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Omalizumab for Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps User Reviews

Brand names: Xolair, Omlyclo

  • Cat...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 30, 2025

Xolair (omalizumab) "I have had allergies all my life, which in turn have caused nasal polyps. I have even had 2 surgeries to remove them. Last one ten years ago. At my age, I do not want another surgery. Xolair has helped with this problem. The first few months were fantastic, nose dried up, and I could smell for the first time in years. I have now used it for 2 years and have noticed it does not work as well, polyps are still much better, but once again, I can’t smell. My main problem is if I did not get an injection at my local hospital once a month, I could not afford the medication. I also notice my nose does run a little much of the time, but not bad. Am I getting an immunity to the drug in this short of time?"

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