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Metronidazole for Bacterial Vaginosis User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: Flagyl, Metro, Flagyl IV, Flagyl 375, Likmez, Metro IV

Metronidazole has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 806 reviews for the treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis. 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 21% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Metronidazole

  • Anonymous
  • November 14, 2010

"I'm on the third day of a seven-day treatment of this medicine, and after the third pill, my infection cleared up. I wish I could stop taking them now because the pills have such a nasty taste and leave me feeling very sick and weak. I thought it was just me, but I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one."

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  • Dano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 21, 2019

"I'm on the last day of a 7 day prescription of metronidazole at a dose of 2x 500mg per day. It’s my 3rd day I have been unable to move from bed due to chronic migraine. I’m unable to work or function normally. Very light and sound sensitive. I vomited and have been nauseous. Basically I want to cry, but my head hurts too much to even shed a tear. On the bright side, the BV seems to be gone - but at what cost?"

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  • SJano
  • January 11, 2020

"I was diagnosed with BV and a yeast infection. I know what a yeast infection looks like and that’s not what I had.I initially went to the doctor for extreme burning sensation bloating and constipated. I do have sex with my bf but I couldn’t believe this was any reaction to sex. So they prescribed me one single dose for the yeast infection and 7 days for this metronidazole. I’ve been taking it and I did slip up and have sex with my bf in between taking it but I wasn’t getting any symptoms. Now today is the last day of my medication and this morning I woke up had to pee and it BURNED and the feeling doesn’t go away until hours later! I don’t understand why this is happening"

7 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Jay
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 20, 2019

"I left an earlier review but am now finished taking this medication so wanted to share my final experience and yes I do mean final because I will NEVER be taking this medication again. It made me extremely extremely sick to my stomach, unable to move, feeling like I was gonna puke, appetite gone, terrible taste in my mouth, etc. These symptoms actually got WORSE the longer I took this medication. I quit taking it on day 4. I couldn’t take it anymore. I finished out inserting Boric Acid suppositories to fight the rest of the infection. I am hoping that works. Yeah this medication was a nightmare and my body does not like it for some reason. AT ALL. I don’t know if anyone here has had the extent of sickness I did while taking this medicine. But if you do trust me you are not the only one who are unable to take this."

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  • Expla...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 28, 2013

"I've been prescribed 500 mg -the headaches are so persistent. This is day 3 of 7 and symptoms are pretty much gone but the after taste of the medicine is HORRID. So I take a lemon and bite it right before & right after the pill it DEFINITELY works if anyone is as grossed out by that taste, as I am."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • JPenn...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 28, 2016

"Took medication wasn't made aware of the bad taste so I immediately vomited my first dose. Had to call doctor for another fill as they advised it important to take twice for the whole 7 days. I bought some fruit roll ups to wrap them when it was time to take and this allowed me to take the medication and keep down so that it may work as intended. This is a trick I suggest if you find yourself having trouble to get it down as the medication alone will begin to dissolve as soon as it hits your mouth."

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  • Anonymous
  • September 27, 2012

"After reading all the negative reviews I was freaked out about taking the medicine. Glad I took it though. Started feeling better by the end of the first day. Infection cleared up by the third pill. No side effects whatsoever. The taste of the pill isn't as bad as stated. Like most pills it does have an unpleasant taste but its tolerable."

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More FAQ

  • Nmt
  • January 7, 2016

"Wanted to share my experience; as someone who is VERY wary of medications and specifically antibiotics, I researched the hell out of this drug and made myself very paranoid about it. However, I am on day 2, and I just want to say, I have had NO issues. And I am someone who has myriad health issues and sensitivities, and a very weak stomach. I fastidiously planned out a strict regimen and it's working like a charm. I take it at the same times every day, WITH a full meal before, and a bit more food after, plus LOTS of water. I wrap the pill in a piece of torn bread to mask the flavor. The one time my stomach started to feel a bit upset, I drank 8 oz of Kefir and felt relief within 10 minutes. The infection already seems to be better!"

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  • Hopel...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 6, 2017

"I took this drug exactly as directed. Twice a day with a meal... yada yada... you already know how it goes. I didn't have any symptoms other than metallic taste in mouth.... however this did not clear up my BV at all. My odor and discharge wasn't bad to begin with, I've just been very itchy and very sore after sex down there. (I've been tested for everything, only one parter, he's clean and been tested too. NO STDS. Only BV) still very itchy. Nothing is working, and I'm beginning to become desperate for a cure :("

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  • Raee
  • April 15, 2014

"I've been taking the medicine on and off for 5 years, I have a repeating bacterial vaginitis infection. The medicine tastes like medal, for those of you who ask, "how do you know what it tastes like", your mouth begins to have a metal flavor and the taste of your food is altered. The medicine literally makes me ill, my head hurts and stomach is nauseous. There aren't any other medications that work for bacterial vaginitis and this one obviously isn't perfect, never less, it does the job for 3-5 months and then I repeat the course of action all over again. So my advice is to hang in there and take the pills until completed. Hopefully you will have greater longevity."

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  • steph
  • August 22, 2013

"So the infection cleared up in a matter of two days, but I've been dizzy, lightheaded, short of breathe, coughing (I smoke every now and then, and I've been feeling it), weird appetite. If I don't drink enough water before I sleep, I wake up feeling almost hungover. Essentially, I feel weak and tired & the pill tastes awful. Thankfully today's the last day."

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  • Jhhhhhh
  • November 12, 2015

"Honestly the medication didn't have much or any side effects for me. I didn't have any mental/psychological problems like a lot of users said they did. It actually scared me reading these reviews at first, but I experienced none of that. My breasts were a tad tender and I had a bit of soreness around my pelvic area at times, but really overall nothing. It cured the odour. had to take it for 7 days, 2 pills per day. all done now. drank alcohol the day after I was done my prescription (on glass of wine) and felt fine.The next day had two glasses of wine at night and totally fine too. Girls, don't get too worried about taking this."

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  • Kim...
  • January 1, 2015

"I get Vaginosis around 3 times a year. I get the weekly dose that you take x3 times a day. It usually takes 2-3 days for my symptoms to stop. This time though my outer vagina lip is inflammed a little. This is the first time this has happened. This is most likely from me scratching the irritated area. I have been putting an ice pack on the lip to cool it down and ease the itching. This has worked, but I am still experiencing a slight tingling around the vaginal opening. I have only had 2 doses as this is my first day. I really hope this awful tingling stops overnight so I can get my life back. I do not experience any side effects and do sometimes drink a little while on these meds. Still works fine and do not feel sick at all!"

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  • Haley...
  • August 24, 2013

"I'm on day 4 and all of my symptoms from my infection have subsided but I have been experiencing some few mild side effects from the medicine. It seems to dehydrate me as every morning I wake up feeling weak and my urine is orange/almost brown which is normally not common, I drink about 2 32oz bottles of water daily. Also since I have been taking my doses during breakfast/dinner it has been making me restless and keeping me up a while longer at night. Other than that, the only real complaint I have is the horrible taste of the pill. I have tried putting the pill in a chunk of jello, taking it with orange juice, and each time I take it I still give a small taste of the pill and that alone makes me want to throw it right back up."

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  • balef...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 29, 2014

"It worked well. My symptoms went away for the most part after about 3 days. Side effects weren't too bad. Mild upset stomach and abdominal pain. Today is the last day of my prescription. While I'm also just starting birth control at the same time there is still some spotting but I've been informed that it should clear up with in the next few days."

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  • Ash
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 29, 2019

"I’m on day 7 of the 2x a day 500mg pill. Overall not a bad experience. The only side effects I can say I’ve definitely noticed is the metallic taste of the pill while swallowing, which I took after breakfast/dinner. I also had very soft stool throughout the entire week of the medication, and my urine was significantly darker than usual but other than that nothing major. My BV discharge and smell went away so I would say it did its job!"

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  • Witchy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 1, 2021

"Stopped taking metronidazole after day 3 when I began to feel god awful. Chills, massive headache, anxiety....just felt extremely unwell. Kind of felt like a massive hangover. The most disturbing symptom was an intense spinning or whirling sensation I felt on two occasions. Would like to understand why I was feeling these symptoms but my drs office was of zero help. A result of bacteria die off or of the drug itself? Don’t know... but I think I’ll seek out more natural methods for dealing with my bv."

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  • Chey
  • June 22, 2021

"I have taken metronidazole in the past, but this time was given it at a 2g dose (5*400mg tablets) this was seven days ago and I am still recovering from what I believe to be the side effects. I felt extremely dizzy, nauseous, light headed AND heavy headed. I have been emotional for no reason with tears everyday, not being able to sleep, my mind racing at 100mph and just feeling restless and irritable in general. I literally felt out of my mind! I thought I was suffering from permanent mental illness, my GP told me these weren’t side effects from metronidazole but reading other reviews I know my GP is are very very wrong ! I also experienced weakness and tingling in my arms and hands , I really hope I feel better this coming week as I’ve had a week of not feeling normal. Nothing helps I’ve tried extra sleep ( when I was finally able to ) , water , exercise , prayer , everything ! I experienced moments of depression and anxiety."

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  • Marie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 10, 2019

"Wow! This medicine is HORRRRRRIBLE. I’ve had so many side effects taking this for 7 days. Diarrhea, dizziness, feeling weak, abdominal pain. I’ve been off 3 days now and my poop isn’t back to normal, I have this discharge from hell. I visited my primary care provider today and she told me to wait it out to get back to normal. This is after I ran to the ER and told them the same thing. Nobody can help me at this point. I’ll NEVER take this medicine again in my life. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Fingers crossed I get better soon. *sigh*"

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  • kjautry
  • May 5, 2014

"This medicine is great at killing infections. I had bacterial vaginitis pretty bad and by day two the symptoms were gone. I'm on day 5 of 7 day treatment of 500mg twice a day and I haven't had much symptoms till tonight. Before I was feeling some dizziness, some fatigue and lack of concentration. I was also suffering from very uncomfortable constipation. Tonight after taking it I've felt nauseous and my stools are starting to get softer. I'm really afraid to take it tomorrow for in fear of how bad it will make me feel. "

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  • Beybbb
  • April 1, 2016

"Extremely tired. It's much harder to get out of bed in the morning. Ok days, but once night falls, I'm practically falling asleep on the couch. Also, cannot stop eating!!! I have a ravenous, constant desire to eat at night. This is not normal for me and I am sure I will gain a few lbs before this 7 day run is over. Also experiencing strangely dark urine, almost brownish. I have noticed symptoms (thin, whitish discharge, fishy smell) have begun to diminish (as of day 4) but are not gone yet. I also have itching and tenderness in the vaginal area now, possibly the start of a yeast, so I will get some probiotics. This medication completely sucks, but seems to be the most effective. Longest week of my life."

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  • Bchri...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 16, 2016

"I'm on day 2 of a ten day treatment right now, and this has to be at least the 3rd time I've had to take these. They work really well. I'm just very prone to bv. A new partner, taking a bath, wrong underwear. .. can set it off. But MY GOSH I hate taking these things. Mainly because of the horrible taste in my mouth for the whole ten days I take them. I eat constantly in an attempt to get rid of the taste. I maybe get slightly nauseous for a lil bit if I take them on an empty stomach. Otherwise, not bad. But, too me, the taste in my mouth is horrible."

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  • Anonymous
  • January 19, 2019

"I felt the need to make this review after reading all the bad reviews by others when taking this medication. I had no bad side effects and just wanted to ease some minds of people who may be over thinking because of the bad reviews. I have a good review and thought I should share it. I guess everyone is different and for me other than some slight nausea I didn't have side effects. I took it twice a day 12hrs apart and always with food for 7 days. It wasn't a bad experience for me."

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  • slmd
  • March 6, 2016

"Started taking this medication 3 days ago,The smell is completely gone, I thought that because I am over weight having a smell down there was normal until I started getting back pain and discharge then I knew something was wrong. The back pain is gone too, however i feel sick not so bad that I can't do anything but enough to be annoying and this awful taste in my mouth and has altered the taste of foods etc. However I would go through this again for the relief it gave me."

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  • Ginava
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 21, 2013

"I never use pharmaceuticals, not even aspirin, and haven't for years. After getting bacterial vaginitis for the first time I was prescribed two 250mg metronidazole twice daily for 7 days. I very hesitantly tried this after my natural remedies weren't cutting it. An hour after my first dose, taken after dinner, my heart rate increased and I got shaky. Then I had an uncomfortable anxiety attack lasting about 20 minutes. Eventually my body calmed down, but was still buzzy. Couldn't sleep well, and when I did I had vividly disturbing dreams. It was otherwise tolerable through the week, a bit of morning nausea and slight headache, and drastically fluctuating energy levels. I also took potent probiotics with it which helped a lot. The smell and discharge are gone."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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