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Betapace AF User Reviews & Ratings

Betapace AF has an average rating of 1.0 out of 10 from a total of 2 reviews on 0% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 100% reported a negative experience.

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  • cb ...
  • March 22, 2008

For Atrial Fibrillation "I have been on this drug since the summer of 2004. For the first 4 months, I had a few times of a.f., not bad enough to go to the hospital, feet up and rest. But since then till now, I have not had an attack, it works for me. The only drawback is the restriction of eating before and after taking the drug, and it is to be taken 12 hours apart. Also, I have been on the same dose 80mg per pill since 2004 and never had to change. Hard on evening snacks."

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  • E t...
  • August 16, 2014

For Atrial Flutter "I have Myasthenia gravis. Normally well controlled. An infusion of sotalol immediately set off a myasthenic crisis. It also counteracted almost everything I was taking. Heart rate went to 40 and leveled off at 46. BP went to 226/120. Diaphragm was paralyzed. Thirty minutes later, my blood sugar went to 226. No spontaneous respirations. All this with only 1/4 dose. I had to use a BiPAP for the next several days."

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