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Venlafaxine and Sexual Dysfunction: What Users Say

Brand names: Effexor, Effexor XR

Sexual dysfunction: mentioned by 165 users (5.9%)

Based on user experiences from 2,786 Venlafaxine reviews, the following table shows the most commonly mentioned side effects.

All user comments are moderated by Each review is verified for relevance and screened for inappropriate content. Side effects are user-reported and not clinically verified.

nausea 13.5%
anxiety 11.1%
dizziness 8.9%
withdrawal 8.7%
headaches 7.8%
insomnia 6.7%
tiredness 6.2%
sweating 6.1%
sexual dysfunction 5.9%
weight gain 5.2%

Reviews for Venlafaxine

Commonly mentioned side effects
  • Rya...
  • January 23, 2020

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "This drug is by far the best antidepressant I've taken, and I've been on it since age 17 (now 34). If you miss a day, you will be very emotional, but other than that, I haven't noticed many bad side effects. My depression is great now and has been for years. The only negative is my lack of sex drive and sleeping a lot. Not sure if that's all due to the medication or just my lazy arse. Heard a lot of bad reviews, but honestly, I've been on it for 7 years and I think it's great."

9 / 10
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212 Report
  • aim...
  • February 25, 2020

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I'm a 27 y/o female, good health but have GAD and MDD. I began taking Effexor XR when I began having panic attacks while driving. I began with 37.5mg for 4 weeks, then upped to 75mg after that. After 3 months, I began to sweat in my sleep despite not feeling overheated. I began to suffer from sexual dysfunction, lost my libido and had difficulty reaching an orgasm (neither had been an issue previously). My appetite increased and I gained 25 lbs in 1 year. I also noticed I felt very 'flat' emotionally. I wrote this because I feel like positive reviews are lacking. Effexor absolutely improved my anxiety. The side effects were unpleasant but not severe. Stopping this medication suddenly can cause withdrawal symptoms, so when I switched to a new one, I slowly tapered off it by opening the capsule and counting the granules, reducing them by about 4 per day. I did not suffer from any 'brain zaps' or any withdrawal symptoms."

8 / 10
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183 Report
  • Hap...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 10, 2014

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I have been on Effexor for the past 10 years. I started having panic attacks as a child, although I didn't know at the time what was going on. When I was 17, the doctor prescribed Valium that I took periodically when my anxiety got really bad. Finally, when I was 40, the doctor suggested I go on a very low dosage of Effexor (37.5mg) because he was sure I had generalized anxiety disorder. What a difference this has made in my life. I felt 'weird' the first few weeks, but now I have very little anxiety and really no side effects except maybe lower libido. I had no idea how much anxiety I had been living with all my life."

9 / 10
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280 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Add...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 25, 2021

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder "After years of suffering from anxiety and panic attacks, I finally decided to start medication. I started with Lexapro, and it made me feel terrible, with horribly low libido. I then tried Buspar with the same side effects. Effexor XR was my next try. I’m writing this because I was nervous about taking this medication after reading reviews. This medication has saved my life. I can finally do things that anxiety stopped me from doing. My panic attacks have decreased to hardly any. I had social anxiety, and I feel like I can have a normal conversation without stuttering due to being anxious. The only “con” I have of this medication is if I skip it one day, I have horrible flu-like symptoms and extreme headaches. However, I don’t plan to skip it regularly, so as long as you take it as prescribed, this shouldn’t be a problem. I 10/10 recommend this medication!"

10 / 10
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87 Report
  • OK2...
  • October 4, 2013

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I was started on 75 mg of Effexor and then increased to 150 mg. I felt much better overall. Anxiety was about gone, I could think through my thoughts. However, I was not happy with the sexual dysfunction I experienced on the 150 mg dose. My doctor lowered my dose back to 75 mg and the sexual dysfunction resolved, and my generalized anxiety disorder is within tolerable limits. I recently added Vitamin D and B12 to my daily regimen with my Effexor 75 mg ER dose and noticed a huge lifting of the mental fog that I had known for so long. This combination has been keeping my thoughts from racing, my hope from tanking, and my perspective in a good and positive place. It works for me."

10 / 10
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183 Report

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  • NoN...
  • June 15, 2018

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I am a 31-year-old female and work as a lawyer. Effexor is the first medication I tried. I took it for 7 years and it worked great. I decided to stop a few years ago because I thought it was affecting my libido. The reality is that I was just in a bad relationship, and I wasn’t attracted to the man I was with. Anyhow, I tried all sorts of medications afterwards, including Buspirone, Zoloft, and Pristiq. I am now back to Effexor, the only medication that ever worked with my anxiety. It is just day 1, but all I can say is that for 7 years, it worked like magic. Most of my anxiety symptoms were gone. When off Effexor, anxiety slowly came back and manifested itself in the sneakiest ways... it just takes over your life to a point where you can’t function anymore. I was at a point where I literally couldn’t function. Now I have hope. Finally, I can go back to normal and enjoy life. I have a wonderful family, boyfriend, and a challenging & interesting job."

10 / 10
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114 Report
  • Unc...
  • September 24, 2020

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I was prescribed Effexor 37.5 mg for GAD and depression. I also have OCD. Side effects were as follows: 1st day: fuzzy, lethargic, unable to focus, stomach issues. 2nd day: same as the first day with loss of appetite. 3rd day: same as the second day. 4th/5th day: same as previous days, except slightly raised anxiety and notably raised depression. 6th day: felt better, slept better, appetite still down. 7th day: noticeably less anxiety and depression, no libido, which in my case is good because I have a tendency to have lots of unprotected sex with random women. 8th day: appetite is still not right, but I feel better than I did before I took the meds, and definitely better than I did in the first 5 days of taking it. For some, it takes longer, but if you are a person with bad anxiety, any physical ailments seem worse than they really are. I'd say the first 7 days on 37.5 mg are tough, but it eventually got better. By day 9, I am feeling okay, no anxiety, and more of a baselined depression."

7 / 10
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71 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 29, 2011

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I started taking Effexor about a year ago. It has made an incredible difference to my life. I was extremely anxious, waking at night in a sweat (possibly also the onset of menopause) and struggling to go back to sleep. I was also depressed and found myself often crying for no reason at all. I started very slowly, increasing the dose every 2 months. I cannot recommend Effexor enough. I feel that it has turned my life around. I did not gain weight at all, which was a big concern. I did feel quite lethargic at first, and it took a while to get any sex drive back. I am still not back to my usual sex drive, and reaching orgasm is harder. I still feel my decision to stay on Effexor has been the right one. Hope this helps. Good luck."

9 / 10
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136 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 29, 2011

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I started taking Effexor about a year ago. It has made an incredible difference to my life. I was extremely anxious, waking at night in a sweat (possibly also the onset of menopause) and struggling to go back to sleep. I was also depressed and found myself often crying for no reason at all. I started very slowly, increasing the dose every 2 months. I cannot recommend Effexor enough. I feel that it has turned my life around. I did not gain weight at all, which was a big concern. I did feel quite lethargic at first, and it took a while to get any sex drive back. I am still not back to my usual sex drive, and reaching orgasm is harder. I still feel my decision to stay on Effexor has been the right one. Hope this helps. Good luck."

9 / 10
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136 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 5, 2012

Effexor (venlafaxine) for Depression "I was recently put on Effexor, and I have seen a huge improvement in my motivation and mental clarity. I actually want to get out of bed and do things. I actually want to work out. I don't want to eat all the time anymore. I am severely obese, and now after being on it for almost 2 months, I have lost about 10 lbs, and I feel great. I haven't noticed any detrimental side effects. It has actually increased my libido, too. I will post if I see any bad changes."

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124 Report
  • las...
  • June 2, 2009

Effexor (venlafaxine) for Depression "I am 24 years old, female, 5'1, 130 lbs. Treated for major depression and anxiety. I have aversions to junk food (I am normally health-conscious unless I am really depressed), weight loss (12 lbs), dry mouth, lighter mood, easier to focus, more motivated, mountains turn into anthills, lower sex drive, sometimes get headaches. For me, the pros overwrite the cons - I went off of this for 6 months with no problems. No addiction or sickness. I am back on it, and boy am I glad to feel happy again."

8 / 10
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129 Report
  • Scr...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 16, 2015

For Anxiety and Stress "46, Male, No previous mental illness. SYMPTOMS - Racing thoughts and worry causing panic attacks, fluttering heartbeat, insomnia, and mild depression. SIDE EFFECTS - Nothing terrible. Dry mouth, made some bad habits worse, like grinding teeth, gnashing tongue, chewing inside of lips. Increased libido with delayed, but intense orgasm. Loss of appetite, lost 11 lbs in a month. GOOD EFFECTS - Completely took the edge off of everything. No racing thoughts, no panic attacks. I am able to focus on tasks better. Made me very agreeable with family and friends. I seem to love my GF more. Things that irritated me about her don't anymore. So far it's been a good drug with no adverse qualities worth worrying about. I took Zoloft first, it made me suicidal"

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86 Report
  • Scr...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 16, 2015

For Anxiety and Stress "46, Male, No previous mental illness. SYMPTOMS - Racing thoughts and worry causing panic attacks, fluttering heartbeat, insomnia, and mild depression. SIDE EFFECTS - Nothing terrible. Dry mouth, made some bad habits worse, like grinding teeth, gnashing tongue, chewing inside of lips. Increased libido with delayed, but intense orgasm. Loss of appetite, lost 11 lbs in a month. GOOD EFFECTS - Completely took the edge off of everything. No racing thoughts, no panic attacks. I am able to focus on tasks better. Made me very agreeable with family and friends. I seem to love my GF more. Things that irritated me about her don't anymore. So far it's been a good drug with no adverse qualities worth worrying about. I took Zoloft first, it made me suicidal"

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86 Report
  • cwi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 29, 2020

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder "Amazing drug. Changed my life. I have had horrible issues with my sleep, with my diet, and my stomach always hurting and being in knots 24/7. When I started Effexor, everything changed for the better. I started being able to sleep, and I was able to eat again because my stomach pain stopped completely. I feel so confident on this medication. It gives me energy and lights a fire in my soul. I only take a dose of 37.5 mg. I would like to increase it one day. The only side effect that I would say is why I rate this a 9 is it has caused some sexual issues but not as bad as SSRIs did to me. It is true once on it, you're hooked forever. But that is 100% fine with me. I am more social and excited about life, knowing each day I will never have to feel the knots and pain in my stomach, horrible anxiety ever again. THANK YOU to whoever made this medication. It was made for me."

9 / 10
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52 Report
  • Joh...
  • December 16, 2014

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "Side effects are plenty, like tremors, shakes, jolts, shudders, lack of libido and seeping semen (sorry if this puts anyone off their dinner), weird dreams (initial period), yawns that make me almost pass out (initial period), double vision at night looking at bright objects. I've been on 150mg for over a year. With all these side effects you'd wonder why I keep taking it!? It's because I remember weeping driving to work, gagging before going into what other people would only find mildly stressful situations and I've gained a great deal of control again in my life, having been promoted in work and being able to play with my kids and talk to my wife. You'll read horror stories about side effects but it has worked wonders for me."

9 / 10
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87 Report
  • can...
  • May 21, 2020

For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder "This drug has literally saved my life. I agree with others that the initial side effects can be bad, so sleepy for the first week but switched to taking it at night. I take the slow release after dinner (better tolerated with food), helped me sleep, which helped me to feel a little better initially. The dose to start was 37.5 mg for 3 weeks, then up to 75 mg. So sweaty!!! If I don't take it with food, I get horrible nausea. Sex drive decreased slightly initially, and weight gain of about 5 kgs. Now I've been on it for about 6 months. Slowly losing the weight, sleeping great, no suicidal thoughts/ideation, or maybe just a couple fleeting thoughts, decrease in obsessive thoughts, no nightmares, decrease in impulsive behaviors, disassociation, emotional regulation!! Highs and lows kind of dulled, I would say. Experiencing the gray areas for the first time in 20 years. Feeling 'normal', increase in interest in social activities. Honestly, this is the best antidepressant I've ever had. I will never stop taking it!!"

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Maj...
  • February 11, 2020

For Depression "I took Venlafaxine 75 mg twice in my life. I took it for a year in 2018 and went back to it at the end of 2019. The first time taking it was hard because of the side effects: no appetite, libido gone, headaches, and vomiting. After two weeks, it got so much better, so keep trying it and don't give up because after a while, side effects are gone. The first time taking it was very good, helped me a lot, much better than the previous med that I was taking (fluoxetine 20 mg). At the end of 2019, I had to start taking it again, and in the first weeks, it was okay. It helped me for around 3 months, but then I got worse, apparently, my body was tired of the chemicals, and now I changed to a new antidepressant. Let's try it... Do not give up on venlafaxine, it was really good and helpful for me. Don't be harsh on yourself and be strong with the side effects because it is just in the first days. Good luck to everyone who is reading this.."

8 / 10
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45 Report
  • Mar...
  • October 24, 2013

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "I entered the beginning stages of menopause, and my mood changed dramatically. I was getting very concerned as I had never felt so sad and hopeless. I could not stop crying, and things that normally I would not let bother me were becoming huge issues. I did not recognize myself. I am known as a glass-half-full kind of person, so the change was dramatic. I was put on 35mg of Effexor, and wow - what a difference. Surprise, surprise, my hot flashes stopped (I have since read it helps with that), my mood back to normal, and strangely my joints don't hurt so much, and I have more energy. The few negatives are I yawn a lot, and though I still enjoy sex, I cannot have an orgasm. I consider both minor due to feeling so much better."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • kra...
  • August 19, 2013

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "I am a 23-year-old male suffering from extreme MDD and GAD. I have been taking 150 mg of Effexor XR and 15 mg of Remeron for two months. I have tried Celexa, Lexapro, Wellbutrin XL, Zoloft, Paxil, and Prozac, and this is by far the best medication! I have been lifted from the darkness and have had no side effects, including sexual dysfunction. Yay!"

10 / 10
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78 Report
  • Reg...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 2, 2015

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "Effexor has been the most effective antidepressant for me. I've tried 5 SSRIs. Effexor doesn't make me lazy or spaced out. I feel it helps my cognitive functioning, as well as focus, motivation, and memory. I will go off Effexor for periods of time, plenty of time for my brain/body to reset, but I keep finding it better to be on Effexor. It's helped me to not be so negative, irritable, and just miserable overall. I can feel its slight pain-killing effects as well. It keeps me doing things instead of laying in bed ruminating negative thoughts. Side effects for me are constipation and lower libido. Miralax fixes the first one. As for the second one, before Effexor, I wasn't socializing at all anyways, so I can handle that side effect."

9 / 10
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68 Report
  • all...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 11, 2016

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I tried Effexor XR after most of the SSRIs I recently tried gave me diarrhea for more than just the initial adjustment period. I tend to be more on the anxious side of life, and the SSRIs seemed to treat that better than Effexor, but I can't be in the bathroom all day. 75 mg/day works well for me currently. I was on 150 mg for a year, which worked well, but then suddenly my anxiety and obsessive thinking were coming back. The doctor upped the dose to 225, and I got way worse, so we lowered it, and boom, way better. 'Less is more' worked for me this time. Effexor XR also has fewer side effects for me regarding fatigue, hunger, weight gain, and sexual side effects. As a woman, this is a huge perk. Mental health - the struggle is real! Good luck!"

8 / 10
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61 Report
  • Che...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 8, 2017

For Hot Flashes "70 mg worked great for hot flashes, but sexual side effects were a problem. Reduced down to 37.5 mg, and that helped. Still have a few hot flashes, but they are tolerable. This med is also used off-label to help chronic back pain, which I have. Helps uplift your mood, too."

8 / 10
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53 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 12, 2012

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "Overall I love this pill, I have been on 75mg of Effexor for 8 years after being severely depressed and suicidal. I haven't had the same type of mood the whole time. The only downfall to this medication is the side effects, I have found that I have no libido and often very tired. Also, if I miss one day, I have very bad side effects like a really bad hangover. I am a little afraid of getting off the pill but I would like to try. Overall, if you need help with your depression, this pill is amazing."

9 / 10
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73 Report
  • wif...
  • October 6, 2013

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I've been on 75 mg of Effexor XR for about 3 weeks. I still have some anxiety, but I can tell it is helping. I was very afraid of sexual side effects when taking this medicine, but I'm happy to report that overall it's not been a problem. Seventy percent of people do not have sexual side effects."

8 / 10
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66 Report
  • Kin...
  • February 12, 2017

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "I started off with 75 mg and have stayed on it ever since because I found no reason to change it. The first day, I could feel this medication working, it was a little much at first, but nothing I couldn't handle. But I soon noticed that it took all my emotions away and made me dull to everything going on around me and in my life. Most don't like that, but I really do, I feel as if I have no cares in the world at all. Nothing goes through my head at all, it's like magic. It takes me a little bit to actually get my brain going and operating, but that's fine with me. Sleep and sex drive have gone down, but I still get the sleep I need, and if I need to perform, I can. I just don't have the desire to want sex. It's changed my life in such good ways."

10 / 10
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50 Report

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