Testosterone and Headaches: What Users Say
Brand names: AndroGel, Xyosted, Depo-Testosterone, Jatenzo, Androderm, Testim, Kyzatrex, Fortesta, Tlando, Striant, Testopel, Aveed, Testopel Pellets, Undecatrex, Azmiro, Andro LA 200, Duratest, Natesto, FIRST-Testosterone, Depotest, Delatest, Everone, Andro-Cyp 100, Andro-Cyp 200 Depandro 100 Durathate 200 Histerone Testo-200 Testro-LA FIRST-Testosterone MC Vogelxo Testo-100 …show all brand names
Reviews for Testosterone
- Dud...
- April 29, 2013
Testim (testosterone) for Hypogonadism, Male "Male, 53, went on for low drive, apathy, loss of muscle, weight gain, inability to exercise due to joint pain and frequent injuries. Blood levels of about 250. The first 8 days of use were the hardest - headaches, strong smell, so strong I thought I could taste it! This was on the 50 mg tube, 1 x per day. Was about to give up on it, and then all side effects vanished on day 9! After two weeks, my blood pressure has dropped from 160/100 and on medication to 120/80, and I am exercising daily. Note - highly recommend using latex medical exam gloves to apply - no mess, no cross-contamination, better drying, no waste. Also, use small needle-nose pliers to get the last 5% - 10% out of the tube. Miracle."
- and...
- April 30, 2013
Axiron (testosterone) for Hypogonadism, Male "At 54, I had little energy by day's end. I was falling asleep in a chair after dinner. For the first time ever, my libido was diminished. I was moody and depressed. I also had problems concentrating at work. On 60 mg for a month, all symptoms turned around except libido. My doctor moved me to 90 mg. I have been on that dosage for 2 weeks and seem to have regular headaches."
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- Wol...
- May 16, 2013
Testim (testosterone) for Hypogonadism, Male "I'm a 43-year-old with T levels on the low end of the scale, compared to the average for my age. On my third day of Testim, I am already feeling the positive effects of the medicine: more mental alertness, less sluggishness. I have experienced a headache on the second day, but it has gone away. The smell of the medicine on application doesn't bother me. To me, Testim smells like rubbing alcohol, and the smell soon dissipates. I also use a spray of cologne on each shoulder to disguise any scent that I may not be smelling."
- Sup...
- March 18, 2013
Axiron (testosterone) for Hypogonadism, Male "Same symptoms as most other reviewers. Been on Axiron for about a month now. Feeling significantly better. Mood, energy, and sex drive are way up. Noticed slight sinus burning/headaches, but I'm not sure they are associated with Axiron. Underarm redness and burning have been pretty significant, but bearable. Don't know levels yet. Another test to come."
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- July 25, 2015
Testim (testosterone) for Hypogonadism, Male "First day using Testim. Insurance made me change from Androgel pump bottle. The smell in Testim is so strong and noxious I had an allergic asthmatic reaction. I'm wheezy and have a massive headache from it. Why does anything medical need to be made with a scent? Lots of people have scent allergies."
- Bob...
- April 13, 2015
Testim (testosterone) for Hypogonadism, Male "Tried them all. A few years ago, started Testim, bad odor and sticky. Then Androgel, better. Self-injections, almost too much, and I'm 'afraid' of needles, self-afflicted. Then back to Testim in March 2015 due to insurance. This new Testim absorbs quickly, smell is 100% better than 2 years ago. (Women like it, especially older, I'm 52. Some guys notice it but just don't ask). I asked the pharmacist about the smell. Thought it was added, but he said the smell is actually the testosterone. Probably why women take notice. The first few days didn't feel right: headache, stiff neck, etc., but all went away. Highly recommend. Good luck."
- Anonymous
- April 15, 2011
Testim (testosterone) for Hypogonadism, Male "Was recently diagnosed with low T (185). I am 45 yrs young and have always been active! Noticed in the past few months that I had no energy, headaches, low sex drive, no ambition, etc. Was beginning to think I was depressed (although I had no reason). After being diagnosed, my doctor placed me on 5 mg tubes, once a day. The smell at first is a very heavy alcohol smell, but then turns into a lighter smelling cologne! Been taking for just over a month now, wife says YEA! Sex drive is through the roof, started back exercising, back to my 18 yr old self again. Levels haven't been checked yet since beginning, but I'm sure it's higher thanks to Testim! Would highly recommend it. Will give an update after levels are checked again."
- Geo...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 2, 2023
Testim (testosterone) for Hypogonadism, Male "The smell is absolutely nauseating! I’ve had a headache all day since starting it this morning (Androgel is back-ordered). And I can’t wash it out of my clothes, even washing twice with very hot water and a lot of detergent, my towels and t-shirt still stink! Trying to contact the company for answers. What a BAD product - I can’t believe the marketing department hasn’t done anything about it - I can’t be the only one who had such a bad reaction to it."
- Joh...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- January 20, 2015
For Hypogonadism, Male "I have had panhypopituitarism for 16 years. I started with patches, then chorionic gonadotropin, then patches again because the HCG gave me a bad headache. Then I tried shots, also a bad headache. Then my insurance stopped covering the patches, and my doctor switched me to testosterone cream compounded locally. It works better than the patches, but at 75 mg, I lost a huge amount of hair in 2 months. Then I reduced it to 50 mg, and now 40 mg. The hair has stopped falling out, and I think some is growing back. I am 61 years old, and having the testosterone level of a young man is not worth going bald for! Frankly, I doubt if anyone really needs more than 50 mg. Just be aware and do not blindly follow your doctor's advice like I did."
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- Drug class: androgens and anabolic steroids
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Axiron (testosterone) for Hypogonadism, Male "Axiron is AWESOME. I am 47 and had similar experiences as most everyone else: constant fatigue, no energy or interest in anything, sex drive non-existent. After 8 hrs of sleep, I felt like I needed 8 more and just generally felt like death most of the time. My T level was 135 when I saw my Urologist. After about 3 months of biweekly injections, I was up to 344. Then the Axiron was recommended. After the first application, I felt turbo-charged! It took me about 2 days to get over the initial side effects, which were nausea and a headache, but after about 3 days these went away. I've been on it about 3 weeks now and I feel 19 again. Full of energy, sex drive through the roof. I just hope it keeps up. T levels at 701 now."