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Metronidazole for Bacterial Vaginosis User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Flagyl, Metro, Flagyl IV, Flagyl 375, Likmez, Metro IV

Metronidazole has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 806 reviews for the treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis. 53% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 21% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Metronidazole

  • kergra
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 10, 2020

"I took this for BV along with an oral medication for a mild yeast infection. I wasn't even having symptoms for the bv, just found out with an annual PAP, but the side effects are BRUTAL. By day 2, headaches and dizziness. Day 3-5 extreme fatigue, weakness, MAJOR head fog, loss of appetite and though I already suffer from depression and anxiety, this medication seemed to make it so much worse. Seeing as though I didn't experience symptoms for the BV in the first place, I'm not sure if the medication is worth the side effects. I would ask for a better option."

2 / 10
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  • Kimmy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 7, 2019

"This works like magic.!!! No lie I was scared because of the reviews and held off taking it for months instead I ended up taking something else I was allergic too and had hives for over 7 months!!! BV was taking over my life and I'm ready for more kids so its interfering I wanted it gone!! Anywho I decided to try it finally - best decision ever. I took 2 a day for 6 days. I have no side effects I take 1 in the morning 1 at night. The pills are DISGUSTING!! I only take it with smoothies so it coats it and you can't taste a thing!!! Then I wash it down with water. I've had BV for over a year and can finally say it's gone I'm so happy. Don't let the reviews scare u like me at first. Try it."

10 / 10
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  • Yea
  • September 9, 2019

"I had BV a few times in the past usually from continuous unprotected sex WITH my partner, after a while too much bacterial build up leads to BV. I usually use the gel and it worked amazingly for me. I preferred the gel because although it takes 5 days within the first day the smell goes away !! Nobody wants to walk around smelling like fishy garbage !!! This time around I decided to try the pills. It took day 2 days for smell to ease up by day 3 the smell was gone ! I had no side effects from this pill whatsoever I even took on empty belly a few times ! Don’t worry too much about what these comments says ! Everyone is diff ! I will recommend them both ! The gel I would recommend to take at night before you sleep .... for obvious reasons. Hope this help ..... both treatments worked for me !!!!"

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Frequently asked questions

  • Mande...
  • September 25, 2016

"Today is my third day with flagyl for BV. I do have a weird taste in my mouth, when I brush my teeth and eat. To prevent yeast infection I eat yogurt, and take a probiotic powder packet that's fizzy and you mix into water like an emergen-c packet. I also wear long dresses and nightgowns around the house without undies to help with air flow which heals and prevents yeast infections. It's my health and going commando , taking flagyl, and drinking water to dilute the concentrated urine, all have been helpful in stopping side effects."

10 / 10
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  • eclec...
  • October 7, 2013

"Bacterial vaginitis was single-handedly the worst health experience I have ever had. I don't know what it is, but boom, you have vaginal odor, and you just can't even look in the mirror. My doctor prescribed me metronidazole twice a day for seven days. The nurse warned me that it tasted awful, but I didn't care, just wanted to feel better. Within 24 hours of my first dose, my odor and discharge were gone. All the reviews are right, it tastes awful, but if you can drop the pill in the back of your throat and not let it touch your tongue, then drink a lot of water, you won't even taste it. Eat before you take it. Time your doses with meals and flush your fluids, and you should be able to avoid the metallic taste like I did. The medication works!"

9 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Ill...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 21, 2014

"I had very mild symptoms of BV. Really minimal amount of discharge and only an odor after sex. I googled my symptoms and diagnosed myself with BV. I didn't want to have sex again until I got it taken care of. I went to the doctor and vwala...diagnosed and RX'd Metronidazole 500mg BID. I'm only on my 2nd day of the medicine. I googled taking a probiotic (lactobacillus) alongside it (3-4 hours after you take your metronidazole) because the metronidazole could upset your bacteria/yeast balance in your body and actually cause you to get a yeast infection. So I've been taking my metronidazole and then 4 hours later I'll take a probiotic pill. I am SUPER dizzy and my tummy hurts. Not digging the side effects :-("

7 / 10
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  • Jj2525
  • September 8, 2016

"I would NOT recommend this crap to my worst enemy! I've never taken medicine that made me as sick as I am. I was prescribed metroniazole to take twice a day for 7 days. It cause very bad headaches/mild fever, horrible taste to cold drinks/foods, vomitting nearly 12 hours straight, nausea, diarrhea ugh!! I'm on day 6 can I honestly can't wait until my last day tomorrow. It also caused a yeast infection. I just feel horrible like why do they even have this medication on the market? Idk how I'm going to take my 2nd dose for day 6 cause I feel too queasy. I just wanna get back to my normal self I'm restless!"

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More FAQ

  • Nat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 6, 2019

"Reading these reviews made my anxiety so high, it took me a few days before I decided I would just try half a pill first. Took pepto and then the pill. I was fine, I ended up taking the full dosage 1 pill twice a day 500 mg. I was fine. I ended up forgetting to take pepto first one day and was fine, so quit taking that. I did always take it either with milk or Sprite, never had trouble swallowing it. A couple times I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth, so I'd eat something sweet, and it would go away. The only side effects I had were, horrible taste in my mouth (didn't last the whole time), maybe some mood swings (could just be PMS), hot flashes (tolerable). I just finished taking my last pill tonight. Like others have said, everyone is different, and most won't come on here and post a positive review, but I wanted to hopefully ease someones anxiety. Just take it, you'll more than likely not have any horrible side effects :)"

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  • Neede...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 7, 2020

"I’m not even kidding when I say this, I delayed taking metronidazole for like 5 months because of all the horrible reviews I read and me being scared. BV did not go away after everything I tried so I went to the doc again and sucked it up, I took my first two by 500mg doses yesterday and NO SIDE EFFECTS. The taste is literally in your mouth for about 10 seconds and it’s gone. I ate a full meal then just placed it at the back of my tongue and drank milk and nothing! I also took diflucan for yeast with the 1st two doses and probiotics and I feel just fine. I’m hoping to start seeing some results soon.."

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  • Anonymous
  • November 27, 2013

"This pill works well. I have been taking it for 3 days, and the symptoms are gone! I have been suffering from bacterial vaginitis for a year and ignored it. I got checked out for everything else except for B.V. and just thought it was something normal until I got pregnant and started having a lot of stomach pain and discharge, so I told my doctor about it, and she prescribed me this medicine. I can say this medication works wonders."

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  • Lano
  • May 3, 2020

"On metronidazole for BV and my dose is 2x daily oral for 7 days. Fine the first 3 days and then day 4 extreme headache and nausea to the point of vomiting and day 5 still hasn’t gone away. Afraid to take another dose but I really need the BV to go away so I guess I will need to stick it out."

6 / 10
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  • Ray1smh
  • August 3, 2016

"It works but of course it tastes awful, also your pee will be dark and have a smell so drink plenty of water. Discharge is normal since it's cleaning all the bacteria. Make sure you replenish the good bacteria by eating yogurt or using probiotic suppositories."

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  • Trud
  • February 20, 2014

"I have been dealing with bacterial vaginitis on and off for a while, and usually, metronidazole works. The only issue is the yeast infection afterwards. However, after I completed my last treatment, I developed a terrible case of hives (never happened to me before). Days later, the hives cleared up, but then the yeast infection! After the yeast infection, guess what came back... BV! I don't know what to do at this point."

6 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 15, 2014

"I seem to get bacterial vaginitis often, about 2-3 times a year. I tried Flagyl in the pill form and vaginal gel on different occasions. For me, they both clear up the infection by the 3rd day. The only difference is, I do not experience side effects with the vaginal gel, but with the pill, I experience stomach cramps and fatigue."

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  • Sickly...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 12, 2014

"Had an odor for about a year before being diagnosed after the discharge got heavy. The smell penetrated everything I wore and ranged from fishy to sickly sweet and metallic. I've been taking the pills twice daily for six days, and I'm fairly certain my symptoms are gone! Awful taste that stays with you all day, though."

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  • NextS...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 22, 2013

"So far, I have taken 9 Metro 500 mg pills. I'm very thankful that I have not experienced any bad side effects, and I have anxiety (not medicated). The only thing I have noticed is the following: 1. more alertness, which can keep you up a little more. 2. I felt hungrier, but not to where I eat everything, just a little more appetite. 3. Somewhat of a dry mouth, but only a little. 4. I have noticed the slight burning and itchiness, discharge, and smell has gone for the most part. Yes, I had these symptoms with bacterial vaginitis. What I have done to take this medicine is drink cranberry juice (find the closest to the real thing) and GoGurts. I read that cranberry juice flushes you out, and yogurt will help with placing good bacteria back and hope to not get a yeast infection."

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  • Anonymous
  • June 26, 2014

"I have taken this medicine, and it does work. I'd advise a person to take it while at home with food because it may upset your stomach and cause you to go to the bathroom. It leaves a metallic taste in my mouth and alters the taste of food on the first day. After the first 2 days, I was fine, and symptoms cleared instantly. But continue the whole dosage to reassure that the infection is gone."

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  • Tonya
  • August 9, 2014

"I think it works. Yes, it does clear up the bacterial vaginitis. However, I have terrible back pain, joint pains, headache, awful taste in mouth. Been 5 days on metronidazole for the first time, and these side effects mostly have me in bed. I am 18 and anemic. I like the fact that I smell better already. Hate that each day of taking this medicine feels like the first day of my period, except that I am not having my period. Good thing it's only a few days, 2 to go."

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  • Roe
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 11, 2018

"I read tons of reviews before hand and was terribly nervous that I too would be sick and have adverse side effects. Because of this, I took extra precautions by eating a full meal at every dose and taking each dose exactly 12 hours apart. I am on day 6 of 7 and so far, still no side effects. I know so many people will share their bad experience but I wanted to share my positive one. I was apprehensive at first but glad iIwent through with this treatment. Good luck!"

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  • Zaleena
  • October 9, 2015

"Within a few days, the smell and itching went away. Only problem is yesterday was my last day taking the pills for the infection, and it still feels weird down there. Just a little uncomfortable. I hope it goes away!! Anyone else have this problem?"

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  • Love...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 4, 2017

"I decided to share my experience, because when I first read the reviews, they almost scared me into not taking them. I was prescribed 500mg, twice a day, for seven days. I completed day two today. After taking the first pill, the discharge decreased dramatically, and the smell was completely eliminated. On day two, the discharge was completely gone. I have had no side effects whatsoever. The reviews scared me so bad that I seriously considered not even taking them. I am not used to taking medicine other than Motrin. I drink less than once a year, so I'm not sure if that played a part in the lack of side effects or not. I am going to complete the seven day treatment, but it's just day two, and all of my symptoms are gone."

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  • Cedmoss
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 4, 2020

"I currently had BV so my doctor prescribes metronidazole ! 2 tablets [500MG] I’m 25 5”4 130 pounds ! My first time trying this medicine and I thought I was losing my mind. I started getting SLEEPY through out the day , I had a migraine for 3 DAYS STRAIGHT, and became very dizzy and nauseous and didn’t know why I thought I was pregnant ! Come to find out it’s just the METRONIDAZOLE ...decided to look at reviews and found this site ! THANK YOU LADIES ! I have one more day to go but honestly I just want to feel normal again !IT DOES WORK but the side effects I’ll pass next time"

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  • Never...
  • August 7, 2019

"This is maybe my 4th time on my life having to take this drug I’m 33 last time I took was about 4 years ago, always clears up my BV, yes it’s disgusting but worth every horrible taste instead of walking around with A leaky fishy vajayjay. Never had any side effects."

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  • Sara
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 9, 2019

"After being diagnosed with BV, I was almost scared to start taking metronidazole after reading all of the horrible reviews! But I can honestly say that I had NO side effects. Besides the bad taste after taking the pill, that lasts for maybe 10 seconds, but I can live with that."

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  • LeighJ
  • September 4, 2017

"I wasn't going to write a review on this but I thought I should to give a reason for women to relax! I was given Metronidazole, 500mg twice a day for 7 days for BV. After reading these reviews, I was terrified to take this antibiotic. I was suppose to take it on a Thursday but was so terrified of everyone's experiences on it that I started it a day late. I feel foolish for reading to into other reviews. I just finished my second day and I haven't had any of the terrifying side effects that most of these other women on here have had. The only thing I have, which isn't a big deal compared to the symptoms most of the women stated, is slight diarrhea. Key word; SLIGHT. Don't freak out by others experience! And it's already working with my BV!"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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