MiraLAX and Gas: What Users Say
Reviews for MiraLAX
- Nea...
- November 13, 2014
For Constipation "A few years back I was hospitalized with a bowel obstruction. Once I left the hospital, my bowel movements have been irregular. I couldn't make a movement in over 3 weeks. I was forced to take stool softeners (which never worked) and Dulcolax laxatives (which did work but I became constipated after it wore off). I went to the doctor and they suggested I try MiraLAX. I gave it a try, on the 1st day, it only gave me gas. On the 2nd day, more gas. On the 3rd day with MiraLAX, I was able to have a bowel movement. I was very happy because when I take Dulcolax I had cramps and had to have the toilet on standby all day. MiraLAX was a painless soft stool which relieved the pressure of constipation. And I started having regular movements."
- mnu...
- July 11, 2007
For Constipation "Schering-Plough announced on March 28, 2007 that prescription-strength MiraLAX® (polyethylene glycol 3350) is now available as an over-the-counter treatment for occasional constipation. The innovative formula of MiraLAX works with the body to increase the frequency of bowel movements without causing the side effects of cramps and gas. MiraLAX allows a comfortable, easy and complete bowel movement. MiraLAX has a strong safety profile and is not known to be habit-forming."
Frequently asked questions
- When is the best time to take MiraLAX?
- Metamucil vs. MiraLAX: How do they compare?
- Which drugs cause opioid-induced constipation?
- The Do's and Don'ts of Treating Constipation
- Mag...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 19, 2019
For Constipation "Within hours of taking the recommended dose to help with post-op constipation, I basically got to relive the experience of a bowel prep all over again, but this time with violent gas pains, cramping, and bloating. I woke up at 1 AM and spent the rest of the night and following morning staggering back and forth from bed to the bathroom in agonizing pain. When the waves of cramping hit, I could barely stand or move. Excruciating! The worst part was, the consistency of my stools was so weird that I just kept having to go very little amounts at a time. It felt like the misery would never end. Especially after my poor insides had been scrambled around during surgery, this was one of the painful things that could happen. I even passed out for one hour in between all the madness and had a vivid nightmare that I was deceased and no one could help me. That is a pretty fitting summary of what taking one dose of MiraLAX felt like post-op. This stuff is pure awful."
- oth...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 19, 2021
For Constipation "I have battled constipation on and off for over 20 years. Recently, it has gotten bad again, no matter how much water I drink or how much fiber is in my diet. I work out 6 times a week and, for the most part, eat really healthy. My doctor recommended I take MiraLAX. It has been a pure nightmare. Yes, it worked, but if I even feel slightly gassy, I had better get to the bathroom fast. I have not had a solid bowel movement in over 2 weeks (I stopped taking the MiraLAX a week ago). I am gassy, poopy, and have to buy stock in flushable wipes as I've gone through so many. It's like 'fire in the hole.' I would have thought after being off this medicine for a week, things would have gotten back to normal, but it is anything but normal. I can't even go on a car ride for more than an hour as I need access to a bathroom at all times. I took it once a day and did not exceed the recommended dosage."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Nic...
- August 30, 2016
For Constipation "Just been on this for 2 days. Don't know if I'm gonna go, but one cap = 1000 facts!! If this can make me go without the pain I experienced with Ex-Lax, I'm all in :) Took Ex-Lax a week ago, and 12 hrs later, every inch of my body was sweating from my eyebrows to my knuckles. I didn't know knuckles could sweat. After an hour of extreme pain and making baby Jesus all kinds of promises, I finally went. I started the MiraLAX the next day, and I have not gone, but I'm sure it's coming.... The problem with the gassy side effect is I work with one other person in an office. Who do you blame it on?"
- Cus...
- September 10, 2013
For Constipation, Acute "I suffer from syringomyelia. This is a condition that severely affects your nervous system. The stools that my digestive process produces kind of change from day to day. Since I am already on a whole foods diet without any dairy or wheat products, sometimes I'm regular. Other times my stool will either be too hard to get out and thus will stay stuck inside of me for a few days, resulting in terrible gas/bloating. Other times my stool will be completely liquid, and yet because my nervous system is not responding correctly, I just can't flush it out of my intestines. Whenever my bowels are not functioning correctly, all I need is a small dose of Miralax in a cup of water, and within 20 minutes, I'm able to go no problem. Highly recommended."
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- Sat...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 27, 2019
For Constipation "My wife was into day 5 of postoperative constipation. We were starting to get concerned. We had followed dietary recommendations. On day 5, her surgeon directed her to use MiraLAX. I ran out and purchased it. No obvious effects on day 5 when she took it (but very little extra bloating, gas, or other side effects). Bingo, at 6 a.m. on the morning of day 6, things returned to normal-happy for her. Thus far, she has stayed regular with that single dosage on day 5. I don't think we could be any more satisfied with this product-especially for this specific condition."
- Mar...
- June 8, 2023
For Bowel Preparation "I am 74 years old, and today was my 5th routine colonoscopy. MiraLAX was the easiest prep that I have ever consumed. I mixed it with Crystal Light, and it was just like drinking lemonade. There was no additional taste, flavor, or consistency to the Crystal Light. I had no nausea, gas, cramps, or any side effects. My doctor said my colon was clean and easy for him to see inside. The only negative is you must consume 32 ounces at 2 different times. I found drinking through a straw helped me drain it quicker than drinking from a glass. I have never tried the pills. I did not want to consume 32 large pills. Compared to Suprep and other liquids I have had, MiraLAX was hands down the best liquid prep for me."
- Ser...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- February 5, 2016
For Constipation "I have IBS-C, and over the years, have tried just about every laxative out there. My doctor prescribed me MiraLAX in 2008, and I took it daily until 2014. This is a very gentle laxative that can take several days to work. It's completely flavorless. The only side effects I noticed were minor bloating and gas. Eventually, my body got used to it, and MiraLAX stopped working. But for six years, it was painless, dependable therapy that I was grateful to have."
- Kam...
- February 26, 2012
For Constipation "I am 14 years old and was taking an anti-inflammatory medicine as well as a prescription painkiller for my kidney stone that I have. Those medicines made me constipated, and while I was at Children's ER, my nurse practitioner prescribed me MiraLAX. I was skeptical and afraid that it would counteract with my other medications. She assured me that it would be okay. Did you know you don't have to take it just once a day? I took 2 doses at once with 16 ounces of water, and a couple of hours later, I finally had a bowel movement. Overall, this medication is really phenomenal. The only bad thing about it is that it causes gas and nausea. Other than that, I'd say this is the best constipation reliever for all ages out there!"
- Sha...
- July 1, 2011
For Constipation "I am 20 years old and have had problems with bowel movements since I've been potty trained. I've usually had one extreme to the other, but going to the bathroom was never easy for me. I finally went to see my doctor to see if there was anything we could do about this. Throughout my childhood, I've been on different medications, but nothing helped. Now finding out I'm lactose intolerant doesn't help either. She prescribed me MiraLAX, and I have to say when I use it correctly (that is, taking it every day and drinking enough liquids with it), it works wonders. I no longer get stomach cramps or gas."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 9, 2012
For Constipation "I am on my fourth day and still no bowel motion. Each time I took it at night an hour before bedtime with water, and it's amazing because there really isn't a taste at all. You would never know anything was added to the water. Just make sure you stir it so the water is pretty clear to keep it tasteless. I do have to say over the last 4 days, I haven't had any bloating or gas."
- Anonymous
- July 16, 2019
For Constipation "I have an issue of constipation due to radiation treatment 25 years ago. I used to have 'sticky poop,' which was difficult to expel, and after a few days, I would have horrible stomach pain and explosive diarrhea. I took a stool softener for about 4 years, which helped until recently. I started MiraLAX 4 days ago. I have lots of gas, but no pain. I have 2-4 small stools a day. I will continue taking it for a while and see if things improve."
- Con...
- April 8, 2019
For Constipation "I love the idea of a gentler laxative, but unfortunately, I can’t take this because it gives me the smelliest gas I’ve ever experienced. It happens every time I’ve tried it. It’s not worth it. Prune juice or classic laxatives for me."
- Scp...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 7, 2019
For Constipation, Acute "I have been taking it for about a week, and I notice my stomach is extended and was way bloated. I read this was one of the side effects of taking MiraLAX. I go to the bathroom, but I look like I’m 3 months pregnant. What to do? I’m only 5’5 and 130 lbs. Bloating and gas are really bad. Help."
- Big...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- September 22, 2019
For Constipation "I have always suffered with constipation. I cannot 'go' in a public place, nor can I go with people around. This has been debilitating for me. I do find that enemas work well when we get company that stays with us. The problem is that once they leave, it is hard to go without an enema. Usually, 3 capfuls of MiraLAX and lots of water, and a day later, I start to go. Then I'm usually regular without taking any more. The gas after day three is really bad and exceptionally terrible smelling."
- hED...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- December 4, 2021
For Constipation "I have always had trouble with being constipated, ever since I was a child. I have a sluggish colon with gastroparesis. I remember having to go to the emergency room several times throughout my childhood due to severe stomach cramps and my parents being told that I had stool backed up almost to my stomach each time. Now, with those issues in tow, I also have IBS-C & opioid-induced constipation. I have tried Movantik, Linzess, Amtiza, Milk of Magnesia, Ex-Lax, stool softeners, fiber (which is a nightmare and can obstruct your intestines if you have low or slow motility like I do), and all the other tricks in the book to alleviate constipation. I can take MiraLAX 4 to 5 days with absolutely no change in bowel movements but a lot of negative effects such as intense waves of nausea, intense gas, bloating, stomach pain, headaches, and feeling extremely ill. I experience electricity-type sensations throughout my entire body with vomiting. It literally feels like I've been poisoned."
- poo...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 8, 2022
For Constipation "I was put on this for anal fissure, and it was not worth the side effects. Excess gas and burping, nausea, and slight confusion. Healthy 21-year-old male. My stomach hurts 24/7, cramps. Makes life miserable."
- nom...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 15, 2023
For Constipation "I have had anal fissures for decades. A bowel movement can keep me in pain all day. I started on MiraLAX with different amounts and now take one full capful every morning. It took a few days to kick in, but I have zero pain on bowel movements. I do get some nausea once in a while, but it is not bad. My stools on MiraLAX are really soft and thin, and I often go 8 times a day, give or take, but I don't have this urge to go. I just do. I do have a lot of flatulence, but two months in and I am enjoying life without excruciating pain."
- nav...
- July 22, 2011
For Constipation "My constipation worries all started when I was taking cholesterol medicines a few months ago and could no longer tolerate side effects on top of the constipation. Had to stop taking them. When I saw my doctor, she told me to get some calcium citrate supplement with magnesium to relieve the constipation. Well, it only made things worse by giving me bloating/gas. I believe that MiraLAX could possibly save me from all this misery, but it just started taking its effect on the third day, with some relief from this product but not quite 100% as yet. I have an appointment on the seventh day of this product to see if it will actually work out for my problem. Also, taking simethicone chews 80 mg with MiraLAX for releasing the fullness, gas, and bloat after meals."
- Sal...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 27, 2024
For Constipation "MiraLAX did make BMs softer and more regular. But after taking it nightly for about 6 months, I began to feel bloated and my belly was distended, with too much gas! I also felt stool was backing up in my colon. All very counterproductive. I decided to quit it in favor of eating simple leafy salads with lunch and dinner every day, and I now feel much better and am having even better BMs each morning."
- Cle...
- July 30, 2021
For Constipation, Acute "I’m a healthy 24-year-old female. Usually very regular. But after a recent round of antibiotics, I was suddenly constipated for about 9 days. I tried everything: Metamucil, prune juice, Dulcolax. I finally decided to try MiraLAX. The first time I took a capful, the recommended dosage, it did nothing. Then a couple of days later, I upped the dosage. I poured half the bottle into about 8 oz of prune juice and chugged it. I didn’t feel anything until 3 1/2 hours later (around 10:30 PM). When I tell y’all BUBBLE. GUTS. The most sudden and abrupt bout of gas, gurgling, cramping, and farting. I felt like I was going to poop my pants. I ran to the bathroom. Everything in my stomach was melted and pouring out of me. Not all liquid, just very, very soft stool coming out in a steady stream. For the rest of the night and into today (it’s 3 PM), I’m battling diarrhea. It’s not as bad now, and the cramping has stopped. But I feel so much lighter and relieved."
- Jas...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 3, 2016
For Constipation "Awesome! Works great! Stop waiting and go to the store. This product is a lifesaver. Works without getting gas, cramps. Tastes like water. Simply the best!"
- Cat...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 14, 2019
For Constipation "On my 4th day of MiraLAX. Lots of gas... but no results! :("
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.More about MiraLAX (polyethylene glycol 3350)
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- Drug class: laxatives
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- En español
For Constipation "Although MiraLax works, it makes you have ice cream-like soft serve bowel movements. The bad part for me is I will feel like I have gas and will just let it go, which you shouldn't. Don't trust a fart - you will poop on yourself. For real. I just did. You also need baby wipes after bowel movements, otherwise, you will go through a whole roll of toilet paper trying to clean up your backside. I'm glad I've been able to have movement, but I'm not okay with the side effects of it. I may just start taking something else to produce bowel movements. Maybe I'll try Benefiber and see what that does. But it took about 2 days for me for it to work. I have to take Excedrin PM for me to sleep, and I think that's what causes my constant hard ball constipation. So this helps, but I can't be at work and poop on myself and/or not have wipes to get fully clean. It seems to just cling to the backside."