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Naltrexone for Opioid Use Disorder User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: Vivitrol

Naltrexone has an average rating of 7.5 out of 10 from a total of 146 reviews for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. 66% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Naltrexone

  • Steven
  • April 20, 2016

"I have been an IV opiate user for many years. I had an insanely large habit ($750-$1000day). After attending rehab, I was put on the Vivitrol injection. I had been clean for 20 days by the time I go the injection. I did still have cravings, as I was so early into recovery and had been using for so long. However, after about a week of being on the shot, I relapsed on 3.5g of heroin, and felt nothing. It can't be overrode. I spent the next year shooting. And finally started to take the pill form. The pill form will block any opiate for 3-5 days (in my experience). I am now 9 months clean, and very rarely have cravings."

9 / 10
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  • Steph
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 10, 2018

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I was an addict for 20 years. Mainly opiates. I decided to seek help and got into a mat program that provides Vivitrol injections for free and Intensive outpatient programs (IOP). That's awesome and everything because I've been wanting to be on Vivitrol for a year at least but I didn't think it was possible because I didn't have insurance. So I went through the whole withdrawal process because you have to be clean to get the shot and then when I got the shot I thought everything was going to be great. I was wrong. The first five days I could not eat or sleep. After that I have been feeling a lot better but my anxiety has been out the roof. And the injection site still hurts sometimes even after 3 weeks. Next week I'm due to get my second shot and I'm hoping it will be better. It kind of seemed like I was on chemo because the first 5 days after the shot had such terrible side effects."

7 / 10
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  • Geeena
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 8, 2017

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I had a choice between the suboxene which then I wouldn't be able to take my adderall or the vivitral which I can take with any meds. So of course I did the half pill test in the Dr's office and sat for 15 mins to see if I would have bad reaction. I was ok so then we went ahead and did the shot. I was excited to finally get this burden of the opiates that led to suboxene then stuck without knowing what to do. I'm done, don't want to live on this's not living. I went in and did this shot and at first I freaked out when I got home like my body went into instant withdrawal . My body was spasming and I was freaked out. My cousin called 911 and they had given me 4 shots of ativan on top of two of my 2mg klonopin that I barely take."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • On...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 29, 2020

"I've been on vivitrol implant for 3 weeks, I now have severe anxiety, head aches, my brain feels scrambled it's hard to explain, sex drive is gone, not suicidal but I have suicidal thoughts. I don't have a desire for opiates, probably won't get another implant at the end of 2 months, I feel worse than I did going through withdrawals. IDK my brains a mess."

3 / 10
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  • Lauren
  • April 23, 2019

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "While on the shot I had extreme fatigue and couldn't orgasm. Those aren't horrible, except orgasm part. Its getting off the shot that has gave me constant headaches that nothing touches, extreme anxiety and irritability, I feel crazy my mental health is not right. This is not my first rodeo, I was sober 15 months through AA, before I relapsed and got on shit after a treatment center. This is not normal for me and the only thing that's different in my life is I was on the shot and now I'm not. I recommend it for someone struggling being sober is better than dying from the disease. Though the way I have been feeling could have easily made me go change the bad way I feel if I didn't have the support I do."

5 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • ash
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 27, 2015

"I just got my first shot yesterday after detoxing for 4 days I have had no reaction to the shot so far besides not being able to sleep as great as I would have liked to last night. I have been struggling with my addiction to pain pills for many years now tired suboxone and stayed some what clean using here and there when I felt like it I would sale my subs to get h. ive been to a detox center a few times even detoxed myself at home and this is comeing from a person that has bad withdraws like vomiting for 6 days straight but for some reason I would always go right back to it. so reading these comments makes me hopeful for my future and I will let ya know how things are after my second shot."

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  • JEphro
  • May 8, 2017

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "Can anyone explain why the doctor at my local clinic was a completely disgusted with me for NOT wanting to receive the Vititrol injection? I'm not in trouble with the law, but I did get caught using Suboxone, which I have been off of for over two weeks. They said I would get to know this doc. Would talk to him. Tell him my story. Well, the nurses must have tipped him off. He was defensive right off the bat. Asking why I wouldn't think it a good idea. Then basically read a list of bullet points from his laptop on success rates and how without this i will almost certainly fail. Ive never felt like this. He had no other options but to go back on Suboxone. (Not gonna happen) He slammed his laptop and said we're done. ?????"

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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • June 19, 2011

"I use naltrexone 50mg/ day for amphetamine dependence. I am 120 days abstinent of amphetamines after taking Naltrexone. I am noticeably less impulsive, and no longer feel dominated by an out of control libido. Naltrexone has offered me new breath and a chance to be and feel like myself as though I had never taken amphetamines. I have abused amphetamines for many years and I can confidently say that Naltrexone continues to show great promise."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 21, 2013

"I am now 20 years old and have struggled to kick my heroin addiction for the past 6 years. After four treatment centers and a ton of detox's my doctor finally told me about naltrexone. I found a doctor right away and started getting my injections! I am now almost 6 months sober and recently found out I was pregnant. So now I face the question of continue my injection or stop because of the complications it could have on my pregnancy. Although their is no studies or information about it hurting my baby they also don't have any idea."

9 / 10
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  • Aliki...
  • January 5, 2016

"Im 23yr old herion addict. I started on oxys, went to herion/crack, to methadone/suboxone for about 4-5 years. Even on methadone I was still using on top of it everyday, I would barely get a buzz but my cravings were that strong. Finally after overdose/suicide attempt I was referred to an amazing ADHD/addiction Dr who prescribed rivea (oral). I have almost 1 in half yr clean w/ only a 1day relapse. I'm from Canada & we don't have the shot. This was a GAME CHANGER. Zero cravings & there was no side affects for me. Downside is u have to have the willpower to take it everyday (upside for places that have the shot, very jealeous). Stops me from impulsive mistakes as it blocks for up to 72 hours. Blessed to have found this & grateful it worked for me"

10 / 10
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  • Bay
  • June 17, 2021

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "Took the injection after medical opiate detox.. Instantly I was puking and having horrible diarrhea. Things remained horrible. Couldn’t eat for 5 days. CONSTANT SEVERE BLOOD PRESSURE INCREASE. I “thought” it was due to detox but NOW I know that I am allergic to this injection. I immediately had to go on HIGH doses of blood pressure meds in order to not have heart attack/ stroke. The symptoms are STILL here 25 days after injection. Night sweats, insomnia, SEVERE DEPRESSION. This was the WORST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE. And LIFE THREATENING- Pulled medical records past 5 years NEVER HAD HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. I paid $30K to go the best medically induced opiate detox then stay at million dollar home with staff. I had to stay 3 extra days while others would leave completely fine 4 days earlier. I was the sickest. I have EVER been. In one week lost 26lbs, no sleep, high blood pressure, extreme fatigue. IM JUST PRAYING ALL THESE HORRIFIC- Side Effects go away soon. ABSOLUTE WORST Decision I’ve made."

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  • Cass
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 6, 2022

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "Getting the vivitrol shot was the worst thing that could have happened to me . Before getting the vivitrol shot I was two years sober from opiates and thought I was ready to get off and stay off suboxone. I was wrong . After getting the vivitrol shot I became severely depressed. The most depressed I’ve ever been in years and as the month went on it got worse. On top of that it didn’t help whatsoever with my cravings. If anything my cravings returned after being gone for two years. I hear vivitrol helps a lot of people but I’m one of those people it didn’t . The severe depression caused me to relapse after 2 years sober towards the end of the month once the shot wore off. Now I’m back to day one and getting back on suboxone and going to rehab. Just know depression is one of the main side effects of vivitrol . Be careful"

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  • starf...
  • March 28, 2010

"I've been using daily Ultra low doses of naltrexone (15 MICROgrams not milligrams) for 3 weeks now in conjunction with exogenous opiates, and have found that my tolerance has been reduced by half within this period. I cannot attribute this to anything else especially not placebo as I have been highly sceptical about the whole thing. Scientists have suggested that naltrexone blocks the surplus opiate receptors which contribute towards tolerance. Furthermore it is also suggested that it blocks the release of endorphins which contribute towards tolerance. I have not encountered any side effects at all (the dose is almost homeopathic) and would recommend this for any user to reduce their tolerance leading to easier withdrawals."

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  • Davey...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 18, 2017

"UK user H and Crack for 10 years on and off. PLEASE acknowledge an opiate life will mask all your aches and pains AND the longer addiction the longer the payback. 1000,000 % you'll go nowhere continuing on subs, meth or gear. Had a 2 month implant of naltrexone and getting another 9 months on Tuesday.... Your life will ONLY GET WORSE otherwise. MY recommendation is to go for the naltrexone and read this again.... and again.... and again...... GOOD LUCK."

9 / 10
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  • Meano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 23, 2019

"I got naltrexone 25mg daily from my general practitioner as a means to lose weight, however there have been other benefits too. I was a functioning addict of anything I could get my hands on for many years. The only person who really knew this was my husband. I couldn't handle the side effects of nausea and vomiting the first few days so my doctor prescribed me an anti nausea med. Ever since then I have been feeling great. I am losing weight yes but I'm also free and clean which I wouldn't have been able to say without this medication."

7 / 10
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  • Rsgvan
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 28, 2016

"You cannot avoid opiates without Naltrexone being addictive mindset we continue push our efforts in getting next fix but if there is no reward I mean high then wants the use being opiate user for last 10 years tried almost every opiate available I could say that this is one pill or shot you must not forget to take although initially there is trouble sleeping,loose bowel(very bad) sex drive nil but I hope this is temporary since only been week or so taking this pill earlier taken for two.months then relapsed that's why it's important to remind yourself that this pill can only save your life,All the best to recovering addicts"

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  • Wokei...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 13, 2017

"My doctor had me take this medication, saying it worked as a good pain med for one of her patients. Knowing I was on pain medication methadone, she wrote the script. 45 minutes after taking naltrexone. I started convulsing, sweating, was taken to ER, the last thing I remember was loosing my bowels. I woke up in ICU 2 days later. I have filed a complaint with the proper authorities. I have osteo and Rheumatoid arthritis. I've had one hip replaced. After 10 yrs of doctors and the medical association, I'm scared to trust anyone."

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  • n3v3r...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 21, 2021

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I was a average H addict for about a decade, tried quitting a million times, then did a 7 day rapid detox on comfort meds and got the Vivitrol day 8. The next 2 weeks brutal depression, couldn't work, suicidal thoughts. I tried H for the first few days, nothing happened so gave up. Soon after I felt normal no cravings. I stayed on it for 6 months. saved my life for sure. Stayed clean 3 years! Then relapsed during COVID so I just did another 7 day rapid detox and today is day 2 after the shot and I can't get out of bed. But I know a few days of this is expected, the feeling of ice cream inside my bones is the worst part. And all the other side effects I think are just from no opioids. I have ED, oh well. This is only if you 100% serious to quit."

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  • Bell
  • February 19, 2020

Revia (naltrexone) "I have been on revia for a few months now and it's the best thing I could do for myself . I have no cravings but the main side effect for me is I'm never hungry. I've lost about 10 lbs in 2 months, I have absolutely no desire to eat. Another side effect is my sex drive when down and I don't feel things sexually now which is frustrating. But totally worth it to be staying sober."

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  • Anonymous
  • August 21, 2011

"This medicine is a definite winner if you want to stay clean. I find its effects almost hypnotic, I rarely think of smack any more. But I've lost over a stone in weight since starting my script 5 months ago. I want to stay on it but am afraid I'll fade away."

6 / 10
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  • Death...
  • May 8, 2015

"I was on Methadone for 4 years at 140mg and tried twice to taper down and get off. But the withdrawal symptoms going down each time caused stress, anxiety and I failed both times despite my true desire to have my have my life back. I went to the Colman Institute desperate for help to get off deathADONE! It ruined my life, I got fat, I was lazy, unmotivated and it ruined my T count also. I checked in on the 23rd having taken my last dose of Methadone on the 18th and used some H till 3:30 on the 22nd. In eight days I took urine of totally clean of all methadone and H. Then they made a small incision and put in a Naltrexone pellet. Today is May 9th and I'm doing great. All of the sudden my smells come back, my taste, all my senses!"

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  • ADT
  • December 31, 2017

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "I tried this the year it came out for trial runs and it worked great. I still had some sensitivity after med wore off but that only lasted bout another month. I think it worked like it was suppose to. I think you should be off your Suboxone/Subutex for more than 72 hrs for it to work properly."

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  • Ryguy
  • March 26, 2018

Vivitrol (naltrexone) "Listen up. It's probably worth the risk of trying it for a month to see if you get the side effects or not. I did I got extreme anxiety, depressing thoughts, and fatigue. Constant stretching and 0 motivation in the first five days. Then it's gets a little better so I don't know it drove me to go smoke meth but I didn't do heroin or want to. and now that I have made it through the 5 days of side effects I guess I could say it's worth it."

6 / 10
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  • Teresa
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 23, 2020

"Completed a 17 day detox ready for 6 month implant at $2000 in June 2020, its been 9 weeks. Headaches galore which aren't going away, sex drive gone too. No cravings which I'm pleased with, haven't attempted to even try to use either (just for curiosity) Have felt weird like I'm blasé to the world.. Looking forward to it wearing off so I can gain my life back drug free too.. Thankful for the clean time to date though.."

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  • Daddy...
  • August 19, 2017

"I was on 120 mg a day of Percocets 4 over 5 years and I went to a Naltrexone program end I received an implant and it cured me I've been clean now for over 2 months and have no cravings.The public needs to know about this because the government and rehabs are all about making money. They give you another addictive drug to get off of, an addictive drug and then you have to get off of the drug that they give you . It is a vicious cycle that has to be stopped because there are other alternatives. The problem is insurance companies will not pay for this type of treatment, they will only pay for Rehab which they are in cahoots with and they both make millions of dollars and it is sickening that's why people need to speak up to the government"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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