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Opana for Pain User Reviews (Page 2)

Opana has an average rating of 8.0 out of 10 from a total of 78 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 77% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 9% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Opana

  • Anonymous
  • April 22, 2009

"I have Lupus, arthritis and had most of my back crushed in a auto accident. Opana is the ONLY pain medication that has relieved a majority of my pain throughout the day. I take 40mg every 8 hours and I am able to walk around and do things I couldn't do before when I was on the patches and all the other drugs I tried. Opana is the best long term medication that keeps working without fail for me."

9 / 10
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58 Report
  • burnb...
  • February 27, 2008

"Been on fentanyl patches for 3+ years now. Wear 2 50mcg patches. Recently started on Opana er 20mg twice a day and only wearing 1 patch changed every 48 hours. Pain level has gone up slightly but also side effects from the patch have decreased which to me for now is a acceptable trade off. Breakthrough pain occurs sooner, but have not tried the higher dosage yet. Have somewhat raised expectations to come off patches by end of the year."

8 / 10
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60 Report
  • Bearm...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 14, 2016

"3 back surgeries, 35 days since latest fusion in lower back. Been on pain meds for years, mainly Percocet 10mg which seemed to be the only thing that helped. Even when given stronger meds. I guess my body is so used to them now they stopped really working unless I took 2 at a time. My surgeon suggested opana for me this past week, it's been only 4 days but it doesn't seem to work AT ALL. It does nothing for the pain. I have the 10mg IR. I'm a very active 45 year old who loves to fly fish, camping, hiking. Basketball, softball, long hikes with my dogs but I can't do anything anymore. The latest surgery they had to go through my stomach and I just want some relief so I can start being active again... Miserable.."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Showb...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 22, 2017

"My Dr had put me on opana 60 mg twice daily Along with oxymorphone 10mg for breakthrough pain. This did work beautiful. Unfortunately, my insurance changed, and I was put on oxycontin ER and oxycodone. This combo never worked as well the prior medication regime I was on. Even when I increased the amount I was taking on my own, it never fully Took the pain away. He decided after a year or so, to put me on levorphanol and oxycodone for breakthrough pain. The levorphanol works​ ALOT better than the oxycontin still. Levorphanol must be sent through the mail to PA, as it's not carried in this state and MOST pharmacist have never heard of it. It's called the forgotten opioid. Opana Works great for TRUE spinal cord Pain. No high.. Great relief!"

8 / 10
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29 Report
  • Ander...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 25, 2015

"I am a chronic pain patient and have tried dozens of medications for my pain. Opana works wonders through an IV when I'm in excruciating pain, but the oral pills just don't help as much. My pain doctor switched me from Oxycodone 4 times a day to Opana 3 times a day and it didn't touch my pain. I did some research and it only absorbs 10% orally. It's good as an IV or injection medication but not as much as an oral pill"

5 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • ross
  • June 10, 2014

"Too strong for me. If taking Opana 30's for the first time, I suggest starting off with smaller doses then increase gradually. Took one the other night, nausea set in and I vomited. Great loss in appetite, like on Adderall minor drowsiness."

9 / 10
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37 Report
  • fatpug
  • January 12, 2012

"I was taking the 60mg OP's for a little over a year, (I was on the regular oxycodone before the change)--they were making me extremely nauseous, at times violent vomiting and dry heaving. It started with the nausea immediately and then it seemed like every 3 months I would have a bout of nausea, vomiting and dry heaving that would last for days. I was in the hospital 4 times this past year. I am taking Opana now. I have been on it almost a month and guess what?!! No more of the daily nausea and worse again. Doing well on Opana. Wish I could have gotten it sooner. My insurance would not pay for it at first, but now they do! Good Luck Everyone."

10 / 10
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43 Report
  • Luci
  • July 7, 2016

"I started opana about 5 months ago, the withdrawls make you feel like you have the stomach bug and flu at the same time. Night sweats every bone feels broken, stomach cramping, strange negitive thoughts that arent real. This medication didnt help at all with my disc heritage, gout, broken foot, sore tooth..first night i wondered if i would make it thru the night. I was on 40mg twice a day 12 hour ER. I wouldnt suggest this medication to anyone. Its hard to require medication assistance just to move, but its even.worse being on a medicaton that didnt help and caused the worst withdrawls of my life. It took 9 days to feel better! Good luck"

1 / 10
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31 Report
  • Nobody...
  • July 1, 2014

"I have been on Opana IR for 4 months now. I have severe migraines due to a cyst on my brain along with 2 bulging discs in my neck. It works ok but I also have stadol nose spray if the Opana doesn't help. I'm on 5mg 2x a day. I honestly need stronger but since it's migraines he won't up it. I would recommend it for small pain."

6 / 10
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36 Report
  • jvwimpy
  • November 2, 2010

"I have found Opana ER to be a lifesaver for me in that though the pain is not gone, but at least it is tolerable. What works for me presently is a 30 mg. dose 3x day along with Neurontin. Taking the Opana 3x day takes care of it possibly wearing off earlier than it should by giving me the medicinal coverage and avoiding the need for breakthrough medications. I intially was taking 40 mg. 2x day with the Neurontin and between my doctor, pharmacist and me, this protocol works much better and Medicare will cover it. It was a long, difficult journey to get to this point of reasonable comfort which is governed by activity levels and the weather. I do not cry so much any more from the pain levels I have from a myriad of medical disabilities."

9 / 10
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45 Report
  • pyll-...
  • August 25, 2009

"Love it! Nothing better, works wonders for chronic migraines and arthritis plus it gets me back on my feet as if I was a teen again. Gives me the little boost needed to get me through my day with limited side effects. I would recommend doctors prescribe this medicine over any other narcotic pain killers. This pill has really saved my life. It's truly amazing."

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • Livin
  • July 12, 2011

"Been on Opana now for roughly 1.5 years. Stool movement is difficult and most of the time you feel bloated. With that being said, pain is not problem with current medication. 2x 20mg ER (Morning, Night) with 4 x 10mg IR for break through pain. I have L5 S1 area problems. Sweats are also difficult at times in heat. "

8 / 10
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41 Report
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 14, 2016

"Changed my life! I was on norco for 10+ yrs and it stopped working. I started the generic Opana and it makes my pain tolerable. I'm not sure but I am retaining a lot of fluid. This is the only thing I am concerned about."

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28 Report
  • Zbadazz
  • February 19, 2016

"I've been on oxymorphone for 10 years. My dr. Just put me on Opana 40mg instead, it's been 3 days and I'm going through withdrawals. I have gastropathy which slows down your digestive system. Seems my pain dr. Doesn't care. I had the test a couple years ago that checks to see if your on the right medications. It showed that the oxymophone and roxicodone was being processed and was the right medication for me. A couple of months ago they wanted to put me on morphine patch. And I said no I think that he is being paid to write opana scripts all of a sudden. Which to me is BS! I hate the gel opana doesn't digest properly. My insurance prefer generic cause it's cheaper I prefer cause it took care of my pain, whereas Opana doesn't"

1 / 10
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28 Report
  • carol...
  • August 30, 2009

"I have been on Opana 20mg ER for almost a year now. I changed to Opana as my insurance would no longer cover the Oxycontin. It took my doctor almost 6 months to figure out a dose that was acceptable to me. Aside from occasional head sweats I like the Opana a lot. Every once in a while I experience night terrors, but do not know if they are related to the Opana or not. As far as my pain is concerned, they seem to do the job well, and I do not get the side effects that I got with the Oxycontin."

8 / 10
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42 Report
  • EDS...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 5, 2016

"I was switched to Opana from OxyContin because even 150 mg of Oxy a day wasn't managing my pain anymore. Opana was said to work just as effectively at lower doses, with fewer of the miserable side effects of Oxy (constipation, drowsiness, etc.). I have found that to be the case in general; my daily dosage is more like 50-80 mg per day on this med and I can go to the bathroom again without using a suppository first. My pain control started out slightly better on this med, but since I'm a fast metabolizer of opiates, I've started developing a tolerance to this one, too, and the pain is bothering me again to the point where I can't function. My major complaints about this med is that it is very hard to find, and it is costly."

7 / 10
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26 Report
  • melhop
  • April 5, 2009

"This medicine has been very effective however it doesn't last the full 12 hours of pain relief as it is prescribed. For me it lasts about 8 hours. I did get horrible constipation so stay hydrated. Never flush unused drugs down the toilet. It can severely effect fish and other animals along the watershed. Water treatment plants do not treat for disposed drugs."

9 / 10
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42 Report
  • Guy...
  • January 20, 2011

"Good long-term analgesia with the extended release formula, which seems to work for over 8 hours, though I don't think it has the full 12-hour benefit as advertised. Less 'fuzziness' than oxycodone (or even hydrocodone), which is a positive for me. I suppose it's not so good for "recreational" users - the new ER formula is supposed to be highly abuse-proof - but for those is REAL chronic pain, Opana-ER works well, similar to Oxycontin, and is very easy to use - one dose in the morning, another in the evening."

7 / 10
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38 Report
  • phipp...
  • August 28, 2009

"I was on 200 mcg of Fentanyl Patchs, and 100mg of MS Contin 3 times a day and 30mgs of MSIR (instant release morphine) 3 times a day for almost 7 years for these horrible migraines I have constantly. These medicines were not helping anymore after being on them for so long. About 6 months ago I changed doctors who switched me to Opana ER. I am taking 80mgs every 12 hours along with 600mcg Fentora 3 times a day for breakthrough pain. I have not had any side effects from the Opana at all which is wonderful and I can function daily and not be laid up in bed constantly. I would definitely recommend Opana ER but just think about something for breakthrough pain in case it is needed."

8 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • January 15, 2011

"I have to say, the IR's work much better than the ER's for me. I take 6 - 10mgs per day. I used to be on many other things for pain such as OC 80's and MS 100's but the roller coaster leveled right out as soon as I started the Opana and the pain leveled also. Everyone is different and everyone's pain is different so suggesting a certain pill is hard for me to do. Hope if you are given these, best of luck with your pain as they worked for me."

10 / 10
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  • carol...
  • September 19, 2009

"Works much better than the oxy's for my arthritis. I don't get such wicked side effects, either. The Opana winds me up but not nearly as much as the Oxycontins. Also, the hot flashes are nowhere close to what they were."

8 / 10
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39 Report
  • GotMy...
  • May 18, 2010

"Have been taking 40mg Opana 2 x's/day for about 10 months now for a compressed disc/pinched nerve in my neck, chronic migraines and fibromyalgia. Opana SAVED MY LIFE! I was on 8 x 10mg Norco daily which was NOT working. We began Opana and I was able to gradually function almost normally again as a busy photographer and mother of 5! HOWEVER, lately, I have noticed increased breakthrough pain EVERYDAY, but am scared to ask my doctor about increasing my dosage for fear he'll REDUCE my dosage, and thoughts of me curled up in bed in pain again terrify me! Does anyone have any thoughts on this dosage? I KNOW it would help me regain my normal activities that have decreased. I want my LIFE back and Opana has TRULY enabled me to function productively up until now."

8 / 10
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  • Alex
  • January 14, 2016

"I have been on Opana Er 15mgs for 3yrs now. Was diagnosed with a herniated disc with an annular fissure at L3,4 and 5. Also have degenerative disc disorder, spinal stenosis, plus more back problems and diagnosed with fibromyalgia. All I can say is the Opana ER crush resistant are junk. I was prescribed Oxymorphone Hydrochloride ER 15mg a green pill, the pill form was a miracle for me I could get up and go to work 12-16hrs and they last with hardly taking a Percocet for breakthrough pain had my life back with the generic. The name brand Opana ER are junk. I always have an empty stomach when I take and not even an hr later my stomach is upset and always have diarrhea."

1 / 10
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25 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 25, 2011

"I have injured my back several times over the course of about 12 years. I have tried everything under the sun. I am currently on the 5mg ER 2 x daily and the 10mg IR 3-4 x a day for breakthrough pain. Like many people have said you have to take it on an empty stomach. This medicine works better than any other. As long as you take 2 x ER and 3-4 IR's for breakthrough per day you will have the best results. I am due for my ER's to get increased but other than that this is the best pain management I have ever had."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • October 21, 2010

"I have Behcet's, Castleman, fibromyalga, osteoporosis, degenerative disc disease. All equals severe pain. I tried everything. I now take Opana 30 ER 4 times a day and Norco 10/325 8 times a day for breakthrough pain. Before the Opana I wanted to die to get away from the pain. I couldn't play with my 4 kids. All they heard was not right now mommy hurts. Now I have my pain under control and I can live my life and play with my kids."

10 / 10
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35 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.