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Plenvu for Bowel Preparation User Reviews (Page 5)

Plenvu has an average rating of 4.9 out of 10 from a total of 402 reviews for the treatment of Bowel Preparation. 36% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 47% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Plenvu

  • Twinkle
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 2, 2019

"I took this in preferance to Klean Prep as the quantity to drink was much less. This was the only difference. I took Motillium on the tongue before both doses which stopped nausea. However the taste and thick consistency made this very hard to swallow and only great resolve got me through. My restricted low fibre diet was such an help. As my consultant said what goes in has to come out! Following first dose I had two movements only and felt well. Same after morning dose - which was worse than the first - but about 4 watery movements and just a little cramping and that was it. However the only way I could get this down was the lesser quantity. I could not ever take it again and very thankfully I won't have to as I'll be 76 in 10 years time and no tests after 75! Great money to be made by someone who can come up with a bearable solution."

6 / 10
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  • Meatl...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 25, 2019

"I'm 26, this is my 1st colonoscopy. I have nothing to compare the prep to. Dose 1 is FOUL. Gag with every sip, even when chased with ice water. Projectile vomit twice, one halfway and one when done. I had to lay down and shut my eyes because of the nausea. I had a migraine all day, so that probably contributed. I was bloated, but did not have a BM until I started dose 2. Whoever suggested a hot bath is a SAINT, because I felt so awful after dose 1. I didn't know how to cope, the bath helps. Dose 2 is much more tolerable. Less powder, less thick. Flavor is better. Still very salty, and needs an ice water chaser. The liquid BM's have been really frequent since starting dose 2. It's been hard to drink in between. However, there is no ab pain involved. It is amazing compared to the awful pain I have had, that has driven me to get this done. All-in-all, I was scared to death about dose 2 because of how awful dose 1 was. But, that made dose 2 seem kinder."

9 / 10
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  • Diver...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2019

"Diagnosed in 2001 with diverticulitis, and being past a certain age ( now need to screen for colon cancer) I have much experience with these procedures, that being said Plenvu is worst GI prep ever! Go-Lytely is much better, works more efficiently. Heck anything else is better( Miralax or even magnesium citrate). This stuff could make a maggot gag. Diarrhea achieved, but vomiting is not necessary for a colonoscopy. Caused needless suffering....Never Again!"

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Frequently asked questions

  • MVano
  • November 22, 2019

"This med tastes nasty, but I was able to finish both the doses. After my 1st dose at 5:30 pm, colon cleansing started in 30 mins and lasted for 3 hours for every 5-10 mins. I took my 2nd dose at 2:30 am, cleansing lasted for about 4 hours for every 3-5 mins. The best way to drink this is to use a straw and flush it with apple juice after every sip. Though the med description says you can't have with anything, the nurse told me it is totally fine to drink it with clear juice or clear Gatorade. I was able to finish both the doses in 10 mins. I had 20 oz water after finishing the med and apple juice. After the 2nd dose, I had the yellow watery bowel movement for 4 hours. I also had a terrible headache after the 2nd dose and chills with both doses which went away once the med got out of my system. The procedure went well and the doc was able to see the colon clearly. This med is doable with apple juice which flushes away the bitter after taste."

8 / 10
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  • Annie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 14, 2021

"The WORST bowel prep I have ever tried. I’ve had two colonoscopies before with no problems. Back on my feet the next day. Not this time!! Managed Dose 1 but could not keep down Dose 2. Violent vomiting. Had to cancel the colonoscopy. Two days later, I can’t eat; still have horrible cramping and watery stools. I’m pretty tough but this has tipped me over the edge. And without having the actual procedure!! Hate to think what state I’d be in if I had Dose 2!!! DO NOT TAKE THIS!!"

1 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Lori
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 22, 2019

"The doctor said this was a new medication and it would be easier than last time. Last time, it was simple. No side effects. I don’t know which meds he gave. Right now, I am soooo ill. It felt like a 9 out if 10. Like the stomach flu. Diarrhea and vomiting. This was after the second dose. I NEVER felt this with the other meds. Today , after the colonoscopy , if I can even make it there, I will find out the other meds."

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  • Nurse
  • August 17, 2019

"I used Plenvu yesterday evening to prep for a colonoscopy this a.m. The Plenvu prep was simple and I was cleaned out for my colonoscopy which was the objective. The first stage at 6pm was 16 oz of powder mixed with water to be completed in 30 min., followed by 16 oz of water in 30 minutes. I recommend cold water and a straw. I started passing liquid stool upon finishing the plain water and was to the bathroom 4-5 times. At midnight I began the 2nd half of the prep which was 2 packets mixed with 16 oz of water in 30 minutes followed by 16 oz of water in 30 minutes. I had a need to get to the bathroom before finishing the plain water. I had liquid stools for 2 hours and was clear when my stools stopped. I describe the prep as “harsh” and effective, as a successful prep typically is. I was nauseated at times and took a Zofran to ease the nausea. I had an insatiable thirst before going to sleep at 2am and drank ice water. No prep is pleasant but this prep worked."

8 / 10
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  • texas...
  • January 31, 2020

"3rd colonoscopy. 1st one 9 years ago, 2nd 3 years ago. Previous golightly and suprep. This one (plenvu) is awful. I think the thickness is the most repulsive part. Held my nose with each gulp thru a straw and followed with iced tea, which I also mixed with 1st dose instead of water. Second dose at 2am mixed with water only. Not as thick, easier to get down chased with iced tea. Couldn’t finish last 2 oz. No cramps, not explosive, passing water’s the color of iced tea and not sure if it’s fecal matter or just due to my drinking tea. Some preps say nothing 2 hrs before procedure, my dr office said 3 and nurse said 4 which is it??? My husband took pills for his and was easy for him. My doc offered and I should’ve tried more liquid preps!!! Nice if this could be administered thru IV. Solitaire on iPad on toilet helps pass the time."

5 / 10
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  • babal...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 6, 2019

"I have a colonosopy set for today. I started my drink yesterday about 5:25pm. An hour later, had a good poop, then 20 mins later it started. the hose ran like water. I drank water, about a half a jar every 30 min and did good. 4 hour later it slowed down and slept well till about 3am. had a little flow and stayed awake. I started my 2nd dose at 5:40am and now its 6:04am. I am still drinking and I can feel my stomach playing the drums and strings. It is gonna start coming out again . No vomiting, just a little nausea and a strange warm dizzy feeling but not bad. I will give an update later today. My appointment is at 11AM."

9 / 10
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  • JoanneS
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 18, 2019

"I wrote my last review after my first dose. Well, four hours after my 2nd dose, my thoughts have changed. The first one was easy. The 2nd dose made me nauseous about halfway through. I didn't finish the liquid, because it would've made me vomit. Not that it mattered. I've spent the last four hours on the toilet. My backside is raw. It hurts so bad I cry every time I have to clean it. And I'm very dehydrated. I could keep myself hydrated with the first dose because I could drink, but I couldn't drink past midnight. Which meant I took my 2nd dose by itself. Telling someone to take a second dose during a time when you're not supposed to drink is just cruel. Does it work? Yes. But I'm not sure it's worth it."

3 / 10
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  • JennJ...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 11, 2020

"Dose 1 of Plenvu was started around 5pm. Mixed with 16oz of water you have approximately 30 minutes to finish the dose. You will need it! This stuff is thick, and the taste is undesirable. I choked it down within the 30 minutes and was nauseated for about 2 hours. It took about 45 minutes for the first bowel movement, and the abdominal pain during that time was excruciating. On the plus side, it cleared me out well. Once you start, stay near a bathroom because you will certainly be using it. Dose 2 consisted of the last 2 dose packs with another 16oz of water. Still hard to choke down, and lots of nausea. Moral of the story is that it tastes awful, causes abdominal pain and nausea, but it does what it is supposed to."

7 / 10
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  • Elsie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 3, 2021

"This was the worst thing I have ever experienced. I took the first dose at 6pm, nothing started happening until 10pm and I then spent the whole night on the toilet. No sleep whatsoever. I was shivery and dizzy and felt quite unwell. The second dose way taken at 6am, I promptly through up most of this, which the nurse told me was quite common. The plenvu is by far the nastiest thing I have ever tasted. I did not feel as if I was completely empty and this was confirmed at the hospital."

2 / 10
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  • Suzy
  • January 16, 2021

"This was my first time using this prep for a colonoscopy. One hour after the first dose, I started having explosive diarrhea. This continued through the second dose and throughout the night. I go no sleep. I started becoming nauseous, weak, and began having burning pain on my skin where ever the diarrhea fluid touched the skin on my bottom. By morning, I could not touch the skin without excruciating pain. I was so weak by the time I got to the surgery center for the procedure, I request a wheelchair. Having done previous preps for colonoscopies, I cannot recommend Plevnvu. It was much too harsh on my body. It is now 2 days since my procedure and am still recovering from the pain and exhaustion from using Plenvu."

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  • Jaye
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 22, 2019

"I would highly recommend this prep which I chose for my first colonoscopy. It's the lowest volume option (less to drink) and while I suspect they all taste horrible, I was able to drink this without issue (kept it cold, used a straw to minimize contact with taste buds, and sipped water to clear aftertaste immediately). I get an upset stomach easily but didn't experience that with this prep. It was effective but with no cramping or nausea and I didn't have to get up in the middle of the night. I did scale back on certain foods a few days prior however (red meat, anything with skin (onions, grapes etc). Doc said prep was excellent."

10 / 10
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  • Luna
  • November 28, 2019

"Very effective way of emptying bowels. I am 18 years old and had my first colonoscopy today. The worst part of Plenvu was the taste and I struggled very hard with finishing the liquids. I did not have any side effects such as nausea or discomfort, but I did spend a solid 12 hours in the bathroom. I still felt the need to have bowel movements even after my colonoscopy even though my colon was perfectly clean."

10 / 10
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  • Harry
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 20, 2021

"ASPARTAME ALERT! The Plenvu kit came in the mail from a specialty pharmacy and cost me $60. I opened it two days before my procedure as the box top recommended, and was alerted by the "phenylketonuric" warning -- it must have aspartame in it (although that's not listed on the box), and it's an ingredient that gives me irregular heartbeat. After perusing the enormous tissue-paper-thin package insert with a magnifying glass, I finally found that aspartame is an "inactive" ingredient in Pouch 2. I couldn't use this prep and went back to the classic Gatorade with Ducolax and Miralax, and am a happy camper since it was a fine experience. But I'm still out $60 because no one at the doctor's office asked me if aspartame was a problem before calling in the prescription for it, and the pharmacy is only in the business of filling orders, not questioning them."

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  • Sue
  • November 19, 2019

"I have had several colonoscopies so never look forward to the prep. I followed some other suggestions which is to drink lots of water well before you start the prep. Also make sure contents are dissolved before drinking; taste was better than most; first round was easy to get down followed by water but second round is the toughest trying to keep it down so took 1-2 sips; waited for gag reflex to stop; rinsed mouth with water; wait and then repeat. Taste wasn’t that bad and got it all down with no issues but was up most of the night running to the bathroom. Definitely works and was one of the better preps that I’ve had. Tons of water / hydration is the secret and take your time drinking the solution."

9 / 10
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  • Haron
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 8, 2019

"I followed the instruction exactly as prescribed as well as switched to a low fiber diet, avoided foods on the do not eat list (nuts, fruits with seeds/skins, legumes, etc.). The day before I had a breakfast of 2 boiled eggs and a potato roll with a little soy butter. After that, it was nothing but clear liquids. I took my first prep dose and within an hour, it seemed to be working. I took the 2nd dose and this one almost made me vomit as feel faint. I had nothing to drink after my 2nd dose and still did not have a successful colonoscopy. I now have to go back for a second one in a few weeks....aaaggghhhhh!!!"

4 / 10
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  • 55Mom...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 15, 2021

"I have had three colonoscopies and this prep was by far the worst BUT very effective. I started first dose at 6pm and had hard time drinking it all. Within 20 min, every negative side effect started ...bloating, nausea, running nose, chills, feelings of nervousness and need to vomit, which I did. It kicked in relatively quickly. I drank most of 1st dose but not all and went to bathroom until about 10pm. I called dr and he gave me tips, including drinking ginger tea. I tried to sleep before 1:15 am dose #2 but could not fall asleep. I tried to finish before the side effects started again but could not. I left about 1/4 that i just could not choke down. All the same side effects. I went to bathroom until about 4 am and tried to sleep but could not. I went to bathroom another 5x-6x before 8am procedure. Even though I did not finish and vomited first dose, I still had clear discharge before procedure."

9 / 10
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  • nfamous...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 15, 2020

"First I'll say that my Boston Prep Scale Score was a 9, which is the perfect score and means that your prep worked and your colon was optimal for visualization. As far as effectiveness, Plenvu did the job. That said, if I ever have to have a colonoscopy again, I will ask to try a prep other than Plenvu. The taste of dose 1 was so VILE but I kept it down and it did its job. Dose 2 was less vile tasting but my stomach expelled it in 20 minutes in the biggest projectile vomiting I've ever experienced. I hope to never have to have another colonoscopy."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 6, 2020

"This stuff tastes absolutely horrible. Was able to choke down the first dose however I threw up the second dosage but was still able to absorb enough to complete the procedure. It acted very quickly for me (in about 50 minutes) and actually didn’t hurt my stomach too bad at the time . I’m recovering now and my stomach hurts very badly and I feel pretty terrible but it did the job. Overall it’s effective but pretty unpleasant"

5 / 10
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  • Bloated
  • November 15, 2019

"This taste like thick foul ocean water. It has been 8 hours and I have gone some, but bloated and cramping. The doctor has cancelled my colonoscopy due to not working as it should. I even drank more water than required. Once I finally do go, that will literally be $50 down the toilet."

2 / 10
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21 Report
  • PrepF...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 22, 2020

"This was to be my 3rd colonoscopy, but I ended up in the hospital 12 hours after starting Dose 1 at 5pm. It worked quickly and thoroughly, but by 10pm I experienced unrelenting abdominal cramping which worsened throughout the night. I called my internist who said this wasn’t normal. I couldn’t hold down any fluids, and the cramps were excruciating. By 5am I went to the ER. Morphine FINALLY helped. But when they gave me a big potassium pill and glass of water, the excruciating cramping returned. More Morphine helped. They then admitted me to the hospital until I could eat a clear diet without suffering. By 6pm I was able to do so. It’s 3 days later. I’m slowly beginning to eat solids. Still runny stools and intestinal gurgling. I do not recommend Plenvu. Doctor gave me a sample Plenvu because I’m a kidney donor. But he later said because it’s low volume, it’s more concentrated/harsh."

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  • sammy
  • March 9, 2020

"I’m so glad I read some of your comments as I was getting ready to do this. I went to the store to get ice, a straw and apple juice. Only I didn’t looked at it carefully and wound up with spiced cider, which is not going to work. Just took Dose 1. Pretty bad but I pounded it down in 8 minutes. Ice and straw are key. Lots of crushed ice, not cubes. I am chasing it with Roar organic electrolyte drink in mango tangerine. So the real mango flavor washes away the fake awful one. Waiting to see what happens "

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  • Bulle...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 3, 2019

"I wanted a low volume prep this time but I knew Medicare will not cover the cost which is about 150.00 so I asked my Dr. if he had samples he offered this I was happy till I read the reviews here. My results were very good. First off I did not take any addition laxatives as was suggested.their web page said not needed and they were correct. My colonoscopy was for 9am the day before I ate no solid foods and at 2 pm I took dose one. Tips for taking from online research mix the prep 2 hrs. before and refrigerate. When you are ready add some ice and use a straw to take small sips. Dose one went down smoothly yes it is very artificially sweet but was tolerable. Started working rather quickly 25 mins. and lasted about 2 hrs. not too bad. Dose two for me was at 9pm and was a bit harder to finish and the flush was longer about 3 hrs. but I was asleep by 1 am. My other tip is to drink a lot of water, more is better here. I woke up a bit dehydrated and asked for fluids in my IV."

8 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.