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Rituximab for Rheumatoid Arthritis User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Rituxan, Truxima, Ruxience, Riabni

Rituximab has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 80 reviews for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. 66% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Rituximab

  • Sister...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 10, 2017

"This is for my rheumatoid vasculitus. This first dose caused a reaction but the staff was right on the first indication, adjusted the drip and we continued. It took around 7 hours. The benedril made me fall asleep. The second one two weeks later went without incident, about 4 hours. Five months later, I have been able to reduce my prednisone intake without a flare up of RA, and the nerve pain from the vasculitis has remarkably dwindled from lasting and unbearable to very manageable. It doesn't reverse damage, but my sed rate is around 11 (from 30) and if I didn't have to worry so much about the ghastly cost of this med, at this point I have to say it's been most amazing. There is financial help available I think."

8 / 10
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24 Report
  • Shari
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 10, 2021

Rituxan (rituximab) "I have been receiving infusions for a few years and am very pleased with my results. I have 2 infusions every four months , 15 days apart, reduced from originally every six months. The speed that it takes to get into my system required a shorter space of time between sections. The only side effect I have is not sleeping the night after the infusion. I know it’s working as I can feel when I am nearing the end of the medicine gets near. It has slowed the effects like swelling in my hands and feet, my knees hurting and shoulder pain."

9 / 10
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12 Report
  • Ramsa...
  • February 3, 2017

"I suffer from pulmonary fibrosis and acquired haemophilia as well as RA..Rituximab has almost completely knocked out RA and has assisted the other 2. I don't take methotrexate, but 10mg of prednisolene per day. Interestingly, I had sweating disorder pre infusions, but the drug seems to help alleviate. I started with 4 infusions a week apart, which became ineffective after 6 months (Factor 8 levels dropped and RA flared) and my latest dose was given over 2 infusions at a different hospital 6 months ago and hasn't yet become inneffective (am being primed for further infusions). I had absolutely no problems during or after infusions."

10 / 10
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24 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Mick
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • April 22, 2020

"I was 46 when I was diagnosed with RA and my heath plummeted, in 3 years I was in a wheelchair. I tried all the major RA drugs with little or no effect. When I finally received my first infusion I was up and walking within 3 days. Rituxan has saved my life. I get an infusion every 6 months and feel like anyone else my age."

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Lindaje
  • January 15, 2016

"I had my first infusion on 12/21/15 and the second on 12/31/16. To date, I have seen no improvement in pain. The only side effect from the first infusion was a severe headache and tiredness for 2-3 days. I have not been so fortunate with the second. I have no energy or appetite and feel terrible. I am shaky and dizzy, and joint pain is horrible. I was on Remicade and Humira for years without complication. Not sure this is worth it or if it is going to work for me. Still hopeful."

6 / 10
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26 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Jake
  • April 26, 2017

"Had 1st infusion of rituximab & experienced tingling in & around mouth, white of eyes turned blood red. Later that day I had palpitations & shortness of breath. The next morning I had nausea & severe headaches. By lunchtime I was so cold I was shivering, despite hot water bottles and going to bed did not get warm until the early hours of the next day, then I started with a temperature. Have rheumatoid arthritis affecting most joints, the joint pain increased further. Its been 3 weeks since my 1st infusion, my gut instinct is not to have the 2nd, I'm still enduring the side effects daily however not as severe as at 1st."

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23 Report
  • Helen...
  • October 13, 2016

"I had my first rituximab infusion treatment a year ago and think it worked well.. But I've felt symptoms coming back for a while now but after a year just had my second treatment, I'm in tomo for my second infusion and hope to god it works because I'm in a bad way and my pain in my wrist are at the worst I've known them to be! Tiredness never really ever gone for long but fingers crossed! I feel I should have it months ago but what do I know... I'm from Nottingham England"

7 / 10
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24 Report

More FAQ

  • JustM...
  • November 16, 2017

"I have been on Rituxan therapy since January of 2009. My first infusion included 8+ hours in that chair with immediate shortness of breath. My Dr and the RN stayed with me as they put me on oxygen immediately. A few minutes later it was as if it hadn't occurred. Suffice to say it was a long day. Went back 2 weeks later for my second round and no problems at all. I was troubled with insomnia the 2 days after. The RN asked the Dr to lower the dose of saline in the infusion and increase the dose of benadryl in the infusion. Worked like a charm! So now, 8 years later I have been receiving Rituxan therapy approximately twice a year with no problems. My RA has not progressed. Just wondering if it is time for a change OR if it's not broken..."

10 / 10
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21 Report
  • Evas...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 12, 2016

"I have Undifferentiated Spondyloarthropathy, MCTD & SLE. I started Rituxan at the end of December 2015 after Enbrel lost efficacy. I am also on MTX & Plaquenil. My rheum explained that Rituxan works in a different manner from the TNF inhibitors and because of this it takes longer to work. While I began noticing Enbrel's efficacy within 2 weeks and was in remission by 3 months, with Rituxan I didn't even notice any difference until about 10 weeks in. I have slowly improved, but I am not in remission. Prior to Rituxan most of my joints were painful; after 14 weeks I am down to about 15. My daily pain level has gone from about an 8 to 4 or 5. My rheum said sometimes patients will see a better response after dose #4. I hope for remission. I will redose in 6 months following the RA guidelines."

7 / 10
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24 Report
  • Eeyore
  • July 8, 2016

"I was diagnosed with RA in 1998 and have been on most of the drugs available. Enbrel worked great for 6 years then it just stopped. Since then nothing has worked . I had my first infusion of Rituxan 3 weeks ago and we had to stop infusion due to itching in ears and throat, pushed more steroids and waited about an hour before restarting with slower and diluted drip. Had 2nd infusion last week with no reaction during Infusion I take methotrexate by injection as well and have noticed no new side effects. Just fatigued for a 4/5 days after infusions and always the day after methotrexate. Dr said to give it 3 to 6 months to begin working. So I will wait with lots of hope!"

7 / 10
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22 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 15, 2016

"I had been taking Rutuxin which work great. My insurance paid for some and the maker of rituxan paid the rest it was great,but when I turned 65 years old the Medicare was the only one paying and I had to come up with $592.00which was high for me cause I'm retired and I make less money. So I stop taking it. That was the biggest mistake I made. I could not function R.A. is not only about the pain I had no strength in my hands I could bath comb my hair get dressed by myself. I tried so many different meds didn't work. I then decided I needed to find a way to pay for the medication so I went back to taking rituxan. So far it's a lot better than I have been but I still have my four weeks isn't up so I'm hopful"

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • Lisa
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 23, 2022

Rituxan (rituximab) "I had my first infusion of Rituxan yesterday. I had RA for 6 years and have never gotten rid of my pain after trying 7 other medications. Had some relief but not enough, My doctor PREMEDICATED me with benadryl, tylenol and IV solumedrol. I started to itch then burn like anything with pain. It went down the back of my sinuses to my throat and down my esphogus very quickly. This sounds crazy, but she said it was a gastrointestinal side effect and gave me IV PEPCID. It worked. I felt better in 2 minutes and all the symptoms were gone in 20 minutes and never returned. I will need Pepcid during every IV. It is NOT considered a reaction, but a side effect. Hope this helps someone. I seen others with these symptoms and the doctor gave up on the med. I will add to this review in 6 months and let you know how it worked. Today I feel better with some less pain but not sure if it is the med or the IV steroids that is doing this. Take care and feel better everyone."

9 / 10
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8 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 12, 2020

"First infusion gave me horrendous anxiety with bad OCD type symptoms my GP told me it was from rituximab my rheum doc says how could my GP know, as she the expert.Skip forward a year second go at ritx the very same build up to horrendous anxiety OCD type symptoms oh yeah thought I was near going to end up in the crisis mental health unit thanks rheum doc"

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14 Report
  • TanaLV
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 2, 2017

"I am very grateful this site exists and a search for information during my 1st infusion indicated the scratchy throat & ears I was experiencing was reported by other patients. I called my nurse & was given benadryl/prednisone and the drip was slowed. The whole infusion from 9AM-4pm resulted in some tiredness the day after but no hand or L hip pain. I had been off orencia for 10 wks., got a shingles vaccine & was on MTX self-inject. I had previously been on humira for 10 yrs and developed an itchy chest rash. I had a false positive test for Lupus & had to discontinue. I work full-time as a Speech Pathologist & lead an active lifestyle. Thanks again fellow posters & your experience reports are vital for patients!"

7 / 10
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19 Report
  • Mama...
  • October 5, 2017

"Have had RA for just under 25 years. Developed rheumatoid vasculitis and over the past 4 years have been in so much pain, it's like my body completely gave up. Even bed ridden for 4 or so months. Finally started the rituxan a little over a year ago. On prednisone and methotrexate as well. I am curious to know if anyone else is taking the same amount as I am? I currently go in every 4 months and get 4 infusions in a row (weekly) each time. I don't sleep for 2-3 days after each infusion then crash a couple of days. Back pain and achiness for a couple of days. Having memory problems and balance issues. Other than that it has been a lifesaver, still some pain but vasculitis has improved. If you can't pay, see if drug company can assist."

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19 Report
  • Chris...
  • January 1, 2019

"I had my first Rituxan infusion yesterday. I have HMCRG + autoantibody Polymyositis and seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis. I tested positive for PM in 2015 w positive muscle biopsy / autoantibodies with subsequent diagnosis of RA in 2018. Hx of prednisone, methotrexate, plasmapheresis and IVIG. Worsening symptoms have led to Rituxan infusions. I experienced throat pain/itching along with itching of my ears and then scalp itching. My blood pressure and heart rate went up during the night last night requiring me to take a dose of beta blocker to get them down, otherwise tolerated infusion fairly well. Scheduled for second dose in two weeks. Hoping to see relief soon and get off of or at least weaned down on prednisone."

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  • Anxio...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 23, 2018

"I just finished my first round of treatments with Rituximab. After the first round, my condition seemed to worsen. I dreaded going to bed at night because of the pain I know the night will bring. I could barely walk, lost function of my hands/wrists, couldn’t raise arms, and my neck movement was limited. After my second round, which has been 6 days ago, I’ve seen slight improvements. Pain, swelling and stiffness has seemed to move to different joints. Still hopeful it will work. I have tried Enbrel, cimzia, and xeljanz which brought relief, just not lasting. I am seriously considering taking a leave of absence from my job, to save my job."

2 / 10
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14 Report
  • dugly
  • February 19, 2020

Rituxan (rituximab) "I feel for Kid in his comments, I too have severe itching of the skin, and have been on rituxan for almost ten years,I am also always cold and feels like my skin is thinning, told my rummy but nothing done yet."

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12 Report
  • Sharn...
  • March 14, 2016

"Had two infusions of Rituximab in January 2016 some relief was on Enbrel for 9 years it was fantastic, but stopped working, unfortunately I have now got Atrial Fibrulation from Rituximab, don' know where to go from here. Have had Rh since childhood."

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  • TumiKay
  • December 22, 2016

"It does seem to improve the pains in the joints but not that much in my lower back. My biggest issue with Mabthera is the side effects! The chills are so uncomfortable it's unbearable! I can't stand feeling cold right into the bones! . I don't know what to do cos I can't even work because I get so so cold while I sweat!"

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17 Report
  • Marig...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 3, 2019

"Rituxan was prescribed for my RA about 8-10 years ago and allowed me to continue working full time putting the max away for retirement. Some fatigue occasionally but no joint pain. After retirement, the combination of allergy to a new huge Maine Coon cat causing chronic congestion AND the suppression of my autoimmune system by years of Rituxan - led to repeated chest, ear and sinus infections. After many tests, allergy shots and several consultations with specialists, the Rituxan was discontinued. Now (2 years later) no more infections but the RA is up and raging again. New hand and finger damage as well as bunions and flares on toes that had never occurred before. My doctor is waiting for a fifth Simponi infusion in 2-3 weeks before moving on to another drug. Simponi has done nothing. What is there for me to take at this point?"

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11 Report
  • Zoo
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 29, 2020

"Have had RA for 33 years. The drs I have seen are helpful giving various drugs over the years to combat pain. Received my first rituxan infusion in 2015. The pain relief was amazing. Was also taking prednisone (I love steriods) and methotrexate. Had to wean off prednisone (one of the hardest things to do) in 2018, and have not had another Rituxan infusion since mid-2019. I dropped 25 lbs, am eating extremely healthy, remain on methotreaxate every 9 days and feel blessed as I have no swelling."

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10 Report
  • Jacqu...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 24, 2022

"Never felt so much in pain after 2 infusions of rituximab. Had all the treatments previously and enbrel was the best but stopped being effective. I’m now 6 weeks in and my ESR has quadrupled my CRP levels have doubled. I’m now waking every morning in severe pain with joints. Always been active but getting weaker. Consultant thinks I may have contacted COVID and not known but I’m not so sure. Wish right now I hadn’t touched this drug as gone backwards. I know I am only 6 weeks but I’m afraid this will not now improve. Now got to have further steroids to try and help me. Has anyone else had a similar outcome?"

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5 Report
  • Brad...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 17, 2021

"My mum has had two sets of infusion the doctor consultant gave it a thumbs up and said this is the last resort so we had no choice but to give it a try and after six months and when my mum eats her food is straight back up again she says it gets stuck and with that sputum and then feels unwell for days and refuses to eat as she fears it will happen again …. Anyone with similar side effects can you help and show us the right direction as the consultant hasn’t even rang us back as we booked a nurse and doctor callback. Not happy and worried so much"

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5 Report
  • Pink...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 28, 2021

"Had to stop Methotrexate in May because it caused breathlessness and after many tests was told it was lung scarring. Was not on any treatment for six months and my R A was totally unmanageable. I had my first Rituximab infusion two weeks ago and I am in more pain now than I was before. I’m just hoping that it’s early days and will kick in soon."

4 / 10
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4 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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