Metronidazole for Bacterial Vaginosis User Reviews (Page 4)
Brand names: Flagyl, Metro, Flagyl IV, Likmez, Flagyl 375, Metro IV
Metronidazole has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 807 reviews for the treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis. 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 21% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Metronidazole
- Jil...
- December 23, 2013
"I have gotten bacterial vaginitis a few times over the past few years. Unlike most, I don't usually experience any odor or discharge. Instead, I just suffer from vaginal pain that is so bad it keeps me awake at night. I have taken this antibiotic in the past, and it works great - I feel better after just a few doses. This time around, I got very nauseous after my first dose and ended up throwing up. I think because I didn't take it with a real meal (just a small snack), it upset my stomach. Another possibility is I took a probiotic this morning, which says not to take it within 2 hours of taking an antibiotic..."
- Jul...
- July 28, 2020
"So I started taking this metronidazole yesterday at a dose of 500 mg twice a day for 7 days for bacterial vaginitis. I have had 3 doses so far, and I feel like garbage. I'm so nauseated, and my back is hurting, and I feel exhausted. I don't think I'm going to be able to take tonight's dose. Tomorrow I'm calling the doc and see if I can get something else. The good news is my discharge has stopped, and I feel better down below now, but it's everything else. I have never felt so bad from an antibiotic in my life."
Frequently asked questions
- What happens if you drink alcohol with metronidazole?
- How long does it take for metronidazole to work?
- What are the most common skin conditions? (with photos)
- Can metronidazole cause a yeast infection?
- Cap...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 21, 2021
"I'm 35, female, in average health, and I didn't really have any bad side effects to this. It took care of the BV within a couple of days!! I feel so much better, it is WORTH IT!! Mine was so bad I was in PAIN! NO more pain or smell. Amazing! The only side effects I notice at all were: headache on day two. Really bad, but I am also a waitress and did a double shift that day, so it could have been that. Slight general weakness and slight mental fog, slight loss of appetite, dark urine, very dark! And that's with me drinking adequate water, I thought, so my advice is, drink plenty of water. Eat a full meal before you take it. Cover it in peanut butter or take it FAST with orange juice because they are some nasty pills!!!"
- Anonymous
- July 29, 2012
Flagyl ER (metronidazole) "The medicine works wonders in curing bacterial vaginitis. However, the taste is not so pleasant. I gagged quite a bit while taking it and still had an aftertaste... eewww, but it was all worth it because the bacterial vaginitis went away in no time!"
Are you taking this medicine?
Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Anonymous
- September 20, 2011
"The doctor gave me these for an infection. I had to take 4 at one time, and that's all they gave me. Thought it was strange, turns out it was fine. Although they were really nasty and turned my urine dark, they seem to be doing the trick!"
- Jea...
- April 25, 2021
"Took 500 mg twice a day for 2 weeks for BV, it cleared the infection, but I have had major back pain and anxiety weeks after I finished the medications. It's so horrible I can't drive some days because I get dizzy. It's been a year, and still get random back pain and random anxiety attacks. Stay away from this medication."
More FAQ
- What can I do about the metallic taste of Flagyl?
- Does metronidazole treat chlamydia?
- Can you have sex while taking metronidazole?
- Does Flagyl cause diarrhea?
- Vag...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 2, 2016
"A little advice on taking metronidazole or flagyl pills. Put a little juice or milk in your mouth (just enough to puddle in the back), hold your nose, and drop the pill in the back of your throat, then take another drink of milk or juice and swallow hard. Putting the milk in your mouth will ensure the pill won't stick to your tongue and leave a very unpleasant residue and taste. Holding your nose will mute the taste of the pill because you need your nose to taste. Hope this helps."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 25, 2013
"I was prescribed metronidazole to take two times a day for seven days. I must say after the second day, the discharge and odor I had been experiencing for months went away. I finished the course of my medicine today, so hopefully after my cycle finishes, my issues would have gone away. If you are experiencing side effects, just remember to take your doses with a regular meal. That works wonders. I have experienced ZERO of the side effects that were listed on the label. Hope this review helps someone."
- may...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 7, 2016
"I've never had BV before, so when I got this medication, I was relieved, thinking it'll be gone in no time. Well, I was fine the first day I took it, with slight nausea. The second day, I felt more nauseated. This is my third day, and this morning when I took it, I was soooo dizzy heading to my classes, I thought I was going to pass out. I also felt so sick from the time I got up and worsened after I took the medication. I have been shaky all day, still feel sick and dizzy. I also have this awful taste in my mouth along with a dry mouth. I am going to continue to take it because it seems to help, but it's either too strong for me, or I am just one unlucky gal that gets the side effects."
- Cry...
- October 3, 2013
"I've had bacterial vaginitis for years on and off. I really have never taken any serious medication because I prefer to do things naturally. I can say that candy triggers my odor a lot, but I've tried to cut back, and the odor still exists. I finally got tired of the odor and excessive discharge and was prescribed Metronidazole 500 mg by my Dr. The first day, no change, the second day, no smell. I was so excited I had to tell people. I was so in bondage by the bacterial vaginitis. I haven't had any of the symptoms listed! I was fearful at first because I always feel like pills are going to make my heart race, but it was fine. No headache, no drowsiness. I ate a meal with every dose and drank plenty of water. This is my third day, and I am supposed to take medicine for 7 days. It works."
- Man...
- February 19, 2018
"I was prescribed metronidazole (two 500 mg pills twice daily, for 7 days) for BV. I got anxiety from reading the extreme reviews. Don't do that to yourself. I had stomach cramps and gas, slight nausea (rarely), and that was it. 1. Don't drink alcohol with this drug and try to avoid foods containing alcohol. Be strict with yourself. Getting sick isn't worth it. 2. Take a daily probiotic with this medication. Metronidazole kills good bacteria too. Eat probiotic yogurt or buy Flora probiotic capsules. I took two Flora capsules per day two hours after each Metro pill and ate yogurt. 3. Drink lots of water throughout the day and take the pill with food. 4. If you were not prescribed an exact time frame to take the two times a day pill, take it twelve hours apart. That gives you exactly two times in 24 hours for the medication to work. I'm on my last day, and I'm feeling great! Sorry this was a bit long, but I sincerely hope it helps some of you that might be afraid to take this drug. Good luck!!"
- sym...
- August 21, 2014
"After reading some of the reviews on this medication, I was a little afraid, so I held on to the medicine for a week until I began to take it. My experience has been good so far, and this is day 5. I'm not a person who can swallow pills, so like grandmom used to do, I smash them to crumbles and take them with applesauce. My symptoms went away on day 2."
- Tan...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 5, 2021
"Took metronidazole for BV, and like many of you, I was horrified when I came across these reviews before taking them. I was super hesitant, but I ended up taking them anyway. To my surprise, I did not experience any side effects, literally zero!!!! I am SUPER super relieved and happy. I am also only 4/7 days in and no more smell/discharge! Tip: For people who cannot stand the metallic taste of the pill, put the pill as far back in your mouth as possible—and I mean really far back—and gulp down water as soon as you do. Never had an issue with the taste by doing so!"
- Ann...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 6, 2019
"I'm currently writing from the toilet. 500 mg 2x a day (1,000 mg a day) pill for 7 days. 1st time on pill. 1st day took it before dinner with water and felt the food was stuck in my stomach! Had 3 sips of beer and immediately felt sick. Holy moly was unleashed and I had to live on the pot. I took a hot shower and felt better. Slept all day. I'm between jobs. Otherwise - help us all. Day 2 I can control my bowels! BV smell is gone, I never smelled of fish or was burny itchy. Had a light odor and was yellowish on white toilet paper. My ex triggered the BV. Yes, sex does that! I tasted metal, I pop the pill to the back of my throat and chase with water or soda. Get probiotics, you will bloat. Had BV for 10 years off and on. Mostly clears up after a cycle, this time it stayed. Finish the dose. You'll be thankful. Use condoms. Don't touch there. Be OCD or it'll keep coming back with vengeance. BV sucks worse than this pill. Tried all the other home-based tricks to fix it, but nothing but this pill works. Gels don't."
- Spi...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 21, 2017
"I have had bacterial vaginitis unknowingly for two and a half years, and my ob-gyn prescribed me 500 mg of metronidazole for seven days. Now I've read a lot of comments about how this didn't work or that didn't work, and whilst I haven't tried all of these, and every woman's body is different. I do know that most couples tend to do 'it' more than once a week, and I don't know if your ob-gyn told you this or not, but if you have sex unprotected whilst taking metronidazole or Flagyl, it just gives the BV on him and back in YOU. Which causes the bacteria to just keep getting transferred, so if you wanna get rid of it and haven't tried not having sex, then try to not have sex during the 7 days and 48 hrs after the seven days. It worked for me!"
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 17, 2013
"Amazing, it completely got rid of the odor and discharge. The pill is the worst tasting pill I've ever had in my life, but it works. I have two more days of taking it, but I already notice a difference."
- Law...
- September 14, 2014
"Definitely side effects, but tolerable! The first night I couldn't sleep, and day 2-4, mild stomach pains and nausea. I also had some anxiety along with some crazy dreams at night. The taste was bad, but I always immediately washed it down with food and juice. I admit I expected it to be a lot worse, but the biggest challenge was not being able to drink! As a bonus, my rosacea has almost completely cleared in one week. Who knew!!"
- Ann...
- July 8, 2014
"I randomly developed a foul discharge, went to the doctor right away, and she prescribed me this medicine to take two times a day for seven days. It does work, but the side effects for me have been TERRIBLE. Day 1 I couldn't sleep, and every day after that, I've been sick to my stomach as well as drowsy. On the bright side, it works."
- Anonymous
- November 14, 2010
"I'm on the third day of a seven-day treatment of this medicine, and after the third pill, my infection cleared up. I wish I could stop taking them now because the pills have such a nasty taste and leave me feeling very sick and weak. I thought it was just me, but I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one."
- Red...
- February 24, 2016
"The medication does work, but it's just so horrible to take. I feel like I've been hit by a bus. Really bad headache, tight chest, and sickness. Not sure if anyone else has had this, but felt particularly down and out of whack with reality. I'm honestly scared to take the next tablet, but have to do so to get rid of BV! Hope everyone else is doing okay with it!"
- Ano...
- July 29, 2016
"I was given the one-time dose of 2000 mg to take at once. I had the pills a full 5 days before I said screw this fishy smell and milky discharge and just crushed them and downed them with milk. Truth, the taste is HORRIBLE!! Death in a pill! However, I had NONE of the deathly experiences so many of you have described. A little nausea and dizziness. The slightest though... Like the kind you get from being too hot for too long. Nothing major. But it's been 12 hours now and the discharge AND fishy smell are GONE!! I'm mad I hadn't taken them already now, because I could be back to my regular, clear discharge. But I recommend it!!!"
- Lin...
- August 1, 2016
"I knew for a while that something was off down there. I suspected BV and went and asked my doctor for the antibiotic. I am VERY sensitive to most medications, which typically cause me intense nausea. So I was very nervous to try this stuff, especially after reading reviews. But I'm happy to say I've had little to no side effects, aside from a slight headache. However, I did start with a very small dose, just to try it out. My doctor told me to take 500 mg (two pills) a day with food. But the first day, I only took half of a pill (about 125 mg) just to see how it went down. No problems. Day two, I took the full dose, no problems, and BV symptoms are almost gone. Coated my pill in peanut butter as per my doctor's suggestion and have yet to taste it."
- Lau...
- September 4, 2014
"1 star rating for the pills. 10 stars for the cream. I was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection and bacterial vaginitis simultaneously. I was prescribed the pill form of Flagyl for the bacterial vaginitis. I was very nauseous after beginning the course of Flagyl, and within 24 hours, I began vomiting profusely. I vomited/dry heaved every 2 hours for about 12 hours. Since I couldn't even keep down water, much less food or the pills, the vomiting subsided. I contacted my doctor first thing the following morning, and she prescribed the Metronidazole Vaginal Cream. It worked amazingly well and cleared up the bacterial vaginitis. I had a slight yeast infection following treatment that cleared up well with over-the-counter cream."
- Ann...
- June 22, 2013
"My infection cleared up by the second day I was using it, but I was given a prescription for 500 mg twice a day for seven days. The side effects have been bad. I have a headache, I vomit everything I swallow, and can barely get out of bed."
Learn more about Bacterial Vaginosis
Care guides
Symptoms and treatments guides (external)
More about metronidazole
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- Reviews (2,424)
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- During pregnancy
- Support group
- Drug class: amebicides
- Breastfeeding
Patient resources
- Metronidazole drug information
- Metronidazole (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
- Metronidazole Tablets and Capsules
- Metronidazole Injection
Other brands
Flagyl, Flagyl IV, Likmez, Flagyl ER
Professional resources
- Metronidazole monograph
- Metronidazole (FDA)
- Metronidazole Capsules (FDA)
- Metronidazole Extended Release (FDA)
- Metronidazole Injection (FDA)
Other brands
Flagyl, Likmez, Flagyl 375, Flagyl ER
"Having struggled with BV for months and too chicken to see a doctor, I cannot believe how quickly this worked once I finally gave in and sought medical help. Kicking myself for not getting treated before now. I got my life back!"