Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)
Brand names: GoLYTELY, GaviLyte-G, Plenvu, PEG-3350 with Electolytes, MoviPrep, NuLYTELY, Suflave, GaviLyte-C, Colyte, TriLyte, GaviLyte-N, Colonic Lavage Solution, Clenz-Lyte, Co-Lav, GaviLyte-H, Go-Evac …show all brand names
Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes has an average rating of 6.0 out of 10 from a total of 1,100 reviews on Drugs.com. 48% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 33% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes
- Rot...
- October 23, 2018
GaviLyte-G (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Prep for my first colonoscopy. Mixed as directed with lukewarm water and started drinking. Taste got better after a while in the fridge. I was not looking forward to this based on everything I had heard. Started working about 1 1/2 hours after I started drinking. Honestly, not that bad. Tastes like a thick Gatorade (I added the lemon pack it came with). I mean, of course, having diarrhea overnight is not fun, but I was expecting a horrible experience. Just start off with a good mindset and get it done! Good luck to all!"
- Lit...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 11, 2019
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Second time for colonoscopy, first time used Kleen Prep!!! MoviPrep so much better, not too bad taste-wise, but volume always a problem. Took first dose at 5:00 PM, started to gurgle by 6:30, then next at 8:30 PM, probably visited the loo 15 times, then slept for 2 hours, and it all kicked off again, stayed up the rest of the night. Where does it all come from? Seems a lot more came out than went in, all water after first dose, so seems to have worked, but still going after 11 hours. Hope it stops before I set off on my journey to the hospital or big trouble!! But not to be feared, and after all, it is to potentially save your life."
- Ano...
- February 26, 2020
GoLYTELY (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I had GoLYTELY split prep (1/2 night before, remaining, morning of). I mixed it with lemonade mix, and it wasn't bad. The evening was fine. I followed the directions, and all went well. I had prepared days in advance with very light foods and lots of fluids. Within 4 hours, all discharge was completely clear. Went to sleep and woke up an hour later with an excruciating headache, vomiting, trembling, and chills. This went on all night. Could not complete the morning prep at all as my stomach lurched when I touched the jug! Still vomiting a bit and headache when I arrived for the procedure. That went fine, but now I am 12 hours post-procedure, still have a slight headache and a very nauseous stomach. How long do the effects of this remain? Time will tell, I suppose. Take a hard pass on this prep, folks! There are much less severe options available."
- Cha...
- April 9, 2015
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I was given MoviPrep to prepare my bowel for a colonoscopy. It doesn't taste great. It's quite thick too, a bit like olive oil. I didn't find it too bad. I didn't mix anything with it so if you can't stand it, that may help. I had 2 liters to drink within 24 hrs, drinking lots of water in between. It worked very quickly. You'll know you're clear when you're just passing yellow/clear liquid. The worst thing for me was the hunger & I did get sore from 'going' so much. Petroleum jelly on the area helps. The prep worked as I was awake for my colonoscopy & could see on the screen how clean my insides were. It's not a pleasant experience, but MoviPrep does the job. My procedure was yesterday & I've had no aftereffects. Good luck with yours :)"
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- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 30, 2013
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "This is by far the easiest prep I’ve used. Yes, it smells and tastes awful, but you can overcome that somewhat by mixing ahead and chilling the mixture, using a straw, and chasing with a sip of whatever tastes good to you. Stand and walk a bit while you drink—it helps get things moving and dispels the bloated feeling. The prep started working in 50 minutes both evening and morning, and worked thoroughly. The duration of action was 4 hours after the evening dose, 2 hours after the morning. No nausea, very little cramping, and not much soreness. I was able to have the procedure done and didn't have much trouble getting back to normal. I would use this again when necessary."
- TC-...
- January 18, 2020
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I was given my first colonoscopy yesterday. The prep was with Plenvu and I took my first dose at 7 PM as instructed. Not sure why they call it a 'Mango' flavor because it was nothing close to a Mango taste. Honestly, it is the worst thing that I've ever tasted. However, the 2nd dose at 6 AM with a Fruit Punch flavor was actually pleasant tasting. Now with the results after the first dose. I've read some posts where folks were saying that they didn't have the urge to go the first night. So after taking the first dose (as they said, slowly and consume all within 30 minutes), I took my 2 dogs for a walk around the block. Sure enough, when arriving home, my colon was telling me to go potty. Worked like a charm. Took the 2nd dose at 6 AM and finished it at 6:30 AM. The good news is that the results of my colonoscopy were great and they don't need to see me for 10 years. I just hope at that time, they have a different flavor than Mango."
- Mas...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 14, 2019
GaviLyte-G (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "The GaviLyte-G worked well for before my procedure. My first poop came shortly after my third dose. As far as the taste people complain about, the secret for a decent taste is to mix it well. After adding the flavor pack, SHAKE...SHAKE...SHAKE. Then add some water, shake the jug up. Add some more water, shake it up again. Repeat until filled. Before pouring it out to drink, move the jug around some."
- ROB...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 22, 2018
GaviLyte-G (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Be prepared! It can hit like a tsunami! Try to be as close to the bathroom while waiting, put a thick towel down wherever you plan to be sitting, leave the bathroom door open and the light on, have soft TP available or wet wipes, and if possible, apply a protective barrier cream to your butt before it all starts. Remember, when Mother Nature calls, don't ignore the warning signs and get to the bathroom. I started the second dose several hours earlier to make sure it was done with me. Don't expect to get much sleep the night before the colonoscopy. I found the colonoscopy itself much easier than the prep."
- Fri...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 18, 2020
GoLYTELY (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "This product, GoLYTELY, tasted exactly like drinking ocean water, a sickening experience. It seems there has to be a way for the manufacturer to neutralize the salt and give this product a palatable taste. I did mix it with ice, water, and Crystal Light lemonade, making it tolerable, but that increased 1 gal to approx 1.5 gal. I cannot consume 1 gal in 7-8 hrs, let alone half again as much. Surely there must be plans to stop torturing patients. I have not met anyone who could stand this stuff, and it seems that the proscribers have never bothered to taste it."
- Ken...
- July 17, 2020
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) "I found the MoviPrep very difficult to drink, and it took me around 45 minutes to manage even one glass. I initially tried orange cordial to mask the taste but got sick of the sweetness after a while and eventually just added some Sprite to it, which made it a bit easier. It began to work within 30 to 40 minutes of initially starting to consume it. I highly recommend using wet wipes and Vaseline/Sudocrem, as you can become very tender very quickly. Overall, I managed to drink around 90% of the MoviPrep (the last liter was a real struggle, and I did begin to feel very nauseous), but thankfully at my scope this morning, the doctor was very happy with the prep. I have never had a colonoscopy before, but looking back, the actual procedure was a walk in the park compared to how difficult consuming the MoviPrep was. In hindsight, I wish I had given myself more time to drink the prep and started earlier, as I was late going to bed then."
- Jus...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 16, 2017
GoLYTELY (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I wouldn't normally review this type of thing, but I had read every horror story on the internet before I took it. It didn't taste 'good,' and everyone is different, but it was nowhere near as awful as I expected. This is not medical advice, but as other people have suggested: 1. Chill it so it's cold when you drink it 2. Use a straw 3. As per my doctor, I rinsed my mouth between glasses with ginger ale 4. Based on what I'd read, I ate a low-residue diet for the 4 days before (toast, bananas, jello, yogurt, applesauce) and was done with the process in 3 hours. 5. Do some stretches to move your stomach around. My problem turned out to be revealed through the endoscopy, not colonoscopy. But this wasn't among my top 25 worst experiences in life."
- Gla...
- June 19, 2019
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I had this for a same-day prep. Appointment at 2 p.m. The leaflet said to take at 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. As I was planning to drive, I asked if I could take it earlier. Yes. I went for 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. I'm glad I did. The solution isn't pleasant, it's like a concentrated diet drink with salt. But it is drinkable. Rather than panic with your thoughts and say, 'Oh my God, this is awful, I'm going to be sick'...instead calmly sip through a straw. I was told to drink it over an hour. I sipped a bit every 5 minutes. At 5:15, cascades, probably 12 over an hour. Then I slept and woke for the alarm at 7 a.m. The solution made me feel a bit nauseous, so I sipped slowly and left bigger gaps, taking it over 1.5 hours. By 8 a.m., again, cascades. A bottle of water in the loo with me, and I was making sure I drank after each one. I felt wobbly but again kept drinking. Everything finished by 12:00. The main thing is to take it slowly, try and be calm, and drink lots of extra fluids. So good luck with yours."
- Eng...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 17, 2016
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "My colonoscopy was booked in for late afternoon on a Thursday. The hospital said to stop eating anything from 1 PM on the Wednesday and recommended (giving some detail) a non-fiber diet from Tuesday evening until Wednesday noon - avoiding dark drinks and jelly (like blackcurrant flavor). Avoid red meat, sausages, and pies; fruit, vegetables, and salad; potato skins or fries, wholemeal or brown bread; nuts, pulses, baked beans; wholemeal pasta, brown rice; puddings containing fruit or nuts; cakes and biscuits, yogurts. Preferred are white skinless meats like chicken, grilled or poached fish, cheese, eggs; white bread, pasta, rice; boiled or mashed potatoes, water, fizzy drinks, fruit squash (not blackcurrant), clear soups, tea or coffee, shredless marmalade or jam, ice cream, custard, clear jelly, butter, margarine. The hospital also instructed me to start taking MoviPrep, one packet (A + B) at 7 PM Wednesday evening; and then another packet (A + B) starting from 6 AM Thursday. On each occasion, I was told to drink the mixture at 250 ml a time over 1 to 2 hours. On each occasion, I was also to take 500 ml of clear water AND to take some sugary drinks to maintain blood sugar levels – non-diet carbonated drinks i.e., Coca-Cola, Lucozade, or ginger ale, any other clear sugary fluids such as clear apple juice (but NOT other fruit juices); water alone not being sufficient. A spoonful of honey is suggested if sugary drinks are not liked. On Wednesday evening I mixed the two MoviPrep packets (A + B) with 1 liter of water in a large jug. It tasted mildly of lemon but, because of warnings about taste, I downed each 250 ml in seconds (rather than sip it) so as not to have to agonize over the taste. Starting at 7 AM the fourth dose was finished at 8 PM. The drug started having an effect at about 7:45 PM and thereafter it was a matter of getting to the lavatory frequently and quickly for about 3 to 4 hours. I went to bed at midnight but had to get up again at 2 AM and two more occasions up to 4 AM; though not in so much of a hurry. I took the 500 ml of water after the final dose and about 250 ml of Lucozade after that. I was also told to use, what we in the UK, call Vaseline to prevent soreness of skin on the buttocks. This I did not do but regretted it. Just before midnight I was so sore that I did apply some Vaseline ready for Thursday morning and it paid dividends. On Thursday morning I went through the same procedure again applying the Vaseline again before starting. This time the emissions were yellow and eventually pretty clear. Also, the emissions pretty much (though not entirely) finished by 8 AM, much quicker than the night before. I can only assume there was nothing left to eject. All in all, it was not a pleasant chore but a fair price to pay to get the job done."
- Rog...
- February 6, 2020
GaviLyte-G (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I read many comments about GaviLyte-C. Quite honestly, I was very apprehensive. After mixing the lemon crystal and water in the morning, I waited anxiously until 4 PM to start the process. The last time I had a colonoscopy, I was given Movi-Prep. I was so sorry to hear it was off the market. It cost $80, but worked great. Now I was being given GaviLyte-C, which cost $11. I was thinking this must be a third-rate prep solution. I started taking my first gulp, and then I chugged it right down. I was flabbergasted. It couldn't be any easier or more pleasant. I took it every 15 minutes, then exactly an hour later I was off to the bathroom. Do not be afraid of this prep solution. It just had a slight salty taste. I can't wait until my next colonoscopy."
- She...
- May 28, 2020
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "There is only one word for this bowel preparation: NASTY. Please listen to the reviews. I have had three colonoscopies and never have I been in so much pain. I actually felt like my stomach would explode, and the cramps were unbelievable. I contemplated going to the ED and called the hospital. After a few hours on the toilet, it has settled a little. I am probably NOT going to take the second dose and postpone. This stuff might be successful for some, but it shouldn't be this bad for others."
- Anz...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 11, 2025
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "After reading all the negative reviews, I was really worried about taking Plenvu, but it was nowhere near as bad as I’d feared. First impression was that the taste was better than expected - yes, it's a weird mix of salty and sweet and not something you’d drink for pleasure, but if you mix it up ahead of time, refrigerate it, and drink it through a straw, it’s entirely doable. I took 2 Buccastem anti-nausea tablets around 2 hours before each dose as a precaution. Also followed the consultant’s advice to drink it slowly over the course of an hour to avoid nausea, so divided each dose of 500ml into 4 glasses of 125ml and used a timer to make sure I finished each one within 15 minutes. As you need to drink an additional 500ml of clear fluids, I made ginger tea (peeled raw ginger root steeped in hot water) and drank some of that after each mouthful of Plenvu. Didn’t experience any nausea, and results began around 30 mins after finishing the first dose. Very effective."
- lrw...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 15, 2023
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "This was my second colonoscopy, and my first prep, while unpleasant, was not nearly as awful as Plenvu. I don't remember what my previous doctor had me take, but it was nothing like this one!! As others have said, the taste (disgusting combo of salty and sickly sweet), viscosity, and the feeling of bloated fullness and nausea after was bad enough on the first dose. It took me 45 min to force myself to drink the second dose at midnight. No sleep that night!! I was desperately thirsty by the morning, in spite of drinking multiple glasses of water up until 3:30 am, which was when I had to stop before the procedure. After the procedure, I felt sick all day, and by evening felt like I had the flu with chills and body aches and no appetite. My guts were churning for 3 days after the procedure as well. I will never take Plenv again. There are so many better options, including a pill form. It's unbelievable that this 'stuff' is still prescribed by physicians!! Insist on an alternative."
- ELL...
- February 20, 2021
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Last time I had a colonoscopy, I was given Fleet. I paid 2 loo visits, and the job was done. This time I got MoviPrep. I read the reviews on here - big mistake. I became so nervous about taking it, I nearly canceled the procedure. I started the first liter at 4:30 PM and finished it by 6:15 PM. Lots of gurgling and rumblings after 1 hour, but nothing until 2 hours 28 mins - yes, I had set a stopwatch, just so I could review it on here!! The prep itself is palatable but a matter of individual taste. It's like runny lemon sorbet - very sweet but with a background saltiness. I took it as 3 mugfuls, followed by water. I also chilled it after making it, which I think definitely helps. I'll report back tonight or tomorrow on how the second liter goes. My procedure is at 9 AM, so it may be after that. Don't let the bad reviews put you off - chances are you will feel just like me with it. For the record, I'm in the UK, so I was prescribed this on the NHS, so it cost me nothing."
- tje...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 24, 2019
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I read all of the negative reviews on Plenvu and got a little nervous and called my doctor to try and get something like Suprep. They weren't able to change, but I am so glad they didn't get me something else. I don't know what Suprep tastes like, but I heard it's not good. Plenvu kit had 2 packets. The first was mango (16 oz), which tasted like salt water mango, but better than the gross tasting stuff from others. I drank another 16 oz at 5 and had cleanout start around 6:30 pm. Then the 2nd packet(s) was tropical fruit flavor salt water. Still very tolerable. I was very full after both. I took the 2nd packet at 3 am and basically had complete clean out by 4:30 am, but still having movements up to 6 am (had to leave the house by 6:30 am). But everything was clear, so not worried when I went to the procedure. I'm glad I ignored the reviews. I'm 51 and would easily take this again."
- phi...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 26, 2014
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "My 1st colonoscopy at 52. I did a split dose, 1 at 6 PM and 1 at 4 AM. Follow the advice and suck on a hard candy, and use a straw. Make sure the MoviPrep is cold - the 1st glass was easy and really didn't taste bad, just like flat salty lemonade. Each dose is harder as the stomach rumbles. At the last glass, I was ready for the toilet. Bring a book or a laptop, I sat for at least an hour with a few returns after. The 4 AM prep was harder, making myself drink more while my stomach gurgled, and I felt like running to the bathroom. I just finished the 4th glass and moved to the toilet for another hour, then napped with a couple interruptions. It worked! The colonoscopy itself was the easy part. An unpleasant experience, but really not as bad as I feared."
- Geo...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 26, 2015
GoLYTELY (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "This was much easier than expected. First, I went on a low fiber diet two days before taking it. One day (from midnight) before the procedure, I went on a clear liquid diet with no solid food. Then, I took GL at about 6 PM. No reaction until the seventh 8-ounce glass of GL. Then it did the job it's designed to do. No pains or cramps. The solution was cold, and I got each glass down as fast as comfortably possible. Taste? I didn't notice anything bad about it and did not add any flavoring. It's like drinking a lot of water. Maybe they should have a beer flavor to make it go down even easier."
- Lau...
- April 7, 2015
GaviLyte-G (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "It's not bad at all! Just drink it cold and mix it with Crystal Light lemonade mix! It's just like drinking lemonade or lemon-lime Gatorade. I had a bowel movement about 30 minutes after the first cup. I anticipated it to be so awful, but just drink it with the Crystal Light, it's fine!"
- DW ...
- February 24, 2020
Plenvu (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "Plenvu presented no problems, other than the taste. Bud Light would be better. I had a subsequent midday appointment, so took the first dose at 6 PM in the evening. Pretty well cleaned me out within 2 hours, so went to sleep for the night with no accidents. Took the final dose at 6 AM, and that completely cleared me out within 30 minutes. The consultant was impressed with the clarity of my entire colon. Good result. As I say, for me, the only thing was the mango extra sweet taste. I’ll try the straw next time."
- Mai...
- June 29, 2015
MoviPrep (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "I never review meds, but felt I had to this time. So many scary and daunting reviews online for this medicine had me absolutely dreading my colonoscopy prep. Honestly, this prep was totally a breeze. I chilled it first, used a straw, and bit a wedge of lemon before each dose. No problems getting it all down within less than ten minutes for each liter (split dose regimen). I have a narrowed esophagus and sometimes have a hard time drinking that much even when it's something I really enjoy--so I was surprised that my worst fears didn't come true. My advice is to 'just do it.' My exam went great, and now onto the victory meal!"
More about polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes
- Check interactions
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- Side effects
- Dosage information
- During pregnancy
- Drug class: laxatives
Patient resources
- Polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution drug information
- Polyethylene glycol 3350, electrolytes, and ascorbic acid (Advanced Reading)
- Polyethylene glycol 3350, sodium and potassium salts (Advanced Reading)
- Polyethylene glycol 3350, sodium ascorbate, sodium sulfate, ascorbic acid, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride (Advanced Reading)
- Polyethylene Glycol-Electrolyte Solution (MoviPrep, Plenvu)
- Polyethylene Glycol-Electrolyte Solution Prep
Other brands
GoLYTELY, GaviLyte-G, Plenvu, PEG-3350 with Electolytes, ... +7 more
Professional resources
- PEG-3350, Electrolytes and Ascorbate prescribing information
- PEG-3350, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate and Potassium Chloride (FDA)
- Polyethylene Glycol (FDA)
Other brands
GoLYTELY, GaviLyte-G, Plenvu, MoviPrep, ... +6 more
GoLYTELY (polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes) for Bowel Preparation "This was absolutely awful. I had the lemon-lime flavor. Remember that scene in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince when Dumbledore has to drink the entire potion of despair and begging to not have to drink it anymore? Like he'd rather be killed than drink it? Literally my experience with this prep."