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Armour Thyroid for Hashimoto's disease User Reviews (Page 2)

Armour Thyroid has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 72 reviews for the treatment of Hashimoto's disease. 58% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 32% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Armour Thyroid

  • Jsg
  • January 18, 2021

"I have taken Armour thyroid for 30+ years after Synthroid did not work. In the spring of 2020 I began to feel terrible. Headache, tiredness, pain in my joints , no energy at all. My IM ran thyroid panel in me. Everything normal ( I don’t think he ran antibodies). I asked him to switch me to WP thyroid. He did and within weeks I started to feel like my old self. That lasted for 6 months and WP thyroid was pulled from the market. I had to go back on Armour Thyroid. All my previous symptoms are back and I feel terrible again. I am SURE that Allergan has reformulated Armor thyroid. We must report and complain to the FDA to get RLC labs preparations back on the market."

2 / 10
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45 Report
  • AnonL...
  • February 15, 2015

"Like many others, I received a diagnosis after getting so bad that I could barely walk. I couldn't get out of a chair without rolling over to the arm and pulling/pushing myself out. I was prescribed synthetic medication and got a bit better, but my hair started falling out and I got headaches. I started the research and insisted on the Armour. Huge difference, especially in mental performance. I make my living by doing analyses on high-risk complex things. It was so wonderful to get my brain back. I had some help from a naturopathic doctor who suggested that I add supplements to address any adrenal damage (adrenal rebuilders). The final step has been traditional Chinese medicine, and I am now almost off the Armour too. Western medicine will tell you that thyroid treatment is a lifelong path. Maybe."

9 / 10
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86 Report
  • Swelt...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 8, 2023

"I have been on Armour since 1999 except for the time a few years ago when it wasn't available. Have had good luck with it until last year and started experiencing a dry mouth, clenching/snapping jaw, extreme hair loss, nausea at night, and extreme insomnia. Armour is the only medication I take, and I take no supplements. I think there is a serious problem with this medication that is not being addressed."

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Frequently asked questions

  • guine...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 8, 2022

"Today is Sept 8 of 2022, I have had them all from expensive Tirosint SOL to pathetic Synthroid generics. They all have terrible side effects that I can't handle. Lately I've been guinea pig to Armour Thyroid for the past year and guess what? I've been pushed to see a psychiatrist because of the anxiety, depression, insomnia and panic attacks it's caused me. I was fine on NP Thyroid for 2 years before the big distributors and politicians decided to stick their greedy hands in what did not involve THEIR own health. Ever since the 2020 downfall, I have been forced to anti-depressants and counselling .. as if 'WE' THE PATIENTS have no absolute idea what our bodies feel like after living in it for yay-years or changing medications. And surviving covid wasn't difficult enough. For now, I am stuck with anxiety, chests pains on/off, depression and somewhat hair loss. If anyone knows a better remedy ... please pass it on. Best of luck to everyone out there still fighting the uphill war."

3 / 10
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25 Report
  • Sickt...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 4, 2020

"I have been on armor 180mg almost 11 years I Tried Synthroid first. My TSH was 195 I was 26. When I started it put me into a a MAJOR craze I still don’t know what. It felt like I had bugs crawling in my skin and can’t stress enough how horrible it was. I feel like the last 10 years of my life are a blur I just kind of tolerated it I lost the weight I gained. Way too terrified to try any other medication after what I went through I just dealt with it. Fast forward to 2019 I FEEL TERRIBLE despite my TSH actually being a little hyper because of suppressing my goiter I got from my TSH being 195 I now have gained 50 pounds my hair is now falling out again I’m sore everywhere. I barely get out of bed I can’t think remember anything vision is rapidly declining I am in such bad shape that I’m actually going to the doctor to ask him to switch me to a T4 only medication to see if this helps I can’t take being bed ridden anymore it’s got to the point to where I can not even work anymore."

5 / 10
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46 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Queen...
  • January 25, 2016

"Four years of misery thinking I had food allergies when I was allergic to the FILLERS in the Armour Thyroid medication. The side effects included: 2 different rashes on my scalp and behind my ears, excessive sugar cravings, depression, suicidal thoughts, after eating my stomach hurt all the time, couldn't eat anything without getting diarrhea. I went to several doctors and not one suspected the Armour Thyroid medication. I figured it out! When I stopped taking it the side effects went away immediately! The rashes a little longer but started clearing up right away. Now, I'm trying the thyroid hormone ONLY without fillers. The interesting thing is my insurance won't pay for it because it comes from a compounding pharmacy not BIG PHARMA."

3 / 10
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73 Report
  • Babsar
  • August 31, 2016

"I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. United Healthcare and Medicare say Armour Thyroid is not covered by them. I was on Armour Thyroid for 15 years. My insurance made me try other meds. I tried other thyroid meds including Nature-Throid. I put on 48 lbs under Nature-Throid, my body was tired, I was dizzy, could not function, and had incontinence. I am now back on Armour Thyroid feeling better every day, decreasing in weight, and other symptoms are gone. But I have to pay for it myself, and since I am on Social Security, it is a big expense. Thanks, Armour Thyroid."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Lauren
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 9, 2022

"What happened and what helped. Was prescribed Armour for Hashimotos. Before diagnosis I was constantly exhausted, gained 10lbs in a short time, and experienced anxiety. ON armour I experienced SEVERE anxiety attacks and nightly insomnia. Took myself off of it. Removed gluten, dairy, alcohol, and caffeine from diet immediately. I also removed kale and Brussels sprouts as I found irritation towards Hashimotos. Incorporated fish 2x per week as well as real Whole Foods as close to their original form (really started to cook!). For supplements I took with breakfast: multivitamin powder, curcumin, D3K2, Selenium (my multivitamin only provided a small amount). In the evening with dinner I took my omegas if I did not consume fish as well as my probiotics (I have a garden of life 100billion strain with sleep herbs in them). 100% turn around. Within 6 weeks an absolute change in everything. No anxiety. Weight dropped. Sleeping all night. It takes time but worth the investment in change"

1 / 10
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27 Report
  • allye...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 11, 2019

"I was on Levothyroxine for 20 years and no problems. I maintained trim weight with long distance mile runs, the meds and somewhat healthy diet. And then after a big move to Florida (stress) menopause in full swing and other stress everything changed big time. Gained 50 lbs, terrible body cramps, hair loss, sluggish, swollen face, pain in my feet when I first woke in a.m and couldn't run anymore. I was told over and over my thyroid numbers were fine and then I came on here and read and deduced I had to force the doctors to listen to ME and not vice versa. I have now been on Armour for only one week, I have been able to start running, I have lost 10 lbs already and I am very hopeful the other 40 will happen in time. Still learning, about iron meds and other numbers in blood to watch and take supplements. Hoping I can have even more success to report."

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44 Report
  • AFF
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 16, 2022

"What has changed with this medication? Something's seriously off since about mid last year. Headaches, anxiety through the roof. Is there a new API supplier? What? I've taken NDT for two decades. Never experienced anything even remotely like this."

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21 Report
  • Villa...
  • February 3, 2020

"I've been using Armour meds for 2 years now and my urine smells awful. There is a terrible odor and I can feel, taste and smell the most foul scent. I don't know how to eliminate this stench and not sure if the Pharm Company has done something to this drug to make it so terrible. They need to change this formula to correct this terrible side effect."

4 / 10
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42 Report
  • LSano
  • April 30, 2020

"I was on Levothyroxine for 13 years and recently wanted something more natural. Like other reviews, I didn’t feel like myself. Brain fog, generally just blah. Switched to Armour in December 2019, started to feel really great. 90 days in I got my labs done and my antibodies had dropped by 600 which is amazing (which I also think can be attributed to going paleo) and my T3 and T4 were in range. 2 weeks after testing I suddenly had a crazy amount of dandruff. Haven’t had that since before my hashimotos diagnosis. Scalp is crazy dry still and it’s been a month and a half. Flaking all over and no amount of head and shoulders will help. Small patches of dry skin behind my ears, eyebrow, back, and other random parts of my body. I got my labs tested again and while I’m still in range, it appears my T3 and T4 have dropped a little. My doc added 15mg to my dosage to see if that helps. So far nothing and it’s been about 2.5 weeks. Anyone else had this issue?"

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40 Report
  • sunfl...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 5, 2019

"I was a real advocate for this medication brand for such a long time, I felt good on this medication. I tried generic levothyroxine and Synthroid and didn't respond well to those medication. But now, since this past April 2019, I'm not sure this medication brand works for me anymore. I'm experiencing extreme hair loss and don't know what to do. I think I might have developed an allergic reaction to the dyes found in this medication. I've also contacted the distributor, Allergen, and they indicated that they have not changed the formulation of this medication since 2008. I don't know what to do, I think I'm going to have to try another medication brand."

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44 Report
  • Julie...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 3, 2016

"I've been taking levothyroxine for 15 years or so and I just felt that it had become stagnant after all those years. I started taking armor and it was fine for the first 2 to 3 years then I noticed that I have been having anxiety, trouble sleeping and I just overall feel like I'm hyperthyroid. Blood levels are fine, but we just thought I needed to adjust my dose. A couple months ago I started breaking out in random hives, allergy tests came back neg. However it is not every day. Because of the hyper thyroid feeling I stopped taking it for a week and felt fine . Started back on it, same feeling. I also have started getting a Humming in my ears and want to know if anyone else has experienced this before I see an ENT."

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  • Candy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 27, 2020

"I was on nature throid and doing amazing! They changed the formula and I was feeling so bad everyday that I didn’t feel like even trying or getting up anymore. I decided to switch back to Armour which I had been off for years... thankful I did... within a few days I have felt like myself again! Fingers crossed"

8 / 10
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38 Report
  • KWdub
  • December 2, 2015

"Was on Levothyroxine and I noticed some improvement, but still felt symptoms. We increased the dosage and noticed improvement, but still not quite right. Over time my symptoms returned and I was continually complaining that my dosage was not right, even though my numbers were within normal limits. My doctor recommended the switch to armour. The first week I wanted to die, I couldn't stay awake, I had constant headaches, I was irritable. After 5 days, I was ready to call the doctor and get taken off...and then MAGIC happened happened. Week 2 I had energy, I started to sleep better, no headaches. So far so good. I am hopeful!"

9 / 10
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61 Report
  • Ellen...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 16, 2016

"This is an old medication. The price has gone up incredibly and for no apparent reason other then profits for the manufacturer. Medicare programs do not cover this Rx and all my doctors recommend that I stay on this Rx. We are being ripped off!"

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56 Report
  • lynny
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 5, 2015

"I just started Armour today and I'm on cloud 9! Was just diagnosed 6 weeks ago with Hashimoto's and have been on 3 different meds. 1st Naturethroid, next Levoxyl, then on to Synthroid. All gave me HORRIBLE side effects. I felt like I was putting poison in my body every morning. But today I feel like I hit the jackpot with Armour. Feel like my old self again.... I have energy, no body aches, and I can think clearly!"

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59 Report
  • Jamie...
  • August 24, 2016

"Was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease several years ago. My doctor prescribed step increased doses of synthroid. I felt increasingly worse with feelings of anxiousness and insomnia. I changed doctors and my new doctor prescribed Armour. After one dose adjustment my TSH numbers were good and I felt great. That was eight years ago. I still feel great and would not use synthetic TSH. So glad some doctors understand Armour works better for some patients."

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54 Report
  • JB2017
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • May 7, 2017

"I've been on Armour forever but in the last year found my dosage going up to 150 plus Liothyronine at 30 mcg/day and all of these horrible symptoms coming back and new ones that at first thought were lifestyle-induced due to a career change and a move. That was until I found out that Forrester Laboratories was bought out by Allergan in 2015 and the same issues from the 2008-2009 reformulation are being reported in mass numbers...everything from lab issues, high increases in dosages, chronic fatigue, vision issues, skyrocketing co-pays to hair loss, etc. I checked my bottles this weekend and realized that they all read Forrester/Allergan and will be researching on new natural options and speaking with my doctor on Monday!"

2 / 10
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50 Report
  • Nicola
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 6, 2021

"Progressively got sicker on Armour Thyroid. Abdominal pain and bloating, back pain, brain fog, headache in the morning, dizzy, burry vision, extreme fatigue, pale skin, weight gain (10 lbs - thin my entire life- never had weight issues), high cholesterol. I've never felt so ill. I finally put 2 and 2 together, stopped taking the meds and within two days, I started feeling better. I lost 5 lbs in one week and feel like my old self again. Today was the first day in 5 months that my stomach didn't hurt."

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26 Report
  • Nicole
  • December 8, 2020

"I didn't plan on adding a review, but my heart goes out to some people posting recently and really struggling to find the right meds. *If your doctor doesn't want to switch your meds because your labs look fine but you don't feel right, find a new doctor. The process of finding the right med can be awful but necessary. I take Armour for Hashimoto's and have been for 5+ years. I took levothyroxine for about 1 year but lost my mind - stopped driving after I forgot how traffic signals worked one day. It did help clamminess, constipation, and foot odor (none of which I knew were tied to thyroid), but it wasn't worth the mental cost. My labs looked great so endocrinologists wouldn't change the meds. Found a naturopath who switched to Armour. It lifted the fog and got me back to a functional level, but honestly I've never felt the same as pre-diagnosis. I had such a bad experience on levothyroxine that I'm too afraid to try to change Armour at all, but it's getting the job done."

7 / 10
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25 Report
  • Tia
  • November 8, 2020

"Armour thyroid 60mg was ok for about 3 months then I got edema in my feet and hands. Parathesis in my leg and face. Horrible nerve problems with trembling shaking hands I was dizzy and very depressed, hair loss, weight gain, tired, sweating, crying, vision problems couldn’t drive, freezing. I couldn’t function. All my hypo systems were worse than ever. Emergency Carpal tunnel surgery. Heart palp, high blood pressure. I reduced and then stopped and symptoms started to go away. Back to Synthroid and am a work in progress again. 5 endo docs and none helped me. They just look at TSH. Good luck everyone. Stay away from Armor and nature thyroid was just as bad. All my scans and blood work normal. Good luck everyone."

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  • Heidi
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 18, 2021

"Was put on Armour after NP thyroid recall, they never told anyone they changed their formulation. NP thyroid made me really sick even though I took my meds every morning I ended up with a TSH of 19. I switched to armour and was doing fine till last year in December when I started having racing heart beat, palpitations, insomnia, cortisol spikes, vision changes, diarrhea, chest pain, tightness in my back, neck, shoulders, digestive issues, hot flashes. Irregular periods, really bad anxiety and even a panic attack My TSH has been all over the place like a yoyo. One month it's suppressed , the next it's in the 1's then it jumps to the 3's and then drops back down again. If my TSH is doing all that you know my fee T3 and T4 is all over the place too. One day I'd take my meds and feel fine, two days later anxiety, complete instability. I ended up on blood pressure medications to control the racing heart beat. My endo said a few months back that Armour had stopped working for people."

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19 Report
  • GAD
  • December 16, 2016

"I agree a lot with what others have said. I am currently on 15mg Armour but my doctor tried to put me on 30mg and I didn't realize it right away, I thought I was sick and dehydrated but it was the Armour! It made me sick and I lost a lot of weight and I felt so bad and dizzy like my heart wasn't beating fast enough. It was terrible. She switched me back to 15 mg and I feel good again."

9 / 10
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39 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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