Mupirocin topical User Reviews & Ratings
Brand names: Bactroban, Centany, Centany AT Kit, Centany Kit, Centany AT Pirnuo
Mupirocin topical has an average rating of 6.3 out of 10 from a total of 51 reviews on 51% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 36% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Skin and Structure Infection | 30 reviews for Skin and Structure Infection | 79 medications | |
Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus | 10 reviews for Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus | 7 medications | |
Impetigo | 6 reviews for Impetigo | 16 medications | |
Secondary Cutaneous Bacterial Infections | 2 reviews for Secondary Cutaneous Bacterial Infections | 18 medications | |
Paronychia | 1 reviews for Paronychia | 7 medications |
Reviews for Mupirocin topical
- You...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 25, 2020
For Skin and Structure Infection "I do not like this antibiotic cream, mupirocin! It has been prescribed to me a few times (I’m prone to skin infections), and each time has only made my condition worse. The first time, it caused terrible burning and increased redness, and this past time, it caused my skin to peel along with more redness and itchiness than I had before. I know many people have a positive experience with it, but just know that you might experience negative side effects."
- bev...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 6, 2012
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Skin and Structure Infection "As per procedure, before a hospital stay for a knee replacement, I had to have my nose swabbed. Prior to this, I had a scab in my nose that hurt, so I had been using Bactroban on it. When I went for my surgery, everyone was gowning up before they came into my room because apparently, my nose swab results came back positive for MRSA, and Bactroban was detected as well. I was told Bactroban was the right medicine to use for the infection, and actually by the time of my surgery my nose was already healed."
Frequently asked questions
- Can I use mupirocin ointment for diaper rash?
- Can mupirocin heal or help with eczema?
- Can mupirocin be used for athletes foot?
- Can mupirocin cream be used for bed sores?
- Anonymous
- December 4, 2008
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Skin and Structure Infection "I was first given this product while traveling in the Philippines. The pharmacist recommended Bactroban to treat a mild skin infection on my foot which I got from wearing flip flops too long in wet, sandy conditions. The area cleared up in less than two days. It has been in my medicine cabinet ever since."
- Anonymous
- March 25, 2010
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Skin and Structure Infection "This medication is a miracle drug. My 4-year-old daughter had a rash that nothing could cure. Then, 2 days after using this cream, I saw an amazing difference. She has extremely dry skin in the winter, which she scratches to the point of bleeding sometimes, but not anymore. At the first sign of dry/irritated skin, I apply this cream and it works like magic. I also used it on a rash I developed on my legs, and the same thing happened. The itching stops almost immediately. This cream is a staple in our medicine cabinet."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Dan...
- December 11, 2018
For Skin and Structure Infection "I had these horrible bumps all over the sides of my nose (especially the cracks on the sides) and up across my bridge between eyebrows that would get bright red after a shower and peel some too! I looked stupid! Tired of this, I dug around in my med sac and found a lil tube of mupirocin ointment. So I smeared it generously all over my nose, eyebrows, and mouth. The next day, some of the bumps were gone, and the ones that weren't were shrinking! It's nearing the end of day 2, and the bumps are almost completely gone. It does burn if you use too much, but that just means it's working, so it's ok. Summary: Smear mupirocin liberally on the affected area, if it burns and itches, dial it back one click, and just try to stay right in that slot. Give it a day or two, and soon enough you'll be looking like a baby's butt."
- Jam...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 24, 2016
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Skin and Structure Infection "I had a heat rash in my groin, and it was red and very irritating. I used a small amount of the ointment twice a day after showering. Within 24 hours, the irritation was bearable, within 48 hours, the irritation had stopped, and within 72 hours, the redness had faded. I still have dull red marks where the skin was damaged, but the rash has totally gone. This is a fantastic product for heat rash, and also, if you have an insect bite, it stops the itching within 2 minutes. Can be bought over the counter in most Asian countries. Cost here in the Philippines is 299 pesos or around $7. Bargain!"
- For...
- January 26, 2011
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Skin and Structure Infection "Was first given this for a skin infection on the face that began on the younger daughter, 12, then spread to the mother and older daughter. It was like acne that would not heal and would scab and spread. Worked well."
- Men...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- March 4, 2019
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Skin and Structure Infection "I've used this for years with nasal sores and skin sores. Usually, after 2 to 3 days, the infection clears up. Very helpful medication. There may be slight nasal burning that may last for a minute or two."
- del...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- January 7, 2014
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus "After several uses of this effective medication, I started having a sense of dizziness, shortness of breath, and shaking. Now, if I use it just once, I have an occurrence of the same symptoms. I think I have an allergy to Bactroban, which gets worse every time I use it."
- Anonymous
- December 13, 2009
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Skin and Structure Infection "Using this on a 5-year-old's impetigo. She has a nasty lesion on the web of skin between her index and third finger. Nothing was helping it, but within one application of this stuff, I saw a difference. I'm grateful to whoever discovered this product."
- LOW...
- February 6, 2009
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Skin and Structure Infection "My doctor told me to use it on my ears as I was getting yellow and red bumps that were painful to the touch. This stuff really works. My ears cleared up in about 4 to 5 days. The only side effect I had was it felt like my ears were getting a little warm for about 5 minutes, but that soon went away."
- MSD...
- April 25, 2021
For Skin and Structure Infection "Prescribed for prophylactic use on surgical incision with skin graft (surgical removal of squamous cell carcinomas on lower legs), to keep graft moist. Dressing to be changed once or twice a day for 5-6 weeks. Second day began to feel burning at incisions. After third day, woke with widespread hives on trunk, groin, upper arms, and legs. Diminished with OTC oral antihistamine. Next morning woke with similar widespread hives. Reported this to MD who, nurse reported, didn't think I could have absorbed enough to cause systemic hives. Continued use caused swelling in ankles and feet, widespread weeping rash of an angry purple. I stopped using the ointment without medical approval, which was forthcoming at the two-week follow-up. I discovered subsequently that there is a direct statement that the ointment is not to be used to avoid bacterial infection on post-surgical lesions."
- Smr...
- April 15, 2016
For Skin and Structure Infection "I have had a recurring scabby skin infection. Primary care physician prescribed this, did not work, then went to dermatologist, re-prescribed, still does not work. It was first thought that the condition is impetigo. I am now waiting on the second lab test. Feeling hopeless and frustrated."
- Gir...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 18, 2018
For Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus "I have had repeated impetigo from a staph colonization in my nose for the last 4+ months. I was told I was prescribed the nasal version as well, but the pharmacist refused to give it to me, telling me to just use the topical ointment intranasally. It burns my skin, never mind my nose. I don't think I have any cilia left in my nose from the chemical burns. This is also not recommended on large areas of the body, but my entire body, including my scalp, cornea, and kidneys, are infected with staph. I have been trapped in my house, not trying to spread the infection, for over 4 months. I REALLY hope I can get appropriate treatment soon....."
- joc...
- February 14, 2020
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Skin and Structure Infection "I was prescribed this cream for an infected hair follicle near my groin. The cream was used in conjunction with an oral antibiotic and worked well after just two days, however, the area in which the cream was used became intensely itchy to the point of waking me from my sleep. I ceased its usage and completed the internal antibiotic."
- rhs...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 19, 2017
For Impetigo "Thought I had horrible acne. Tried other things that online doctors prescribed. Made it worse. Went to my primary after not being able to go to work because I was so embarrassed by my face. She diagnosed it as impetigo and gave the ointment because it stays on longer. Not even 24 hours, and it's almost cleared up. AMAZING. Zero side effects."
- bun...
- May 17, 2020
For Impetigo "I'm 19 and was prescribed this for a bad case of impetigo around the corners of my mouth. I was told it would go away after 3-4 days if I used this ointment, but I immediately noticed extreme, and I mean EXTREME itching and burning that wasn't there before. I nearly cried from the itching. I also had a ton of redness and experienced yellowish-brown lesions that were intensely dry and peeling constantly. I thought it was just the impetigo getting worse, but it was actually the ointment that made it worse. This stuff completely RUINED my skin, and even after stopping the use of this, my skin is still very discolored and dry. I should mention that this did get rid of the impetigo, it just gave me new problems that I now have to deal with on my own."
- You...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 23, 2020
For Skin and Structure Infection "The actual cost of prescription Bactroban Mupirocin 2% cream was $291.69 for 15 grams. My drug plan only required my payment of $3.60. But $288.07 is being 'paid' for by all of you (us), in high insurance and health care costs. This Rx has been on the market for a long time. I should have asked about the actual cost before having the prescription filled, as I would not have had it filled, even at no cost to me. And, because prescriptions are electronically filed, I never saw that 15 grams-far too much had been ordered. I am filing complaints with every government entity and the manufacturer. I won't let this happen again. As to the length of time using mupirocin calcium cream 2%, it has been used very sporadically for the last 8 years, and in tiny amounts. I have had no side effects. But I might have seen results with other cheap, OTC antibacterial/antibiotic ointments. I will rate the cream at 10 because it provided relief and possibly healing."
- Anonymous
- January 30, 2011
For Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus "This ointment is amazing. Received a prescription as a result of infections from professional nails to see if I was prone to staph infection. When the physician asked if I had any bump issues, I realized this could also cure my painful recurring boil problems. This medication took care of both. The only problem is that, against the physician's recommendation, I began using it daily with the mindset that I never wanted to have another boil. I think it is causing my hair to fall out. This is not a permanent medication that should be taken."
- Sev...
- September 20, 2009
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus "I'm suffering from severe tendonitis/arthralgia or bursitis that is excruciating, to the point of absolute tears, when I awaken. It takes all I have to endure the sharp, searing pains that race through my shoulders, elbows, back (lower and upper and I am still recovering from back surgery/instrumentation), my legs and feet, my hips. I can honestly say I am experiencing pain on level "12" on 0-ten scale. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. It takes me a half hour to get out of bed. By about two hours, my pain medicines from my back pain (intractable) take effect and I am able to hobble. Throughout the day, I gain a little more mobility. I watch the symptoms move about my body; not diminishing, only moving. At night, it starts again."
- Cha...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 7, 2019
For Skin and Structure Infection "Mupirocin worked on the skin infection, but now I have horrible stomach cramps and pain after eating. It seems it happens in very few people. Taking a probiotic, but it's not going away after stopping the meds for 3 days."
- rob...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 25, 2024
For Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus "Used intranasally for recurring sores in nostril doctor suspected was staph. No side effects apart from a terrible taste when breathing through the nose. I coped by breathing through my mouth for about an hour after every application."
- Sea...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 24, 2022
For Skin and Structure Infection "This stuff is phenomenal. I had a rather painful case of folliculitis that was first misdiagnosed, and I was put on antiviral meds (I knew it was the wrong diagnosis... I had to explain to the doctor things she should have known from a simple Google search). After 3 days of no improvement, and it actually got worse, I contacted an online doctor who took one look and said, it's not viral, it's bacterial, it's folliculitis. (What I had suspected all along.) She suggested mupirocin, of which I had an old tube (from what, I can't remember, perhaps acne?), so I figured, what the heck, I'll try it at least until I can get the newer prescription the next morning. Within ONE HOUR (I was shocked too), my swelling, pain, and rash had almost completely disappeared along with my stress and worry. No side effects either! After 24 hours, it's just about completely healed. Skin is back to its normal color, bumps are gone, no scarring, and no pain. This is a miracle drug (and I avoid pharmaceuticals at all costs)."
- wac...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 4, 2018
For Impetigo "Mupirocin worked on my impetigo, but the weird thing is the finger that I used (washed hands before and after) to apply this got tendonitis (hurt so much!). I was confused because this is not the group of drugs that should cause that, but when I started to apply with the other hand, the same thing happened. It was scary and weird. OK drug, but watch for side effects."
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- Drug class: topical antibiotics
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Other brands
Bactroban, Centany, Centany AT, Centany AT Kit
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Other brands
Bactroban, Bactroban Nasal, Centany, Centany AT, Pirnuo
Bactroban (mupirocin) for Skin and Structure Infection "As a correctional nurse specializing in wound care, I have found that this heals abscesses and 'spider bites' with amazing speed. Noticeable healing within 24 hours. Wish it were available OTC, it would be a staple in my medicine cabinet."