Lyrica for Neuropathic Pain User Reviews
Lyrica has an average rating of 5.8 out of 10 from a total of 248 reviews for the treatment of Neuropathic Pain. 44% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 34% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Lyrica
- nic...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- March 7, 2020
"I have stage 5 neuropathy in my feet, with the usual needle pain and numbness, and even worse electrical shocks. I am not diabetic, and they checked me for lead and mercury, so they have no idea what is causing my neuropathic pain, but it has ruined my life. I tried a variety of medications, even medical marijuana, to no avail. I also tried K-lasers and neurogenic electrical current machines, which seemed to aggravate my condition. I even tried a spinal block that didn't help one percent. Lyrica reduced my pain by about 30%. I was taking 100 mg three times a day, but I was a total wreck. I walked around like a zombie, sluggish, very confused, and depressed, and I swelled up like a beach ball, gaining 25 pounds in under 3 months!!! My vision would blur up, and I had trouble doing routine tasks, and blurred vision."
- Ste...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- February 10, 2020
"I'm a 3-time back surgery loser. I have so much nerve pain in my right lower leg, left hip, buttock, and most of all the bottom of both feet. Without Lyrica, it's like walking barefoot on gravel. For me, it's a lifesaver. The only side effect that I can notice is constipation."
Frequently asked questions
- Lyrica vs Gabapentin: What's the difference?
- How long does it take for Lyrica to work?
- Does Lyrica cause weight gain?
- How long does Lyrica stay in your system?
- CDR...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- September 17, 2019
"I used to operate heavy machinery. After 25, I ended up with squashed nerves in S1, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, T1, and all the rest that goes with it. I had suffered for years and used alcohol to ease the pain at night. Once I went to get out of the machine and couldn't feel my legs, they were numb. As soon as I moved, the pain was excruciating. I went to the doctor, and they put me on 600mg Lyrica (300mg in the morning, 300mg at night). I have been on Lyrica for over 10 years now and haven't suffered any side effects. I wouldn't be able to walk around without Lyrica and would be in so much pain. The problem now is the injury has gotten worse, and I need something better, but I give this a 10. I stopped drinking alcohol when I started on Lyrica as I didn't need it."
- Hea...
- May 2, 2020
"I have IC (painful bladder syndrome). I am a 43-year-old female (20 years with IC) - it started after my second C-section. Constant non-stop burning that makes a UTI seem like a holiday. I take Lyrica 300 mg at bedtime - nothing has come close to the long-lasting relief I get from this drug - but all side effects mentioned by others I have and still experience, and these have never gotten any better over the 5 years, but I would take this life any day over not having one at all. I have learned to live with these new minor inconveniences in the side effects to be free of my disabling pain. If you have pain that has taken away most, if not all, of your quality of life - you may give in to certain unpleasant effects of a drug just to have a chance at normal again - Lyrica has given me my life back! Listen to your body and learn from it and with it - be safe, any change that is making you feel uncomfortable or unwell, report to your doctor for proper medical advice."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Ann...
- March 9, 2021
"Taking Lyrica for almost 2 weeks now at 50mg 3x per day and have had no change in how much pain I’m in. Doctor prescribed this without even looking at me. The side effects are so intense, and there are too many drug interactions that come along with it. I have had the worst brain fog, I forget the most simple words, and you lose the ability to speak properly. Always drowsy and dizzy, feeling of being drunk or high. More pain is also a side effect I seem to have. Definitely would not recommend this drug to anyone."
- Mat...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 12, 2016
"I've read many opinions on this site, most being negative towards this amazing medication. I have suffered from a trapped nerve near my waistband (hip) and nothing I took or did could stop the pain/burning/tingling numbness from my hip to my knee cap. I declined surgery to remove the nerve and was finally placed on Lyrica. I hesitated for 2 months before finally giving in to the medication because of all the negative reviews you read online. First two days I was on Lyrica, I had a small headache and dry mouth, that is about it. After a week, the dry mouth went away and I was left virtually pain-free within 2 weeks. DON'T read into everything and hesitate to take this medication. I have not gained a single pound and I'm pain-free. I'm on 3 x 50mg."
More FAQ
- Can you stop Lyrica cold turkey?
- Is Lyrica a controlled substance / narcotic?
- Does Lyrica make you sleepy?
- Is there a generic for Lyrica?
- mom...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 16, 2020
"After taking gabapentin for many years, it no longer worked. I agreed to go on Lyrica because it's now available as a generic. After only 2 weeks, I had to stop. I'm a 65-year-old female with controlled hypertension. This medicine raised my blood pressure higher than it has ever been! I developed a constant rage I have never experienced, to the point where I suffered what doctors thought was an 'eye stroke'. My blood pressure medication had to be quadrupled! After seeing 3 specialists & several tests, they concluded it was not an eye stroke but could not offer an explanation. I have been off the Pregabalin for 2 weeks now, and my BP is better but not stable. I am not a doctor, and I understand how desperate chronic pain sufferers can be. I just suggest caution & educating a family member on the side effects. Side effects are not a problem for everyone, so you may have good luck. I also urge anyone who does experience side effects to go to the FDA website and let them know."
- Too...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- June 16, 2019
"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and degenerative disc diseases, plus arthritis. I was on gabapentin and tramadol. Neither helped. I then tried Lyrica. I've been on it for just about 2 years, 300mg twice a day. I started experiencing memory loss about 7 months in. I have more of what I would describe as blank moments which is a bit scary and frustrating. I also gained 65 lbs the first year which has its own side effects! However, it controlled my pain, a feeling similar to having overall body pain like when having the flu. Because the 'memory loss' was bothering me, I asked the doctor to go off it. I began tapering off and the pain came back. I was left to choose between two evils; disabling pain, or being fat and forgetful. I went back on Lyrica. Sure the side effects suck. I write a lot of things down, set reminder alarms, have family remind me of stuff, and buy stylish big-size clothes. Life goes on!"
- Cow...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 13, 2019
"I've had chronic pain after a 2-level neck fusion and take oxycodone and Cymbalta. The opioid crisis has forced me to reduce my opiates, and my doctor put me on 50mg Lyrica a day. It's only been a few days, but so far, it's very effective and no real side effects. I actually have hope I will be able to live with this pain without hoping God would take me in the night. I'll update my review after I've been on it longer. I hope all who suffer find relief."
- Lis...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 22, 2020
"I recently had a rib resection due to a bone disease and was put onto Lyrica. The first two days in hospital, my feet swelled, and my mouth was like a desert, and I was having nightmares. After my first night at home, being on Lyrica for a total of 8 days, I will never take Lyrica again. I had the most horrific hallucinations, lost all balance, couldn't be reasoned with, and couldn't sleep for 72 hours even after stopping it, and also losing all my peripheral vision for that time. My saving grace being my husband who got me to medical help as fast as possible. It took about 1 minute of talking to an emergency doctor to know what was happening."
- Hac...
- November 21, 2019
"With one word, this drug is great. I had lumbar disc fusion operation 2 times before. Today (21/11/2019) is my 8th day with morning 75 mg night 150 mg Lyrica. The side effects I experience are very simple. My doc told me that this drug will make you feel perfect in 10 days. I could not believe because I didn't give a chance to be fine without another operation. In my first dose, I immediately started to relax. Today I can stand still on my feet for 10 minutes without this drug, it was only 20-30 seconds. I am very glad to use Lyrica. If you have neuropathic pain, just give a chance to this drug."
- Vas...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 20, 2019
"On Lyrica, you will have trouble finding words, memory problems, energy boosts, anger. Who knows in the long term what happens, but I guess I will lose all my memory. But it is a very good and effective drug but has a crazy fast tolerance, so you constantly need to adjust it in order to get the kick. If I forgot to write something else, it's probably because of Lyrica."
- Sad...
- February 21, 2020
"I have a herniated disc and I’m a patient with osteoarthritis. My neck discs cause me severe pain and migraines, especially before, during, and after my periods. Lyrica OD25 is my lifesaver, it gives me relief."
- And...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 6, 2019
"I suffer nerve pain from spinal cord injury; central stenosis, foramenal stenosis, multiple disc bulges and tears, sciatica and chronic migraines. Lyrica is a game changer. I have tried many drugs for the unbearable pain including but not limited to narcotics, and I have to say I have not been more comfortable since starting 300mg daily. I used to not be able to sleep for more than a few hours a night for years because of pain. I was purely bedridden and suffered chronic migraines from the constant high blood pressure from pain. All of those out there that suffer from the nerve pain that feels like a knife cutting you from the inside NEED to try Lyrica, and all those that have not been able to manage your pain with narcotics should give Lyrica a try. The only side effects I have experienced are reduced libido, chronic fatigue, and feeling groggy in the morning when waking. I will say it's all worth the relief it brings."
- Sne...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- August 7, 2019
"Beware of this drug. I’ve taken it for over 12 years now and have been tapering off it for well over a year and a half. Withdrawal from this drug can be a life-altering, career-destroying experience. The anxiety and depression can be extreme. Horrible brain fog, severe insomnia, paranoia, severe mood swings, and anger that approaches rage. My research indicates that severe withdrawal is fairly uncommon, but there is no way to know if you’ll be a victim. And the after-effects can last for years, trying the patience of loved ones, your employer, doctors, and friends. If you are considering going on Lyrica or have been on it for only a short time, consider stopping as soon as you can. But beware - even short-term exposure can lead to nasty, long-lasting withdrawals. I’ve read one person's account of only taking it for two weeks, and she still spent a year in withdrawal."
- Mik...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 16, 2019
"Lyrica has given me my life back. I have what has been diagnosed as a pinched nerve in my back. It was causing severe pain and numbness in my left hand, especially my index finger and thumb. I still have numbness in my left forefinger but it is greatly reduced. The pain in my back was intense, it made me nauseous, and extra strength acetaminophen was not doing much along with diclofenac. Within an hour of my first Lyrica pill I started feeling relief and my pain is greatly alleviated. I had taken Lyrica a couple of years ago for shingles and it was a miracle drug then also. My only side effect is a stuffy nose."
- Thu...
- December 11, 2016
"600 mg of Lyrica works wonders for me. It's a very good drug and completely takes away the pain. Without this drug, I would go insane. I've gone days with so much pain that I thought of committing suicide. Really awful feeling because I have always enjoyed life, and I'm only 38. Nerve pain is by far the most painful pain I have ever had. To all of you who suffer out there, there will always be a medicine that can help you. Don't give up, there is a way out of this horrible condition. I hope everyone finds relief."
- Har...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 1, 2019
"Biggest scam on Earth! I had suicidal thoughts and went into massive depression while using Lyrica. Lyrica has been found to be ineffective in numerous research papers and linked to depression and suicide. It does great in the market because of the phenomenal kickbacks Pfizer offers to doctors to push its sales (an expensive medicine with no generic alternative and claiming to cure a patient in extreme pain is a great way to milk the market). Pfizer spent $2 billion in marketing this drug by offering doctors and family free vacations, was found guilty and fined $1 billion by the US Supreme Court. PLEASE STOP USING LYRICA AND CHANGE THE DOCTOR WHO RECOMMENDED IT TO YOU! (If you refuse to believe me, do some research on Pfizer, e.g., 'Pfizer Pays $2.3 Billion to Settle Marketing Case')"
- sti...
- November 25, 2019
"I decided to give Lyrica a second chance after surgery for cord compression at C4-C6 didn’t relieve pain and actually aggravated things. New herniation above and below the level of injury and surgery. Continued cervical myelopathy diagnosis. I’ve been tested and should have known better as I metabolize medicine differently. Lyrica hasn’t helped with pain at all. I am in a stupor most of the day and I am so hungry. I’ve gained 15 lbs that I couldn’t afford. I wake up every night with severe pins and needles, pain, rigidity, and the worst migraines & head pains. Moodiness and depression have cloaked me. I’m weaning off today. I thought surgery would eliminate the need for medications but pain has increased. A scary side effect is my legs go completely numb and I feel my legs have been less reliable since starting the medication. I have an extruded disc and nerve root compression in L5-S1, the medication has me feeling weaker, inebriated, confused, and sad."
- Cho...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- September 21, 2019
"I have both nerve pain and other joint and limb pain. But even with my injuries, I exercise every day, eat healthy, don’t drink or smoke. Twice I have been prescribed this drug for pain relief. Always being told it's a good drug, how can this be correct when the side effects make you dizzy (what can't stand, can't walk so no exercise). It increases appetite so you then put on weight because you can't prepare healthy food due to nausea. So again, you don't exercise, and it prevents proper nutrition. Beginning to think this is a way of further putting the blame on the patient. You won't be suffering from the initial conditions, but will have secondary medical harm that the medical profession can then blame on the patient. Instead of treating the initial problem."
- Sci...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- November 21, 2015
"I suffered severe sciatica for two years before my doctor prescribed Lyrica. After a few days of building up in my system, the medication completely killed all of the pain, numbness, and tingling in my right leg. It was so effective, I thought I was suddenly cured! I stopped taking the Lyrica and the symptoms returned after a couple of days. I have now been taking Lyrica for two years and swear it is the best solution available for my bulging disk problem."
- Ang...
- January 8, 2020
"I started Lyrica 3 months ago because previous medication didn't do anything for my pain. I'm taking a dose of 100mg 3 times a day for numbness, weakness, and chronic pain from DDD, but fibromyalgia is also a possibility. Within 3 days, my stomach blew up like an inflated tire and hasn't gone down since. I have an increased appetite, started feeling moody too, no menstrual period for 2 months now, but not sure if that's my age (47) or Lyrica. The pain in my back and arm is still the same, so is my numbness and weakness, but it has taken the edge off of it. I feel bloated and get emotional a lot too. I've gained 11 lbs in 3 months too. I'm going to speak to GP."
- Hus...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 14, 2019
"Lyrica is a miracle drug! Severe neck pain after 3-level cervical fusion 19 years ago with another herniated disc now. Severe spinal stenosis on MRI. It makes you a little fuzzy-headed at first but that goes has almost resolved the pain that I’m having. Absolute miracle drug without taking narcotics!"
- Dia...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- October 25, 2019
"I have used Lyrica for over 4 years now. It has worked great. Before I started taking it, I was getting lightning bolt pains all through my legs - it was awful. I have not had any type of side effects. Now they gave me Pregabalin generic instead and my lightning bolt pains have started to come back. :-("
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More about Lyrica (pregabalin)
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- Drug class: gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs
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- En español
"I suffered severe neck and shoulder pain for over a year. I was depressed and immobile. I was in my late 70s. I went to a pain clinic after waiting 6 months to be seen. The doctor injected me with a nerve blocker. I woke up the next day and was pleasantly surprised that I was pain-free after over a year with chronic pain. My doctor then realized my problem was nerve pain and prescribed Lyrica. That was 1 1/2 years ago and I have not looked back. I have been pain-free with no side effects and no depression. I am now 82 and I am also going to exercise class twice a week. LYRICA GAVE ME MY LIFE BACK!! Thank you!!"