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Metronidazole for Dental Abscess User Reviews (Page 4)

Brand names: Flagyl, Metro, Flagyl IV, Flagyl 375, Likmez Metro IV

Metronidazole has an average rating of 6.4 out of 10 from a total of 179 reviews for the treatment of Dental Abscess. 50% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Metronidazole

  • James
  • December 30, 2020

"I swear to you, I took metronidazole with a few slices of toast and jam. Within 30-40 minutes I PASSED OUT. Woke up few seconds later, draped in sweat and didn’t have a clue what day it was or where I was. Rushed to my parents room to tell them to call emergency services but ended up throwing up a few times (not by choice) and I instantly felt better. This medicine (if you can even call it that) is DANGEROUS."

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  • Almos...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 8, 2020

"Tooth abscess. Two amoxicillin prescriptions didn't do the full trick. Given this metronidazole prescription by dentist. Pharmacist warned me not to drink alcohol which it states on label. Am taking ibuprofen for pain and swelling too. Ibuprofen contains propylene glycol, which is a HUGE no no with metronidazole. MAJOR stomach upset 15 minutes after taking pill, but before ibuprofen. MAJOR diarrhea. No appetite at all. Only took thee 250mg pills and called pharmacist. Told me to STOP NOW!!! Five days later and STILL battling stomach, hunger, grogginess, depression and other issues. DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT TAKE THIS STUFF!!! Read the other reviews and mine will make more sense."

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  • Wisey
  • September 30, 2013

"Was given 3 x 400mg daily for 5 days, after I had 4 teeth extracted under sedation. It made me feel very unwell. So tired, headaches, dizzy, no energy, a brain fog too. No tooth or gum infection though ! Stopped taking it 24 hours ago, hoping to feel better soon."

6 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Dobby
  • February 10, 2019

"I'm sharing my experience with you as I have been quite unwell, not being told about any side effects from this, so came on line to read about it. 1st of is yogurt.. Natural.. Take this with or after your tablet to help with sickness. I take Omeprazole already due to inflammation of the stomach lining, and ask for this also to help with sickness. I have had flu symptoms since tablet 4 (day 2) - am on 400mg 3 times a day for 5 days due to front tooth infection, this has already had root treatment so praying the tablets work and no extraction needed, as I can't afford £400 for re root canal! (not available on NHS) on day 4, have taken 9 so far. Definitely flu symptoms: aching, sweats, sickness feeling not as bad now. I'm having yogurt, sleeping but also can't sleep feeling, mad dreams, and have cried for the 1st time in at least a year regarding feeling emotional and not due to pain! Very restless but so exhausted feeling. Will review in 2 days as has definitely decreased pain but not killed it yet!"

7 / 10
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  • Kiwi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 1, 2019

"This drug has destroyed me. I still have side effects 3 months later . Headaches , fevers , my stomach feels bloated . Feeling detached . There is a Facebook group you can join with other sufferers . The only thing that helped me was taking benfotiamine a form of vitamin b1 taken with magnesium . It has helped me recover over 2 to 3 weeks . Your brain is basically stripped of thiamine while taking this metronidazole as it crosses the blood brain barrier . I hope this helps others who are suffering . I will take b1 forever now ."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Diz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 4, 2019

"Currently taking this metronidazole (3x400mg) along with amoxicillin (3x500mg) for upper back tooth abscess. It's only been a day, abscess hasn't gotten worse but yet to see any real improvement. Private dentist, they keep their own supply, receptionist blundered by saying you don't have to take with food. Oh yes you do, or you'll get the nausea, rumbling tummy and burping I did before I read the label. Yesterday my eyes were stinging too, despite staying well hydrated. I got cranky, had night sweats, hot flashes and throbbing temple, reported by others too, but I'm a woman of a certain age so some of it could be down to that too. I took Ibuprofen last night to reduce pain and inflammation so I could get a decent sleep for the first time in days, helped a lot. Don't normally take any meds but feel right now it's a necessary evil. Once both courses are complete I'll be taking probiotics to ward off gut problems."

5 / 10
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  • lilro...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 20, 2019

"oh my goodness what an experience. I started these on Tuesday around midday. It’s now Thursday 4pm and I feel rough. I can’t leave my bed I keep feeling very weak and shaky, extreme diarrhoea and shivering. STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL!! mum cooked with alcohol last night without thinking, I was very very sick overnight and have felt rough since At least my tooth is feeling better!"

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More FAQ

  • SICK...
  • July 22, 2016

"I am taking this med for a Left molar abscess, I was informed by the dentist that I have two. It is working on the abscess and me. I feel sickly and I have been nauseated and vomiteed once. I have been taking this for 3 days now with 2 more remaining, I will finish this medicine but after this I refuse to take this abt again. I am also taking amoxicillin along with this med, I have taken amoxicillin many times, no issue with it."

5 / 10
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  • Herby
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 26, 2021

"OMG!!!! This medication is "WONDERFUL" I had a nightmare of a tooth extraction surgically and I was sliced in several areas to get my tooth out hence I have very dense bones. The pain the following week after just got worse despite taking Ibuprofen and Paracetamol every 4 hours at the same time. A revisit back to my dental surgeon who prescribed me this antibiotic. After just 2 hours the pain subsided as much as 80% I just could not believe it plus all the swelling has virtually disappeared. I just can not tell anyone how much pain I was in prior to taking this med, no sleep for a week and not able to eat, pains in my jaw right up to my ear,,,"Horrendous". So, I am only a day-in taking these meds with no side-effects whatsoever. Truly a 'miracle'."

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  • Kay
  • November 12, 2014

"After having blood blister that was black burst in my mouth by an abscess tooth I felt really ill eventually I went to the dentist who put me on this medicine, one thing I will say it's very very very strong! And as I don't normally take medication really, it knocked me out! I had broken sleep, waking up every few hours or so tingling in my hands, very bad dizziness and nausea, constipation, coating of my tongue anxiety as I'm mentally ill and very spaced out and feeling medicated. Had no Choice though either I took it or ended up in hospital! Last day taking it today and hoping and praying the infection is cleared up."

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  • Iko
  • November 5, 2018

"I was prescribed Metronidazole for my infected wisdom tooth, it's 3 tablets a day for a course of 5 day. I started to take it on my second day, I felt so weak and felt I just wanted to lay down, didn't affect my appetite I was taking it with food. On my 3rd day, my wisdom tooth pain has gone, but in the evening I started to feel really dizzy, can't concentrate on conversation l sometimes could not recall what I just said, banging headache, diarrhoea, tight chest, nausea. Although I felt a little better in that morning, so I drove to my mother in laws who lives 5 mins drive away, I started to feel dizzy I nearly crashed into a parked car, I could not judge the width of road. I managed to get back home. I called 111 for advice that evening, I was told to stop taking this medicine immediately and keep hydrated to clear it out of the system. On 4th day, I'm feeling still weak and dizzy and headache. I'm allergic to penicillin."

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  • Naomi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 17, 2018

"Currently suffering with an abscess. Paid £95 to see an emergency dentist last Friday and was given this antibiotic 3 x daily 400mg strength and completed the course. Today I will be phoning the emergency NHS number provided by my local health board as I am still in excruciating pain and my jawline appears swollen again. Thankfully, I did not experience any of the awful side effects described by other users. I'm hoping today's dental visit will provide me with some relief because I would rather give birth again than have to continue in this pain."

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  • Bad...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 11, 2020

Flagyl (metronidazole) "Flagyl has been very useful, I’ve recently changed my toothbrush and that’s how my gums got infected..I’ve tried amoxicillin first but it won’t works and the pains are not get away, therefore I combined both with this flagyl and luckily I was getting better. Of course I took some painrelievers as well, the ponstan for instance response along with pontalon to prolong its after effect, just as an extra caution. Always be safe and gentle with your body as we are the only responsible person to treat us best!"

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  • Donna...
  • October 2, 2015

"I have been taking this antibiotic for an infected wisdom tooth 3 days in and it has made the pain worse doesn't seem to be working at all I have a 1 week course I'll give it till Monday then I'm back at the dentist!!!"

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  • TrishMc
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 5, 2018

"Started on Amoxicillin for a few days but pain just got worse. Ibuprofen maximum strength did not touch the pain so dentist prescribed 7 days of Metronidazole [400 x 3 per day]. Initially no relief and as well as pain was now exhausted to the point of daytime sleeping which actually was a relief. It was only today having taken 13 Metronidazole pills that noticeable improvement and have been able to reduce number of painkillers. No major side effects except odd taste in mouth. I also found putting oil of cloves on tooth gave some relief. Not completely cured yet but at least can now read and write this review ! Lucky in UK so medication for 60 years and over free."

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  • Jenn...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 15, 2020

"I’ve been taking the metronidazole for 2 days and so far no dramatic side effects, but definitely have a metallic taste in my mouth and experienced blurred vision temporarily. But that could have been from a migraine as I do suffer with ‘silent’ migraines, as they are known. Dental infection seems improved, no stomach issues but I have lost my appetite a bit, which is perhaps why that’s the case."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 22, 2021

Flagyl (metronidazole) "Absolutely avoid! I'm a 29 year old male, rarely if ever take medication but unfortunately developed periodontitis due to a wisdom tooth. My dentist prescribed me Flagyl and warned me about possible stomach side effects. I took three pills 400mg and woke up the next day a different person. I felt as if I had been poisoned, my head felt like a bowling ball, I felt like I was going to fall over when I stood up. I slept all day and didn't eat a thing. I noticed later that day I could hardly breathe and that my nose was blocked. I had an awful headache and my eyes kept squinting and were sensitive to light, urine was a dark colour, my appetite was diminished to zero. It took a solid four days before I ate anything and was bed ridden 90% of that time. I am still feeling the effects from it (weakness, dizziness, weird vision issues). Peer-reviewed journal articles highlights many of other young people ages ranging from 22-25 with adverse side effects who NEVER recovered."

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  • Macsq...
  • February 12, 2016

"Given this antibiotic by dentist to save molar 2nd full day think it might be working but having to take paracetamol and ibuprofen to keep the pain at bay...not so good today slept most of the day..take omaprezole for reflux and this evening bothered with back pain which I think is acid reflux...have had a heart check and have no problems in that area...guess I just have to keep going and see if this antibiotic will work...hopefully it will be worth it and will be able to hold on to my tooth!"

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  • Jacquie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 14, 2019

"I usually take amoxicillin but as they did not seem to clear this particular tooth / gum infection my dentist prescribed these metronidazole. I am in good health no health issues just mild GERD from time to time and I’m female in my late 40s . This tablet makes me feel nauseous, headache and fuzzy head , lower stomach mild pains from time to time , a little dizzy and dry eyes irritated and tiered . I have only been taking 4 days and I’m stopping them now , I have never felt like this with other tablets or antibiotics, they seem to have cleared the infection slightly but the thought of taking another tablet worries me . I have not drunk any alcohol or coffee so unsure why they don’t agree with me but other posts seem to say the same ."

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  • Secre...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2019

"Was prescribed metronidazaole along with amoxicillin by the dentist for an abscess. 6 days later these antibiotics had wiped out the good bacteria in my gut leaving me very very unwell. I was rushed to hospital, spent a week with horrendous diarrhoea so bad I was dehydrated and significant damage to my large bowel! I'd ended up with a deadly C.diff infection! After a week in hospital I was well enough to go home. The whole experience was horrendous! Do not take these tablets together...ever"

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  • Girl
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 15, 2018

"WORST drug. I am 18 and I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled but they got infected and I’m allergic to amoxicillin so my oral surgeon prescribed me 500mg 3x every (8 hours) until the infection is gone so for like 2 weeks. But here’s the thing I cannot finish them because the first day I was so dizzy all day I couldn’t even drive and the second I had to take it only morning and night because I work with kids and I need to stay focused. Third day was my last day did the same but last night (3rd day) I woke up around 1am to severe pains and dizziness I fell going to the bathroom and fell in the bathroom and started sweating and heart rate went sky rocket then I went into tachycardia (bf is a nurse) and it just was the worse experience of my life. I thought I was going to die. I can tell u now Monday my doctor is going to hear it from me"

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  • Smalc...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 31, 2018

"I had a tooth abscess for months, dentist said need to do root canal treatment (RCT). Pulp removed, filled in medication, will be seeing my dentist again in 3 weeks to finish off the RCT. In the mean time, she prescribed me 2 antibiotics to take concurrently for 5 days: Metronidazole (Metrogyl) 400mg x3 times; Augmentine 650mg x 2 times per day Just started 2nd day, so far so good, I try to eat with full meal or at least a toast with hot choc. Had experience a bit of stomach discomfort, skin rashes (comes and goes) and feeling tired/ sleepy, not to the extend of nausea. Most of the abscess is gone, I hope the abscess will be completely gone before my 2nd follow up on RCT. And avoid Alcohol."

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  • Kaitlyn
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 6, 2020

"Basically my wisdom teeth are coming through and my jaw doesn’t have the space for them, my gums have been swelling bad with lots of pain, ibuprofen has slightly helped. Contacted my dentist and told him also my gums bleed bad and have an awful smell so most likely infection from something getting stuck below the swollen gums, I’m allergic to penicillin so was prescribed 400mg of metronidazole. Took the full dose for 10 days and seemed to have worked until yesterday ( 4 days after finishing ) my gums are so sore again causing headaches and lots of pain that ibuprofen and naproxen don’t even help. (Not taken together!! Ibuprofen yesterday with a 15 hour space and changed to naproxen )"

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  • Fantail...
  • May 1, 2017

"I was prescribed seven days of metronidazole for a dental infection, augmenting a separate course of co amoxiclav which I had already started but which was not working. Five days into the metronidazole course, the medicine seemed to be having an effect on the infection, but it was having a rough effect on me too. Side effects included nausea, flu symptoms - pain in joints and muscles and overwhelming malaise - light sensitivity, as in a migraine, headache, stomach bloating, tingling in my feet. This was so hideously bad that I had to stop the medication after five days. I think metronidazole works, but at a very great cost to the rest of the body if one is as sensitive to it as this."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 6, 2019

"I'm currently taken this medication for my infected wisdom tooth which happens every two years :/ I took Metronidazole in 2015, followed by amoxicillin two years later and now the wisdom tooth is infected again lower right. If I'm being totally honest this is day 2 and half and I'm still in pain it don't seem to be working. The medication is making me very drowsy and unwell too. I had to take the day off work and I don't know if I'll be in tomorrow, I have earache too. Horrible wisdom tooth. But luckily I went to the dentist sooner rather then later if you experience pain get it checked out asap if you leave it then it will get worse."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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