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Paxil User Reviews & Ratings (Page 4)

Paxil has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 939 reviews on 62% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Paxil

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 28, 2014

For Social Anxiety Disorder "I literally thought there was zero hope for me. My anxiety has increased drastically as I've gotten older and has led to social anxiety. Going out in public would depress me, I constantly thought people were plotting against me and talking about me. I have been on Paxil for about a month. Thank God. My work days are much better, I don't analyze everything and I'm not afraid of people. I can now get out of bed and look forward to the day, not dread it."

8 / 10
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145 Report
  • Jo67
  • January 5, 2019

For Anxiety "Taken this medication on and off for over 20 years. Few side effects when going on medication. Never had any withdrawal symptoms even when I forgot to take and when I stopped taking medication. Totally cured my anxiety/depression."

10 / 10
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94 Report
  • New...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 17, 2019

For Panic Disorder "I was 19 when I got my first panic attack then severe depression. I stayed home for a month. I couldn’t eat or sleep and lost 25 lbs. I am so thankful Paxil and therapy saved me. I was able to feel normal again. I started working and dating again then had a child. After my son turned one, I started college when he turned one. I was 26 with an 8th grade education (dropped out at 13) when I started college!!! I was able to handle the stress of being a mother and a full-time college student while working 25 hours a week. I am living proof Paxil works. Without it, I am a mess (took myself off for 6 months). I graduated with a 3.92 GPA in Public Health, and I know I could have done it without Paxil. It may work differently for everyone, but I just wanted to share a positive experience. Give it time. Give yourself time. Life is too short to suffer from anxiety and depression. It is okay to need help."

10 / 10
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90 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • l3x
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 26, 2014

For Depression "I have been taking this for 6-7 months. It works well for me, but when I miss 1 or 2 days, my mood becomes really high. I get easily agitated or irritable, but when I take it to calm down, it works. I was 147 lbs when I started it, and now I'm 127 lbs. I have lost a lot of weight, but I'm happy. I eat a lot, but when I do, it's just a little. Sometimes I even forget to drink or eat anything on this pill, but I like it as long as I take it every day, I'm happy."

9 / 10
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141 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 8, 2023

For Anxiety "I don't know what to say except this drug saved my life. I suffered for 45 years, I am cured. Please, if you need treatment for anxiety, try it. I am a smart, professional, successful person. Paxil has 10000% changed my life."

10 / 10
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26 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • mumof...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 9, 2015

For Anxiety "After 10 years on citalopram working brilliantly, it 'pooped' out on me. I was put on sertraline which made me 100 times worse, and I felt like I was losing my mind. There were times when I was suicidal which never happened before. After 18 months of trying different medications, I decided to try Paxil. I was nervous, to be honest, but I wanted to feel better than what I was. I have anxiety, depression which led to my OCD, mainly intrusive thoughts which were very distressing. I must say that after 2 weeks, I have felt better than what I had done in ages. Still not 100%, but it is early days. I know everyone reacts differently to medications, but do not be put off by negative reviews, this might be the drug for you. I am so glad that I tried it."

9 / 10
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131 Report
  • Ann
  • May 1, 2016

For Anxiety "Crippling, horrible anxiety brought on by menopause. Couldn't take hormones. I went through heck trying many antidepressants. One smart doctor tried me on the lowest dose of generic Paxil, never changed the dose, allowed my system to get used to it. It worked like a charm! I am able to work full time and do anything I want. The side effects are minimal for me. Yes, I gained some weight but now enjoy taking walks to exercise. No regrets about trying this med at all. Life saver!"

10 / 10
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121 Report
  • WillWin
  • August 14, 2015

For Anxiety "The last 10 years of my life have been hell, to say the least. I'm a single father to a 10-year-old lovely boy. Over the years, however, I became a complete recluse with major depression and anxiety. I started taking Paxil 25mg, and it has returned me to the confident person I was before and am again able to take care of my son. Thank you for giving my life back."

8 / 10
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128 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 18, 2017

For Anxiety "I am one of those people who was very against taking medication for my anxiety, until I realized I needed more than Talk Therapy. I tried Paxil and it has made a world of a difference. I no longer have daily panic attacks or worry constantly. I'm able to make plans with my friends without the worry of having a meltdown in front of them. My biggest fear was getting on a plane again, and I did with no problem. Paxil has truly given me my life back, and for that I am so thankful."

8 / 10
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105 Report
  • jay
  • June 21, 2016

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I've been meaning to write this for a couple of months now. I started getting really crippling panic attacks last year. From the panic attacks came mild agoraphobia and then the depression sunk in after not thinking I could help myself. I went through about 4 SSRIs before being put on Paxil. I can honestly say it has changed my life. I am 95% back to my old self, and every day I actually enjoy getting up. Don't let other people's experiences with SSRIs affect you. Everyone reacts differently, and there is definitely one out there that will work for you. In saying that, there are 2 types of people with anxiety and depression: a person who does nothing, and a person who gets up and does everything about it. (I'm 21 by the way)"

9 / 10
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117 Report
  • MaryMac
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 5, 2020

For Social Anxiety Disorder "I’ve been taking Paxil for almost a year now. I struggled with social anxiety all my life, but it was manageable. But when I started college, it got really bad. It got to the point where I couldn’t order food at a restaurant or buy a bag of chips at the gas station without feeling nauseous. My doctor thought Paxil would help and put me on 20mg. And it really has made a huge difference. I can function like a normal human now. I’m not suddenly a social butterfly or anything, I’m still a rather shy person. This drug won’t change your personality, but it does help alleviate anxious symptoms associated with social situations."

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 9, 2018

For Anxiety "I've been on it since around 1999. I had been doped up before on Xanax and sick like a dog on Buspar. Two weeks after taking Paxil, I woke up from a five-year bad dream. Here I am today, almost two decades later. If it makes you feel sick after a month taking it, then it's probably not right for your chemical imbalance. Buspar was that way for me. But if it's right for you, you'll know it. Everything will feel normal again. No more excessive worry or constant fear of going crazy. I will say it's a commitment if it works for you. Getting off it sucks real bad, but if you're like me, you have no desire to go back to the nightmare. But if you don't like it, just stop after a month to reduce withdrawal risk. Just realize this is not a good drug to be on temporarily, it's something you have to take to function until there's a cure. It's affordable without insurance too. I thank Paxil every day."

10 / 10
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93 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 10, 2012

For Depression "Paxil has saved my life. After my father's death, I was in a major depression and suffered from panic attacks for 6 years. I used alcohol and drugs to numb the reality. I finally decided to get my head straight and started using Paxil 30mg. I feel like a million bucks, every day I wake up, I'm happy and excited for what the day may bring. It does bother me that I have to rely on a drug to feel normal, but it is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I plan on staying on it for the rest of my life. I see it as I have a problem with my brain so I need a pill to fix it, just as a diabetic needs insulin. Thank you Paxil for giving me my life back. I highly recommend this medicine to anyone suffering from severe depression & anxiety."

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159 Report
  • KitKat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 23, 2020

For Depression "I have been on this medication for less than a week and already feel so much better than I did a week ago. Before I was having crying spells multiple times a day, major anxiety, depression, the works. Now I am able to get up, go back to work, and function normally again. I have only been on this medication a few days, but I am extremely thankful for it so far."

9 / 10
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73 Report
  • Chris...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 9, 2023

For Anxiety "After a bad rollover car accident, I had numerous issues eventually leading to severe anxiety/depression. The doctor tried everything. This went on for 3 years, day and night. Finally, they put me on Paxil. I got my life back. I get side effects from everything, but Paxil gave me no side effects. I thank God every day for getting my life back. Don't give up!"

10 / 10
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24 Report
  • orchidr
  • May 20, 2014

For Anxiety "I started to use Paroxetine since May 8, 2014. My experience until now is great. The pill helps me to relax and calm. I was very anxious all the time. What I like is that the pill does not make me feel sleepy. I feel much better."

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133 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 12, 2012

For Hot Flashes "I have been going through menopause for over 8 years now. I have tried everything during that time. Each medicine worked for a certain time frame, then it was no longer effective. After reading a research study about the effects of Paxil to ease hot flashes, I decided to give it a try. Paxil knocked the severe flashes out while decreasing the frequency and severity of the flashes that still occur. Also, Paxil calmed my stress/anxiety which also contributed to the decrease in frequency."

10 / 10
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148 Report
  • EmilyN
  • December 28, 2014

For Anxiety and Stress "There is a lot of other reviews that I have read that sums a lot of it up. Yes, you will most likely experience yawning, nausea, and headaches at first. It does go away! At first I also noticed a change in my sex life. I could still get in the mood but found it near impossible to orgasm. Also, with sleep, I did feel tired for a bit, but I think it was because I experienced trouble sleeping at first. I found some things that helped fix some of this: I went from 20mg to 10mg a day. I took it right after breakfast. This one is important! Exercise! I started running again and I found that it had an extremely positive effect and it went well with the medication. A lot of the jitters I got at first went away, it helped me sleep better, and more!"

8 / 10
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126 Report
  • Forme...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 2, 2013

For Anxiety "I have been on Paxil now for 9 weeks and it has still been a very beneficial addition to my life. I've started to feel like the real me now. I don't feel subdued or zombied out like some people report. I started on 10mg, then my doctor moved me to 20mg about 2 weeks ago. The only main side effect I've had in transitioning to the higher dosage was severe mania for the first couple of days. It wore off significantly as the days passed. As for the weight gain that Paxil causes, I think it's just that I'm not so anxious to the point of nausea and disgust in food. I love eating and enjoy my food again! My biggest positive in Paxil is that my generalized anxiety is severely reduced. Panic attacks are down 85% and I feel great!"

10 / 10
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141 Report
  • Jasmine
  • April 24, 2020

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "Paroxetine has changed my life. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder about 2-3 years ago and started on Paroxetine back then. Within a month, almost all of my anxiety was gone. It didn't make me gain any more weight than I would have on my own. I've always struggled with eating disorders, and if anything, the Paroxetine helped with that as well. If you take it for a week or two, you won't be getting the real effect. Take it for 1-2 months before deciding if it's the right medication for you; you really do need to give it a chance to work. Good luck!"

9 / 10
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69 Report
  • Casey...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 15, 2016

For Depression "It's week three. Let me start by saying this is my third try at a different depression/anxiety med. And it actually seems to be working. Also, I've gone from 290 at the doctor's office to 276 in 3 weeks. I'm 6'2'', so it's noticeable. I used to stress eat, now I don't have the urge to constantly eat. I feel not full, just not hungry, and fine with it? Overall, I give it a 9/10. The 1 is because it's only been 3 weeks. Kicks in quick (two weeks for me), go all day with no need for Xanax or Ativan. I'm also a lot less angry. Hope this helps, explore all options. Everyone's different! Never lose faith and force a smile :)"

9 / 10
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111 Report
  • Hells...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 10, 2013

For Anxiety and Stress "The first few days were hard for me, very groggy and giggly, and my husband says I was totally useless, but I was smiling, and then the fog lifted. It doesn't make the problems in your life magically vanish, but instead of freaking out over everything, I now only get upset when a 'normal' person would. I now have healthy natural reactions to things. I can deal with my problems. I don't see problems in everything, everywhere. Aropax changed not only my life drastically, but the lives of everyone who cares about me."

8 / 10
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138 Report
  • Beach...
  • April 1, 2015

For Anxiety "I am back to live a normal life. Almost 2 years ago, I got depression and anxiety after my divorce and started taking Cymbalta 60 mg for one year, but was still having problems with anxiety, which is one of the side effects of the medicine. Two weeks ago, I started taking Paxil 20 mg at night and I noticed a change after a week, and today I can say that Paxil gave me my life back. Please, if you start new medicine, give it time, and you will see light at the end of the tunnel."

9 / 10
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120 Report
  • Renew...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 26, 2013

For Depression "When I started Paxil 7 months ago, I was clinically depressed. I had panic attacks that would come several times a day, and my body was always tense. I had Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. I was wrecked after an emotional trauma. My brain was on overdrive. Within the first 2 months on Paxil, I kept a journal blogging symptoms and changes, and after a while, I realized I stopped writing altogether. I would always write when I was sad. The medicine kept being more effective as time went on, but I eventually got a dosage upage from 20mg to 30mg. I have never felt so happy, ever."

10 / 10
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136 Report
  • crash
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 1, 2017

For Anxiety and Stress "I started with severe panic and anxiety attacks 3 years ago, which honestly made me think I was going crazy, scariest time in my life. I tried Zoloft and Lexapro, and both made me feel worse. In January 2015, I started Paxil 10mg and worked up to 20mg and honestly felt like my old self again, no longer dealt with the attacks. However, in February 2017, I decided to try Prozac because the Paxil had made me numb to everything and I did gain about 45 lbs on it. I have now been on Prozac for almost 3 months and am waiting to switch back over to the Paxil because I feel anxious and irritable on this and miss the Paxil. I pray for all of you who deal with this awful disease and pray one day they can find an actual cure for it!!!"

9 / 10
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98 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.