Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)
Brand names: GoLYTELY, GaviLyte-G, Plenvu, PEG-3350 with Electolytes, MoviPrep, NuLYTELY, Suflave, GaviLyte-C, Colyte, TriLyte, GaviLyte-N, Colonic Lavage Solution, Clenz-Lyte, Co-Lav, GaviLyte-H, Go-Evac …show all brand names
Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes has an average rating of 6.0 out of 10 from a total of 1,100 reviews on Drugs.com. 48% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 33% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes
- Mul...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- November 13, 2016
GoLYTELY (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Fifth time having the fun of GoLYTELY. I'll share what my pharmacist told me before the first time. Get some hard candy, something you don't normally want, like lemon drops. Suck on the candy while drinking the solution through a straw as quickly as possible. The candy helps to cut the salty taste, and going through a straw makes it much quicker."
- Mov...
- April 29, 2016
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I have had to have several colonoscopies over the years and have always been given Picolax. I was slightly concerned with the MoviPrep as there was a lot to drink. However, if you pace yourself over, say, an hour, it's fine. Make sure it's cold and maybe suck a Halls menthol sweet with it. It works quickly and much less pain and discomfort than with the Picolax. I had it at 5 PM, went to the toilet a lot up until about 10 PM, then actually had a night's sleep. Next morning the same amount again, toilet for about another 4 hours, then off to the hospital. I seemed to be able to keep more hydrated with this preparation than with the Picolax as I did not feel so rotten and sick. Much more comfortable experience all around."
- Rib...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 8, 2014
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I was very skeptical of taking MoviPrep after reading the online reviews, but I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I did take an anti-emetic beforehand, as prescribed by my doctor, and I had no nausea at all. Yes, the prep does taste awful, and whatever you use to help flavor it, you will never want to drink again. But I had no side effects: no cramping, bloating, or nausea. The motions I was able to easily get to the toilet and didn't need to get up in the night. The only side effect I did get was burning towards the end, but I did use lots of Sudocrem. My advice would be to start early and take your time. I started at 2 PM and finished at 8 PM for the two doses."
- SGa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 31, 2019
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "After reading all the bad reviews on here, I was terrified to try Plenvu. But, it wasn’t bad! I think all the preps are going to taste bad, so don’t let that deter you. The mango was definitely harder for me to get down, but I followed each sip with a bite of lemon Italian Ice, and that helped immensely. It worked quickly and effectively without any nausea or cramping. Just a noisy stomach, but I’m sure that’s to be expected. The fruit punch (second dose) was much better tasting, but still not something I would choose to drink if I had other options. I was completely cleaned out and had no issues getting to my appointment. I highly recommend this prep and will use it again when I need my next colonoscopy. Another good note is to definitely use some sort of barrier cream after every movement. Helped me a lot!"
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- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 1, 2022
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Plenvu: my dosage at the time was 500 ml of mango salt flavor and a second 500 ml dose of fruit punch/grapefruit salt flavor. The taste was bad, but one thing I did discover when I rang up my doctor was that I could mix Plenvu with Sprite and add cordial, too. This helped immensely. Nothing will really take away the salt water. But make your prep up beforehand with ice-cold Sprite and store it in the fridge for a bit. Alternate this with sips of ice-cold water, and it will go down eventually, I promise. I struggled a bit, but this prep has one of the least amounts to drink. Thank your lucky stars it's not MoviPrep. My main tip is to drink at least 2 liters of clear fluid after each dosage. And add Vaseline to your anus! You will go to the toilet once you start to chug the water after the dose. The doctor at the appointment said my prep was excellent. One last tip: this is supposed to be taken in 30 mins. Find yourself some quiet space and focus on it. Worked for me. Would recommend."
- spa...
- November 23, 2019
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "A few more words. My experience was MoviPrep took nearly 2 hours to start movements, so don't get brave and go anywhere. While I'm sitting on the loo, I've noticed if you just sit on the loo, not much is happening, but stand up, as I think that is it for now. I manage to wash, pull up trousers, and take a step out of the bathroom and have to jump right back on there."
- Pan...
- October 18, 2020
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "After reading all of these reviews, I was terrified. I have emetophobia and have an irrational fear of vomiting. I was worked up about taking this for weeks. I had my doctor call in a prescription for anti-nausea medication that I started 30 minutes prior to starting. The first dose wasn't bad, but I kinda wish they just let it be salty instead of giving it a 'fruity' flavor. I sipped it over an hour. I made sure it was cold, added ice, and drank through a straw. Made it through dose 1, no problems. Started working within 30 minutes. No cramping. Just explosive. I was unable to get any sleep between the doses. Dose 2 tasted a little better but was harder to sip down. After an hour, I ended up chugging the last bit as it was already starting to work. The next hour was the worst. The nausea faded after an hour. I hope I don't need to do this for another 10 years, but I would try this prep again. Just wouldn't chug the 2nd dose."
- Ann...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 16, 2019
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I'm reading all these comments while trying to drink my second dose of Plenvu. I just can't bring the cup to my mouth anymore. I thought pooping would be the worst part of the prep, but boy was I wrong... Help lol."
- Nem...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 15, 2017
GoLYTELY (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "After having two other colonoscopies, I suggest drinking this without any flavoring, it tastes much better that way. Adding the flavor only seems to intensify the salty taste. I divided the drink up in the 4-quart containers and drank 1 at a time-much easier to do. Drink it through a straw. You have less chance of becoming nauseous. I coated my rump as suggested by others who had the prep. It really helped. P.S. Thank you to all the people who offered suggestions, it really helped. I also drank the prep at room temperature and chilled. The only difference was that at room temperature, it was a little bit more salty. If you’ve ever mixed baking soda and water for heartburn, that’s what this prep reminded me of, but actually tasted better. It was not horrible. At the end, I replenished with Gatorade. I also had 3 more clear BM’s the next day, which was the morning of my procedure. So you might want to wear a protective pad or something like Depends or take an extra pair of clothes in case you can’t get to the bathroom fast enough."
- Oka...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 4, 2020
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Mixed up the Plenvu dose 1 the day before I was supposed to take it, and then noticed the instruction not to mix more than 6 hours before taking. Stuck it in the freezer and called the hotline. They said it would taste weird and not be effective, but agreed freezing it was a good idea and told me to call the doctor in the morning. The doctor’s office said, “no problem, just shake it up.” Thawed and took as directed that evening. It tasted horrible, but thanks to this forum I knew that was normal. Also learned from this forum that using a straw and drinking apple juice between bouts of the prep drink helps get it down. Within an hour or so, the prep took effect. Several episodes of watery diarrhea over the next 4 hours, with half-hour gaps. A few hours of sleep, then more diarrhea at 3 am and time for dose 2, mixed fresh. It was thicker and harder for me to get down. Eventually, I threw it all up, but the prep was successful anyway - phew. Will probably ask for different prep next time."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 19, 2024
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "So many negative reviews here! I remember reading this before my procedure and feeling horribly apprehensive about the whole business. Of course, nobody really wants to spend an evening drinking laxatives and sitting on the toilet! But we know that colonoscopy and gastroscopy are there to save lives, and you can't have it done without a clean bowel! Plenvu tastes fairly horrible, but really it's nowhere near as bad as most of these reviews make out. Yes, it's salty, fruit-flavoured, and over-sweetened - but is it really that bad? Just a couple of glasses to get through in an hour, and you can wash each mouthful down with something you do like. For me, the trick was to make sure that it's very cold and add a lot of ice. Use a straw and sip from the very top of the glass through the ice. Don't try to do it all too quickly - the best way to avoid nausea is to use the whole hour - mentally divide it into six, then drink one every 10 minutes using a watch! It's very effective!"
- Ari...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 18, 2023
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "This was my sixth colonoscopy and my first experience with Plenvu. Although the product reached the desired result, with an 'Excellent' on my report for my bowel prep, I would never recommend it, and if I am required to do this again, I will be begging for another brand. If I said this was revolting to swallow, it would be an understatement, and all the guessing in the world would never indicate that the flavor of antifreeze was either mango or fruit punch. My best description would be the taste of the smell of burnt plastic. Holding it down was a major task, with plenty of positive self-talk to quell the nausea and belly pain. I was exhausted from the trips to the bathroom right up till the alarm went off for me to leave for the hospital. I followed the regime to the letter: 3 days of bland white stuff leading up to Prep Day, heaps of fluids to enable the prep to work, and a gritty resolve to see this through because I could not deal with a repeat if this fails."
- Mar...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 23, 2023
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "This was a traumatizing experience. Never, ever again. Zero taste improvement from other preps. The worst was the profound incontinence. After the first dose, it went on for 4 hours, but I had 5-10 seconds to make it to the toilet about every 10 minutes. After the second dose the morning of the procedure, I didn't even have a three-second warning, and it went on for over 5 hours - past the time of my appointment. Going every 3-5 minutes with no warning. I had to line the car seat with towels and change clothes twice in the clinic restroom just to get into the exam. And that doesn't even address the severe perineal damage from the acid or the extreme dehydration and headache from being unable to drink anything for 3 hours before the appointment. Nothing like crapping your pants in the waiting room full of people waiting for their loved ones or cleaning the floor of the clinic restroom. Probably formulated for 300 lb men. It needs to be adjusted down for people who are only 140 lbs or less."
- SLa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 20, 2019
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I started drinking this at 7 PM. After less than an hour, I had downed it all (washing down with plain water after each chug as the taste isn't that great), and I was on the toilet. It worked quite quickly for me, but I am still sat here now 2 hours later. Scared to move in case it isn't complete, haha! Overall, I think it is good and effective, simple enough to take, and as long as it does the job needed to get the results from my colonoscopy, then I'm happy! Also, was free as I am in the UK (thank God for NHS). I gag quite easily and was more nervous about this than the actual procedure, but it's really not that bad!"
- Rel...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 5, 2013
GaviLyte-G (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I can’t overstress the importance of lemons during the prep. Get a bag of lemons and cut them in quarters. Suck on the lemon quarter, drink the solution through a straw, suck on the lemon, drink the solution, etc. You will not even taste or smell it. Also, schedule your exam in the afternoon. You will be able to drink 1/2 of the solution the night before and 1/2 in the morning. Very tolerable way to get through this!"
- KBa...
- November 6, 2019
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I read the previous reviews to help know what to expect. The first dose was unpleasant, I did manage to drink it. Within minutes of drinking half, I was in the bathroom. I was so cold and shivering, but this is normal. To get the first dose down, I used a straw and a lemon slice on my tongue, followed by brushing my teeth and mouthwash. Time for the second half of the first dose, still freezing in the bathroom most of the time. Second half down. The suggestion is, don't use toilet paper to wipe, use wipes, it is soothing and there is no irritation. Four hours on the toilet constantly. Another hour and time for the second round. While my first dose was not great, the second was horrible. Barely got it down. Used previous methods started my many trips to the bathroom. It is now 11 PM, no sleep is what I'm looking at. I drank most of the mixture but couldn't finish the last quarter. For me, I knew if I tried, it would not stay down. The end result was a clean colon and a good colonoscopy. While this was an unpleasant task, I am still glad I persevered. You can do it."
- sha...
- February 9, 2017
GaviLyte-G (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I survived my prep. Thank God for the tips I got from the internet, or I couldn't have done it. Use a straw, two-day prep was easier (less pressure). Lemon drops immediately after drinking the glasses of prep took the bad taste away. I just sucked on the lemon drops for a few seconds after each glass. Thank you to everyone who posted their advice!"
- Dev...
- July 17, 2019
GoLYTELY (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I did the GoLYTELY prep and not Miralax because it has the electrolytes, and there is evidence that it does a better job at bowel lavage. Take 4 tablespoons of olive oil orally hours prior to prep. There are studies out of Turkey and Mexico showing that olive oil produces a better prep, especially in the right colon. Eat a low-residue diet for days beforehand. Switch to smoothies 24 hours before the procedure. Have your colonoscopy in the afternoon, and start your prep in the early morning. I stopped having smoothies before bedtime and started prep at 4 AM. Want to help your GoLYTELY go down easily? Mix 6 fluid ounces of prep with 2 fluid ounces of clear broth. The prep is salty, and you'll only taste broth. Warm it up! Make it cozy. Have coconut water in between glasses of prep. Between my diarrhea and these tips, I needed a liter of prep. And I got a 9 for my bowel cleanliness. Results may vary!"
- Gam...
- December 2, 2014
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Colonoscopy prep. Not nearly as bad for me as some below describe. Two-session prep. Mixed the stuff in advance, added one packet of Crystal Light lemonade mix and about two teaspoons of lemon juice, then chilled. Tastes a lot like lemon-lime Gatorade, with some salt added, but a bit slimy consistency. Tried several ways of drinking and ended up doing this. Drank from a glass, no straw. Before taking a swallow, sucked for a moment on a mint. Then took a big mouthful with head tilted back, so avoided most of my tongue. Held there for a second, then swallowed and immediately took another suck on mint. Then another mouthful, etc. No side effects. Started bowel motion about 70 minutes after the first glass and went on and off for 90 min."
- Pat...
- November 14, 2014
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Took MoviPrep for my 50-year colonoscopy screening. I'm sorry many people have had such a hard time with it, but for myself, that just wasn't the case. Yes, the prep tastes fairly gross: like thick flat 7-Up with salt in it... followed by a weird melon-cucumber aftertaste. I chilled it, and when it was time to drink an 8 oz portion, I just gulped it down. The only time it was almost too much was on dose 8 in the AM. Following that with 16 oz of water was almost too much to bear, and it made me nauseous. It took almost an hour for the prep to get going, but there was only some rumbling and no cramping. The night before doses got the movements fairly clear, but it took the morning dose to really clean things up. The diarrhea wasn't that bad."
- npa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 1, 2021
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Did the two-day dose for a colonoscopy prep. This is my first one, so no basis of comparison (except my wife used something else and gave me a heads-up about the process). Dose one is done the day before the procedure. After looking online, I made sure that the water used was as cold as possible, and I had some plain water to wash down the taste. I also drank it through a straw, which helped. The taste was like concentrated Gatorade. Not something I would drink normally, but not bad. I drank another 16 oz of water to wash it down. After 1 hour, the 'waterworks' began. The second dose was about 4 hours before the procedure, so I had to wake up early in the morning. Similar process, similar taste. After another 30 minutes, more waterworks. No pain, no gassiness. The doctor was happy with the cleanliness of my bowels, so I guess it did what it was supposed to do. Not sure about all the bad reviews, since I had heard horror stories about other treatments which required much more effort."
- Ann...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 27, 2019
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I too had a negative experience with Plenvu. The taste was horrendous. It started working within 15 minutes of finishing dose 1. I was so nauseous and clammy I thought for sure I was going to pass out. I couldn’t finish the second dose as the same thing happened. My blood pressure was also very high for me after the second dose. I was crampy and bloated for weeks after and still don’t feel as good as I had before this prep 6 months ago. I wouldn’t recommend this prep to my worst enemy."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 15, 2017
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I've been dreading this all week. Read every awful review and every scary web page. I don't do well with gross-tasting stuff and have been scared to death I wouldn't get this stuff down. Just finished the first liter and it was totally fine. It's not tasty, but it's not that bad. I definitely recommend refrigerating and using a straw and holding your nose. It was no issue to drink, and I generally have a weak stomach. It works well as well, I think. Have to run to the bathroom every five minutes or so... sort of like peeing out of a different spot (TMI, sorry). So, all in all, so far so good. Was not even close to as bad as I feared. At all."
- Swa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 20, 2021
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I just took the first envelope but barely got it down. Threw up on the last swallow. That is the worst tasting stuff I have ever had! I am dreading taking the second dose. It is supposed to be worse, per my husband. Already feel like throwing up again! I will never use this again!"
More about polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes
- Check interactions
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- Side effects
- Dosage information
- During pregnancy
- Drug class: laxatives
Patient resources
- Polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution drug information
- Polyethylene glycol 3350, electrolytes, and ascorbic acid (Advanced Reading)
- Polyethylene glycol 3350, sodium and potassium salts (Advanced Reading)
- Polyethylene glycol 3350, sodium ascorbate, sodium sulfate, ascorbic acid, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride (Advanced Reading)
- Polyethylene Glycol-Electrolyte Solution (MoviPrep, Plenvu)
- Polyethylene Glycol-Electrolyte Solution Prep
Other brands
GoLYTELY, GaviLyte-G, Plenvu, PEG-3350 with Electolytes, ... +7 more
Professional resources
- PEG-3350, Electrolytes and Ascorbate prescribing information
- PEG-3350, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate and Potassium Chloride (FDA)
- Polyethylene Glycol (FDA)
Other brands
GoLYTELY, GaviLyte-G, Plenvu, MoviPrep, ... +6 more
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Wow, all that worrying for nothing. The whole process was a piece of cake. I mean seriously, it was such a breeze. Like some have said, the hardest part is being so hungry. Sure, MoviPrep doesn't taste good, but it's not that bad either. It's just very salty and lemony. Does that sound so scary? It's just 4 - 8 oz. cups per dose... Easy. Just suck on a hard candy right after and the aftertaste is gone. Really, nothing to it. I was finished drinking in 45 minutes and in the bathroom 15 minutes later. Just hung out for a half an hour or so with my tablet, and that was mostly it. Maybe 2 or 3 more visits before I went to bed, and I slept great! Didn't like getting up at 4 AM, but no big deal. 2 hours after starting the process, I was back to my normal duties around the house... If my family didn't see me drinking the stuff, they wouldn't have even known. The hospital visit was even easier, and right after I left, I went directly out to eat and had a big steak and baked potato... and it was soooo good!"