albumin per kg of body weight.
Burns The dosage should be determined according to the patient's condition and response to treatment after the first 24 hours.
Hemolytic disease in newborn 1 g per kilogram body weight prior to or during exchange transfusion.12


Reversing hypovolemia depends largely upon its ability to draw interstitial fluid into the circulation. It is most effective in patients who are well hydrated. Use 5% protein solutions or dilute 20% albumin with crystalloid solutions in the absence of adequate or excessive hydration.


If albumin deficit is the result of excessive protein loss, the effect of FLEXBUMIN 20% will be temporary unless the underlying disorder is reversed.


  • Visually inspect parenteral drug product for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration. FLEXBUMIN 20% is a transparent or slightly opalescent solution, which may have a greenish tint or may vary from a pale straw to an amber color. Do not use unless solution is clear of particulate matter or if the solution is turbid.
  • Check the container for minute leaks prior to use by squeezing the bag firmly. If leaks are found, discard solution.
  • Do not use the bag if the tip protector is damaged, detached or missing.
  • Do not dilute with Sterile Water for Injection. Acceptable diluents include 0.9% Sodium Chloride or 5% Dextrose in Water.
  • Do not mix or add with other medicinal products including blood and blood components, protein hydrolysates or solutions containing alcohol. Do not add supplementary medication.
  • Administer within 4 hours after the container has been entered.
  • Monitor hemodynamic parameters in patients receiving FLEXBUMIN 20% and check for the risk of hypervolemia and cardiovascular overload.
  • Record the name and batch number of the product to maintain a link between the patient and the product.
  • Discard unused portion.

CAUTION: Do not use plastic containers in series connections. Such use could result in air embolism due to residual air being drawn from the primary container before the administration of fluid from the secondary container is complete.

  1. Suspend container from eyelet support.
  2. Remove plastic protector from outlet port at bottom of container.
  3. Attach administration set. Refer to complete directions accompanying the administration set.

Further information

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.